Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Orthodox rabbis call on US universities to suspend diversity programs


A coalition that represents more than 2,000 Orthodox rabbis on American public policy issues is demanding that American universities abandon their "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) efforts in the wake of a report showing that DEI leaders often promote antisemitism.

"With antisemitic incidents rising at an alarming rate, using Israel as a convenient facade, universities must ensure their diversity efforts include protection of Jewish students," Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), told Fox News. "Instead they have appointed foxes to guard the proverbial hen house."


  1. What an amazing turn of events. Anti-semitism has taken us, the most persecuted people in history, and re-labelled us as the most privileged, then declared it a virtue to hate us.

  2. The operative term is "equity." All the rest is window dressing.

    The Google definition of equity includes "the quality of being fair and impartial." But also includes "he value of the shares issued by a company."

    Bottom line: the underlying premise of DEI seems to be that those who have more than you got it unfairly, therefore to make things right, it is only fair to give you a cut of what others have.

    So, DEI isn't designed to be anti-Jewish. The anti-Jewish part flows freely from Jews in Eretz Yisrael having more, collectively, than the Arabs, specifically those Arabs who identify as Palestinians.

    Same in America: Jews collectively have more per capita than some other groups.

    Instead of whining about DEI generating anti-semitism, Jews should surrender their wealth to those promoting DEI in order to have the money, land, stocks, etc. redistributed as the DEI overlords demand.

  3. Here's the thing, Joseph. It doesn't matter which side you're on, the Jews are at fault.
    From the extreme right, we get the view that it's leftist Jews that are encouraging those uppity minorities and enabling them to replace Whites as the "natural population" of America. On the left you get the view that rich Jews are responsible for and perpetuating capitalism which is the source of all evil and for entrenching "White privilege". Either way we lose.
    Does that sound familiar? It's just classic communism with a new name. Lenin, y"sh, and Stalin, y"sh, weren't anti-Semites, you know. They were pro-state and any Jew who was suspected of valuing his Jewishness over his loyalty to the State (which was, frankly, all Jews) was actually working against the coming of the Worker's Paradise and therefore an enemy. Completely rational, yes? It's the same thing with DEI - Jews who value their "privilege" (and frankly that's all of us again) are enemies of equity and have to be treated as such.
    Menken is a fool. Communism also pursued a noble goal. Look how that turned out.


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