Saturday, December 4, 2021

Mi La'Shem Ai'lay


As we approach Zos Chanukah, please help save Bnos Yisroel from the threat of a potential female Draft - in America - already included in the "must-pass" National Defense Authorization Act ("NDAA"). This terrible Gezairah al Ha'Das (antireligious edict) is not much different than the Hegmonite Gezairas HaYevonim that promted Yehudis to initiate the Maccabee uprising. And it's waiting for a vote in the U.S. Senate, any day now.

Due to the input of a numerous leftist Republicans - joining many Democrats - the NDAA, if passed as is, would require all women between 18 and 25 to register with Selective Service, just like men.  That means: IF there would EVER be a future draft - including a draft for non-combat "national emergency" purposes (another dangerous addition to this year's NDAA) - WOMEN WOULD BE DRAFTED - to serve ALONG WITH,  and under the command of the some of the lowest elements of society - in the name of "Equality." As degraded as society is now, it will likely be even worse in any future draft. [Imagine what type of Shidduch crisis THAT would cause.]  The time to stop this lunacy is NOW. By the time of any actual draft, it will be too late.

Additionally, even if there would NEVER be a draft, this bill would have several terrible immediate and short term effects, including:
(a) encouraging many other countries to follow suit; (b) acceleration of the ongoing efforts of the Israeli Draft Office to force, dupe, or convince religious girls to enlist in the notoriously immoral Army; (c) acceleration of radical feminism overall, and in religious communities as well; (d) it could also introduce the idea of Army service to innocent girls to whom such a option would never have occurred, e.g. many Bais Yaakov graduates.

גיוס בנות - הוא ביהרג ואל יעבור!

In the days of the saintly Chashmonoyim, noshim tzidkoniyos (righteous women) played a crucial role in the Heavenly victory of the Maccabees against the Hellenist and Greek enemies. (See Yalkut Shimoni 606 on Rus 4:11; Sotah 11b; Sefer Kav HaYashar 82.)

(1) Today as well, it's crucial that ALL WOMEN AND GIRLS age 16 y/o & up urge their two Senators, and then their Congressional Representative, to immediately push for the REPEAL of "Selective Service" - Senate Amendment "S.A. 4161." Specifically, urge each SENATOR to do two things: 

(a) insist on allowing a vote for "Senate Amendment" SA4161 (Selective Service Repeal), and any similar amendments that arise,

(b) and then, of course, vote for it/ them.

Make sure to urge EVERY LEGISLATOR to oppose the NDAA in any way possible IF the leadership of EITHER party blocks  a vote on S.A. 4161, or a similar amendment - FOR AS LONG AS the expansion of Selective Service (to women, or for purposes other than replenishing troops dying in battle) remains in the NDAA.

(2) Secondly, it's crucial to demand Senator Charles Schumer (D, NY) allow enough debate time for  S.A.4161 and similar amendments; call 202-224-6542/ 212-486-4430. His delays are one major reason for the threats we now face. With a straight face, Schumer claims a connection to the Holy chassidus of Tchort'kov. If he insists on "talking the talk," let him at least pretend to "walk the walk" - by allowing debate on any amendment that would undo the expansion of Selective Service, and thereby save innocent women in the future from untold horrors, in addition to averting all of the short-term fallout of that provision of the current NDAA.
Also please urge the following Congressional leaders to "please ensure a vote on Selective Service Repeal - and similar bills - not IN SPITE of their support of the Armed Forces - but specifically BECAUSE of it - namely, to maximize prospects of successfully stopping S.S. expansion to women, in this Democratic-dominated Congress." (Drafting women will hurt military readiness at the worst time - and for no good reason; the Center for Military Readiness has details.)

1. The Senate Republican Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell [R, KY]: (202) 224-2541 / Fax:" -2499
2. The GOP House Leader Representative Kevin McCarthy: (202) 225-2915 / Fax: " -2908

3. Senator Joe Manchin III [D, WV]:   202-224-3954 [possibly a swing Democrat];

4. The (top) Ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. James M. Inhofe [R, OK]: (202) 224-4721/ Fax: (202) 228-0380.

For the central Congressional Switchboard, call 202-224-3121, or:

Q) How do the women calling explain their motivation to oppose Selective Service, if asked by  leftist staffers?

A) They don't want to serve, nor should any woman be FORCED to. Even from a secular perspective, it's misogynist (anti-woman) to FORCE women into any type of government service, to be subjugated to harmful elements of society, with - and under - whom they'd be forced to serve.  Moreover, to force women into the most "UN-equal" dangers of combat against violent males - risking both death and capture - is unspeakably barbaric.*
* ד"ל.
Q) Why Eliminate Selective Service (S.S.)?

A) ° The S.S. Repeal bill, and similar types of legislation, would provide a real chance of success in this Democratic-dominated Congress, if the Republicans would get behind them. Many on the Left also oppose S.S.. 

° S.S. is also unnecessary: Selective Service is an obsolete leftover legacy of left-leaning Jimmy Carter. In 1980, Carter reinstated S.S. - in his failed mission to extend S.S. to women.

° There are additional reasons to abolish S.S., including the prohibition to serve in  the current Dor HaMabul (G@¥$)-dominated military environment, or to fight in wars prohibited according to Torah.

Q) Isn't that opposing the Draft itself?

A) Not at all. If there will ever be a real need for a Draft, R"L, they'd need separate legislation anyway, with or without Selective Service. With modern technology, they can draft people just as well without the wasteful S.S. bureaucracy.

Q) What about the House?

A) The entire House of Representatives already passed their version of the NDAA on Sept. 23, including the provision from Representative Houlahan (D, PA), requiring women to register for Selective Service. However, there may be another House vote on the final version of the NDAA.

Q) Why the need to push so hard for a vote on Selective Service Repeal? 

A) Schumer has already delayed the NDAA vote until it's too late to allow enough debate on some of the most important of the 900 amendments that may be considered. That means that the Republicans, who are the minority in the Senate (by 1), may only be able to get a vote on ONE amendment against expanding Selective Service to women. It's our job to ensure that the Senate votes on an amendment that will have the BEST chance of getting enough BIPARTISAN support to actually pass. We can't rely on the Republicans to do that without a lot of pressure.*

* Many Republicans are, quite apparently, NOT fighting to win (some possibly hoping to exploit a loss to run next year) - and not pushing for the Selective Service Repeal amendment, or similar types of legislation.

Q) Are there other objections to the NDAA?

A) There definitely are other very dangerous provisions inserted into the NDAA. Whatever can be done to eliminate them should definitely be done, including filibustering to stall the bill. However, that's no REPLACEMENT for an  amendment with a real fighting chance, like S.S. Repeal, or the like.
As we were redeemed from Egypt in the merit of righteous women, similarly, we shall be redeemed from this exile in the merit of righteous women (see Sefer Kav HaYashar 82).
Call Today. Please share! Have a dar'hoibeneh Chanukah.

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