Monday, October 21, 2024

Igros Moshe: Can Yeshiva students take food without permission from the yeshiva kitchen?

It was brought to my attention that there are yeshiva bochrim who steal food from the yeshiva kitchen falsely claiming that this was permitted by a teshuva of Rav Moshe Feinstein. Therefore I am presenting my translation of the teshuva where it is obvious that Reb Moshe allowed no such practice. He did say where it is financially possible that the yeshiva should provide food "even in the middle of the night" but he clearly states it is the job of the administration to decide this and not for the bochrim to take the initiative.

Furthermore my brother-in-law told me that when he was in Lakewood that Rav Schneur Kotler had him install video cameras in the kitchen to catch some very agressive bochrim - who subsequently left Lakewood after they were caught and confronted by Rav Kotler.

Igros Moshe (Y.D. 4:39): Addressed to R Yitzchok Chevroni – Nasi of Yeshiva Chevron.

It is clear that this question is a general one that is relevant to all yeshiva including mine. After considerable thought I decided many years ago that the administrators of the yeshiva have the responsibility and the authority to distribute the money which is donated to the yeshiva   because it is reasonable to assume that this is the desire of the donors. Thus the money was donated to the yeshiva by the donors with the understanding that it would be administered by the staff of the yeshiva because the donors know that the administrators of the yeshiva are responsible people who will utilize the money in a proper manner.

On the other hand it is necessary that the administrators know that the purpose of the yeshiva is for the students. Thus they need to be aware that the money has been given for the students’ welfare and benefit. It is prohibited for the administrator to conduct the yeshiva in a manner that seems cruel and unmerciful. Thus the administration needs to utilize the money for the good of the students according to the financial capabilities of the yeshiva. For example it should provide sufficient food to all the students and even to provide extra portions to those who want it. The yeshiva should even to arrange for some food in the middle of the night to those who want to eat a snack. Of course there is a distinction between a wealthy yeshiva and a poor yeshiva. Therefore it is possible that the administration might have to place restrictions according to their understanding of the needs of the yeshiva. In this manner the administration needs to balance the resources of the yeshiva with the benefits to the students also concerning things such as the use of electricity and other matters.

Halacha and Truth

 Rav Moshe Feinstein(Igros Moshe O.H. 1 Introduction): It is correct and obligatory for the sages of the latter generations to decide halacha - even if they are not qualified according to the standards of the sages of the gemora. Therefore there is definitely a concern that their halachic determinations are not in accord with the view of Heaven. However in truth we are guided by the principle that Torah is not in Heaven. Rather it is determined according to what appears correct to the rabbi after proper study of the issue to clarify the halacha according to the Talmud, and the writings of poskim. He is to use his full abilities to seriously deliberate with fear of Heaven - in order to determine what appears to be the correct halacha. Such a psak is viewed as true and he is obligated to issue his conclusion. This obligation exists even if in fact his ruling is contrary to the halacha in Heaven. His ruling is also considered the “word of the living G‑d as long as he is convinced he is correct and it is internally consistent. He will receive reward for his rulings even if the truth is not in accord with his position. Proof for this is found in Shabbos (130a): A certain city in Israel that followed the halacha according to R’ Eliezer - even though this was not the accepted halacha - got great reward in terms of long life… Thus ruling which a rabbi is obligated to teach and receive reward for is that which he decides after studying the issue with his full ability. This obligation and receiving of reward exists even if the ruling is not in accord with the truth. This is the nature of all disputes of the rishonim and achronim concerning what is permitted and what if prohibited. As long as a universal ruling has not been determined - each rabbi can make decisions for his followers according to that which he thinks is correct - even though the objective halacha is only in accord with one of them. Both will also receive reward for their rulings. Because of this we find much dispute also in the most severe prohibitions - with variations between places that rule like the Rambam and Beis Yosef and those that rule like Tosfos and the Rema. Both of the opposing views are “the words of the living G‑d even though the actual truth as understood by Heaven is only like one of them.

 Rav Moshe Feinstein(Igros Moshe Y.D. 3:92): Our Sages describe the opposing views of halachic debate as both being “the words of the living G‑d.” This means that Torah study of the diverse views of Sages inherently does not contain something which is not true. Thus the opposing views of Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel are both true. This rule applies also to the disputes of R’ Eliezer and all the Tannaim and Amoraim. All of them were given from One Shepherd. Thus it was not untrue when the Heavenly Bas Kol announced that the Halacha was in accord with R’ Eliezer. His words were inherently true - even though in this world we decide practical Halacha on the basis of majority decision. Because of the inherent truth of all views of our sages, we say the blessing “Who gave to us the Torah of truth” even if we are only learning the views that have been rejected from practical Halacha such as Beis Shammai or minority opinions.

Rav Tzadok(Dover Tzedek 4): The expression eilu v’eilu refers to the fact that … all the aspects and parts are in fact a unity and they all are the words of the living G‑d. However, this concept is truly beyond rational comprehension. How is it possible that complete opposites are both true. We know that it is impossible that truth is anything other than one. How can diverse and conflicting things all be a unity? … Therefore, this concept of eilu v’eilu is beyond the material intellect of man. That is also, why there is no absolutely clear Halacha in the Oral Law that is beyond dispute - except for Halacha L’Moshe which is not disputed as the Rambam states…

R’ Yisroel Salanter(Ohr Yisroel #30): Perhaps the reason that the Bas Kol announced that both Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel were the “words of the living G‑d” was not that a rejected opinion is not Torah (because Torah is not in Heaven and they both obviously had a tradition from Moshe at Sinai and hadn’t forgotten it). But rather so the people should not despair after seeing them dispute for three years. They might have thought that perhaps the disputing sides had slipped slightly from total objectivity and that this slight bias removed the rejected view of Beis Shammai from being considered G‑d’s Torah. Therefore, the Bas Kol informed them that the view of Beis Shammai were totally acceptable to G‑d. The debate was prolonged because each side felt strongly that their view was superior to the other. Nevertheless, even the rejected views of Beis Shammai are the “words of the living G‑d” and one who studies them is studying G‑d’s Torah.

Trump Works McDonald’s Fry Station/ Peter principle - rising to level of incompetence


Kiruv for non-Jews with Jewish Identity II

I am raising an issue of great importance for the future of the Jewish people. There seems to have been a major revolution in the last few years in the approach to dealing with both intermarriage and the non-Jewish children of intermarriage - and yet very few rabbonim seem aware of it. My purpose in writing the following is to provide intelligent discussion of these issues as well as to establish a literature that can be utilized by others. As Rav Sternbuch has noted - halacha depends upon accurate written discussions of issues that can be analyzed and debated. A statement by a rav - no matter how big - which doesn't provide the critical issue of context and sources is very problematic for use by others.

The issue was raised one Shabbos when I received some guests sent by a well known kiruv organization. In the course of discussing how each one of our guests had come to be interested in this particular program - the guest who was most interested in Yiddishkeit stated. "I was raised as a Methodist because my mother is a Methodist - but I am Jewish because my father is Jewish." To put it mildly I was shocked - how could this obvious fact not have been checked prior to admitting this young man into the program. The program is involved in bringing Jews with no Jewish education to Israel where there have a great time - and also learn about Yiddishkeit. The expenses of the participants are heavily subsidized by wealthy benefactors. I said nothing but after Shabbos I called the director to inform him of the problem. His response was, "We know that he is not Jewish but we were told to accept him since he has a Jewish identity."

In the subsequent months I have mentioned this to various rabbonim - who have all expressed shock that this is officially sanctioned. No one knew any teshuvos written on the subject which justify this approach. However I have found that this is not simply a quirk with one kiruv organization - it represents a major conflict between different kiruv organizations. The big money seems to be going in the direction of kiruv for non-Jews (with some kind of Jewish identity) with the hope of converting them. A friend of mine told me that on three separate occasions he was sent guests for Shabbos from a Russian kiruv program here in Jerusalem and found out that they were all non-Jews. When he complained, the program simply stopped sending him guests.

Similarly there has been a major effort to actively pursue intermarried couples and using various techniques - representive of the best American marketing techniques - convince the non-Jewish spouse to convert. This latter approach is spearheaded by R' Leib Tropper of Yeshiva Kol Yaakov in Monsey. See his website [Eternal Jewish Family - Convert to Judaism, Jewish Conversion, Universally Accepted Halachic Conversions for Intermarried Couples ] - especially the videos of testimonials from satisfied customers. It has the official backing of Rav Eliyashiv, Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Reuven Feinstein as well as many others important rabbis. I have not been able to locate any written teshuvos dealing with this either - even though it also represents a major change in the traditional approach to this issue.

I mentioned this information to Rav Moshe Sternbuch who found my revelations disturbing and he wrote a letter which he asked me to translate and distribute. He personally read and approved the translation. The original letter and its translation can be found at the following links.

Some of the discussion aroused already can be found at the following link

One of the assertions being made is that Rav Moshe Feinstein has approved kiruv for non-Jews who have a Jewish identify. This assertion has been made by one of America's most widely respected poskim who was a very close talmid of Rav Moshe who said it was an oral psak that he received. I have combed the Igros Moshe and there is no support for this in the Igros Moshe. However recently I was challenged by a certain rosh yeshiva who asserted that what the hetar for this type of kiruv is inherent in the clearly stated teshuva of Reb Moshe regarding the Falashas. I rechecked this teshuva and - contrary to my challenger - it seems clear that this teshuva not only does not support this assertion but seems to directly contradict it. My translation of the teshuva is as follows:

Igros Moshe Y.D. IV. #41 page 271

After much investigation it appears that if the Falashas are not given a Jewish education they will deteriorate even more and will refuse to convert and this can possibly cause – G‑d forbid! –intermarriage between Jews and the Falashas. Therefore l’maaseh they should be given a Jewish education and be influenced through this education to convert as they need to do - as I have written to your brother R’ Mordechai Tendler. One should not be concerned by the fact that we are teaching Torah to people whose status as Jews is in doubt. Since it is actually possible that they are Jews and since there is a reason for this education - it would appear there is no prohibition to teach them Torah. But you should not teach them false halachos - an act which itself is prohibited. In other words, don’t tell them that we in fact view them as definitely Jewish.Instead tell them that while in fact there is a doubt about their status as Jews nevertheless we are prepared to educate them in G‑d’s Torah and His mitzvos. Please note that until they are actually converted they are not to be considered as definitely Jewish even in regards to counting them as part of a minyan or to receive an aliya to the Torah. They are not to be shamed or embarrassed but on the other hand they should not be deceived with false flattery. On the other hand l’chumra they are required to keep all the mitzvos because maybe they are in fact genuine Jews.

Reb Moshe is acknowledging the danger of intermarriage from a non-Jew who views himself as Jewish. However he allows the teaching of Torah only because the person is a "questionable Jew". It follows that if the person is definitely not Jewish he would not have given this heter. Otherwise Reb Moshe would have simply said "any non-Jew who has a Jewish identity should be educated in Torah and converted".

'Apprentice' faked Trump's success

Rav Moshe Feinstein and the History of Thanksgiving

Nevertheless, Sokolow correctly points out that thanksgiving is indeed a Jewish value. Without resorting to invented traditions or ahistorical myths, Jews express gratitude to God every day in prayer. Much like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, which cohere with the Jewish value of honoring one’s parents, Thanksgiving reflects ideas in our own texts and traditions. As Rav Moshe reminded us, American Jews should express gratitude for the religious liberty we have enjoyed in America. May it be God’s will that America continues to serve as a safe haven for Jews.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

US investigates leak of Pentagon documents on Israel’s plans to attack Iran

Pentagon's classified documents were posted publicly online over the weekend and deal with Israel's preparations for an attack against Iran; "The leak is very worrying," an American official told CNN, which  confirmed the documents are authentic

Probe underway into intel leak of Israeli plans for Iran strike — US house speaker

IDF says it targets Hezbollah intelligence command post, underground arms factory * Likud blasts opposition chiefs for not condemning ‘Iranian assassination attempt’ on PM

Pro-Iranian account leaks alleged U.S. intel on Israel's attack plans

U.S. officials are extremely concerned about a potentially major security breach after two alleged U.S. intelligence documents about Israel's preparations for an attack on Iran were published by a Telegram account affiliated with Iran.

Israel's Iran Plans Allegedly Leaked

Axios reported on Saturday that two alleged U.S. intelligence documents with details of Israeli preparations to hit back at Iran appeared on a Tehran-affiliated channel on messaging app Telegram. The channel's administrators said in a statement on Sunday that it was not linked to Iran, but run by a "tight-knit team of fully independent journalists."

The documents were marked "top secret," and dated October 15 to 16. The documents purport to show "key munitions preparations and covert UAV [uncrewed aerial vehicle] activity" and were described as being linked to a possible Israeli attack on Iran. At least one document appears to bear markings from the U.S.' National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Religious tolerance

Before Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire, it encouraged conquered peoples to continue worshipping their own gods. "An important part of Roman propaganda was its invitation to the gods of conquered territories to enjoy the benefits of worship within the imperium."[7] Christians were singled out for persecution because of their own rejection of Roman pantheism and refusal to honor the emperor as a god.[8] There were some other groups that found themselves to be exceptions to Roman tolerance, such as the Druids, the early followers of the cult of Isis, the Bacchanals, the Manichaens and the priests of Cybele, and Temple Judaism was also suppressed.

Trump blames Zelensky for the war in Ukraine. He rarely blames Putin.

On Thursday he turned more than a few heads by effectively blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Russia’s invasion. Trump said Zelensky “should never have let that war start.”

It was a remarkable statement in and of itself; Zelensky was the one whose country was invaded, but it’s his fault? Was he supposed to just give Russia the territory it wanted and cave to its threats that it would invade?

Harvard donations drop; alums cut ties over anti-Israel protests

Harvard University, the nation’s oldest and richest university, saw donations tumble 15 percent after wealthy alumni expressed anger at the school’s handling of antisemitism on campus.

Donald Trump's Arnold Palmer Comments Baffle Social Media

Former President Donald Trump prompted shock and confusion after opening his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday with a baffling 10-minute ramble about golf legend Arnold Palmer.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Religious Tolerance- Netziv

 העמק דבר בראשית פרק יב פסוק ב (פרשת לך לך)

ואגדלה שמך. אפי' מי שלא יהיה באמונתו לעבוד את ה' המיוחד, לא יהיה כמו שארי אמונות שונות דכל כת מבזה ומכחיש ומקטין אמונה השניה, אבל לא כן תהיה אמונת אברם, דאפי' מי שלא ירצה לעמוד באמונתו, ידע ויבין כי אמונת אברם לאל עליון גדולה, אלא שטעונה פרישות מתאוה וכדומה שלא הכל נתרצו לכך, וא"כ נתגדל בזה שמו של אברם שזכה לאמונה ועבודת אל עליון:

Netziv (Bereishis 12:02) G-d said to Abraham I will make your name Great - Even among those who don't share your faith in serving G-d, This is not like the various other religions  which every one degrades and insults other religions, The religion of Abraham was different in that he did not attack those who did not accept his religious beliefs but even so they were all aware that Avrahan had a superior religion. In this sense his name was made great in that he had a superior religion in serving G-d

Spot cleaning on Chol Hamoed

What kind of cleaning clothing is permitted on chol hamoed?

1) Spot cleaning by hand with soap if there is dirt/grime? Does one have to take care just to wash that exact area and not any other parts of the garment?

2) What about cleaning the whole garment by hand for smell?

3) What is the difference between children and adults?

Economists Say Inflation, Deficits Will Be Higher Under Trump Than Harris

“Both candidates have policies that are inflationary,” said Dan Hamilton, director of the center for economic research and forecasting at California Lutheran University. But in a change from their July forecast, Hamilton and his colleague Matthew Fienup now see a second Trump term producing faster price increases because of the former president’s tariff plans. “Since July, it became apparent to us that Trump is even more anti-free-trade than Harris,” Hamilton said.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Trump suggests Zelenskyy is to blame for the Russia-Ukraine war

Donald Trump blamed Russia’s war on Ukraine on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — an escalation of a pattern of sympathetic rhetoric toward the war’s aggressor, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

‘Hezbollah’s best friend’: WSJ editorial slams UNIFIL for focusing energy on Israel, not terrorism

Noting that UNIFIL “had one job: Keep armed terrorists out of southern Lebanon,” the editorial board attributed the new expansion of the war to UNIFIL’s failure to fulfil its duty. 

Harris Warned Israel Not to Invade City Where It Just Killed Hamas Chief

A White House official told Newsweek that the administration had only opposed a large-scale ground invasion.

"We opposed a large-scale invasion with heavy ground fighting in densely populated areas while there were so many civilians sheltering there given the high potential for civilian casualties," the official said in an email.

"Instead, we advised the Israeli government on a different approach, and it worked."

The Ins and Outs of Sukkah Observance Or Attending the Ailing and the Uncomfortable

According to most poskim, illness does not excuse someone from observing a mitzvah unless it is potentially life-threatening (see Shu’t Rashba #238 and Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 472:10, based on Nedarim 49b). Moderate illness exempts one only from the mitzvah of sukkah, but not other mitzvos.

Sukka Exemption

 It is a clear halacha that a traveler is exempt

But this is not anyone on a Chol HaMoed trip but rather a serious business trip or other important travel

Rav Moshe even includes a tourist who strongly wants to see certain sites OCiv 72.8

A hospital patient or dialysis patient is also exempt from Sukka

שו"ת אגרות משה אבן העזר חלק ד סימן לב

ח. אם מותר לטייל בחג הסוכות ועי"ז יבטל ממצות סוכה. 

והא דמסתפק כתר"ה לענין מה שכתבתי בח"ג דאו"ח סימן צ"ג דלצאת לטיול ולתענוג בעלמא למקום שלא יהיה סוכה שאסור דל"ד זה להולכי דרכים אפילו לדבר הרשות שפטורין דהוא דוקא כשהוא לצורך שהיה יוצא מביתו אבל מה שהיה הולך מביתו לתענוג בעלמא אינו כלום מה שהיה יוצא מביתו בשביל זה, אם יש בזה חלוק בין א"י לחו"ל ולא כתב כתר"ה טעם לספקו דבלא טעם ודאי אין לחלק, אבל אולי כוונתו לאחד מחו"ל שבא על זמן קצר לא"י שכל טירחא הגדולה והוצאה הגדולה היתה בשביל שרוצה לראות כל א"י ואין לו ע"ז רק ימים מועטין שאולי אצלו הוא צורך ממש לא ענין טיול והנאה בעלמא שלא נפטר בשביל הנאתו יותר לישן בבית ובחוץ מבסוכה דראיית המקומות הוא לו צורך גדול, שלכן לזה מסתבר שמותר אם אינו יכול להיות עוד איזה ימים בשביל הטיול, והוא לאו דוקא א"י שיש אולי גם מצוה בזה אלא אף הנוסע למדינה אחרת שאיכא דברים שרוצין האינשי לראות יהיה רשאי אם לא יוכל להיות שם איזה ימים אחר הסוכות לראות זה. אבל לצאת לטיול ולתענוג היציאה לבד אסור כשלא יוכל לאכול ולישן בסוכה. וכן כשיש לו איזה ימים לטייל אחר הסוכות אינו רשאי אף בא"י לילך לראות במקום שלא יהיה סוכה כדכתבתי. 

Sinwar's death is serious blow to Hamas, but not the end of the war

 Bowen: Sinwar death is serious blow to Hamas, but not end of war (

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, praised the soldiers and made clear that however big a victory, it was not the end of the war.

"Today we made clear once again what happens to those who harm us. Today we once again showed the world the victory of good over evil.

"But the war, my dear ones, is not over yet. It is difficult, and it is costing us dearly."

"Great challenges still lie ahead of us. We need endurance, unity, courage, and steadfastness. Together we will fight, and with God's help - together we will win."

Netanyahu and the overwhelming proportion of Israelis who support the war in Gaza needed a victory.

'It Is Bull': Fox News Anchor Calls Out Trump On Live TV Over Hurricane 'Misinformation'

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto knocked Donald Trump for being “wrong” in his attempts to push misinformation and lies about the Biden administration’s response to Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton on Thursday.

“That kind of misinformation gets out there, and whether it’s perpetrated by a politician or someone you think is someone of note and authority, it is wrong and it is bull and it cannot be tolerated,” Cavuto said.

How Israel found and killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

While Sinwar was not killed during a targeted operation, the IDF said that it had for weeks been operating in areas where intelligence indicated his presence.

In short, Israeli forces had narrowed Sinwar's rough location to the southern city of Rafah, and were slowly moving in to get him.

Sinwar had been on the run for more than a year. He had undoubtedly felt the Israeli pressure growing as other Hamas leaders, such as Mohammad Dief and Ismail Haniyeh, were killed, and as Israel destroyed the infrastructure he had used to prosecute the atrocities of 7 October.

Why you should care about JD Vance's real agenda

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden React to Yahya Sinwar's Killing: 'Good Day'

Harris hailed Israel's killing of Sinwar and said that "Hamas is decimated and its leadership is eliminated" during a Thursday campaign speech at a Wisconsin college campus.

"Justice has been served," Harris said. "And the United States, Israel and the entire world are better off as a result. Sinwar was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people, including the victims of October 7 and hostages in Gaza. He had American blood on his hands."

She went on: "This moment gives us an opportunity to finally end the war in Gaza. And it must end such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, freedom and self-determination."

Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response

While various misinformation about the response has spread widely without Trump’s involvement, the Republican presidential nominee has been one of the country’s leading deceivers on the subject. Over a span of six days, in public comments and social media posts, Trump has used his powerful megaphone to endorse or invent false or unsubstantiated claims.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

IDF confirms: Yahya Sinwar eliminated

The Hamas leader was eliminated after a tank fired at a building in Rafah which was thought to contain terrorists.

After that, infantry from the 450th Battalion raided and searched the building. During the searches, the forces found Sinwar's body.

In the building where he was eliminated, there were no signs of the presence of hostages in the area. On the terrorists' bodies, the forces found cash and false ID cards.

It was reported that the confrontation with Sinwar was by chance.

Alternative Medicine and Frum Community

Stories of people trusting in quasi-medical “practitioners” are, unfortunately, not an anomaly in our frum circles. There’s a growing receptivity to alternative medical approaches — much of which has little to no scientific backing — and conventional doctors are noticing the shift.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Republicans grapple with storm misinformation from their own party

 Republicans representing states hit by hurricanes Helene and Milton are grappling with the spread of storm misinformation, much of which has stemmed from prominent figures in their own party — including sitting lawmakers and former President Trump.

The false claims have run rampant on social media since the deadly pair of storms made their way through parts of the Southeast — most notably Florida and North Carolina — with Republicans floating inaccurate allegations about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), disaster relief and the weather.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Zohar and Rambam

Contrary to what a certain reader of this blog claims - the issue of the Zohar its origin and relationship to Rambam is neither a new issue or one easily answered. Simply do a google search and you will see many discussions regarding all aspects and including the claim that Rambam knew the Zohar and ruled with it in a number of issues to the view he learned about it only at the end of his life and wanted to retract his works because of his new knowledge. Others claim Rambam was always a kabbalist and the Moreh Nevuchim is not philosophy but kabbala. No one has succeeded in satisfying everyone

For earlier sources than Rabbi Moshe de Leon (e.g. the Gaonim) who quote or rely on Zohar, see Rabbi David Luria's Kadmut Sefer HaZohar. In addition, see Dr. Chaim David Chavel's article Sefer HaZohar k'makor Chashuv l'Pirush HaRamban and Rabbi Reuven Margolis's article HaRambam v'HaZohar.

Death of Tzadik atones for Our Sins is a Jewish belief

page 640-641 in my sefger on parnossa and bitachon

Berachos (62b) 'And He said to the angel who was destroying the many people….' Said Rabbi Eleazar: 'G-d, Blessed is He, said to the angel, "Take for me the greatest man  among them, who is able to pay back their many debts.’ At that moment there died Abishai son of Zeruiah, who alone was equal to the majority of the Sanhedrin.

Kli Yakar (Bamidbar 20:02) ...and the importance of the atonement brought about by the death of righteous men is brought up in the midrashim in 4 places, 1, the juxtaposition of the death of the sons of Aaron to the Day of Atonement, 2, the juxtaposition of the death of Miriam to the red heifer. 3, the juxtaposition of Aaron's death to the sacrificial priestly garments, 4, the juxtaposition of Aaron's death to the breaking of the tablets. 

Moed Koton (28a) Wherefore is the account of Aaron's death closely followed by the account of the disposal of the priestly vestments? To inform you that just as the priest's vestments were means to effect atonement, so is the death of the righteous conducive to procuring atonement.

Moed Koton (28a) Wherefore is the account of Miriam's death placed next to the laws of the red heifer? To inform you that even as the red heifer afforded atonement by the ritual use of its ashes, so does the death of the tzadikim afford atonement [for the living they have left behind.

Shabbos (33b)  When there are tzadikim in the generation, the tzadikim are seized by death for the sins of the generation; when there are no tzadikim in a generation, school-children are seized for the generation. 

Torah Temima (Vayikra 16:1.1): The Yerushalmi (Yoma 1:1) states that just as Yom Kippur atones for the Jewish people so does the death of tzadikim. This gemora does not explain the significance or the reason why the death of tzadikim atones for the Jewish people. It appears that an answer can be found in Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (Chapter 17) concerning the death of Shaul. In Shmuel (2 Chapter 21) it mentioned that the bones of Shaul were buried. This indicates that when G d saw how they cried and mourned for Shaul that this aroused the attribute of Mercy. We see then that it is not the death per se of the tzadik that brings about atonement but rather the honor and mourning for the tzadik, because the honor of the tzadik is in fact the honor of G d.

Vayikra Rabbah (20:12) For what reason was the section recording the death of Miriam placed in close proximity to that dealing with the ashes of the Red Heifer? Simply this, to teach that as the ashes of the Heifer effect atonement, so the death of the tzadikim effects atonement. R. Judan asked: For what reason was the death of Aaron recorded in close proximity to the breaking of the Tables? Simply this, to teach that Aaron's death was as grievous to G-d, as the breaking of the Tables. 

Vayikra Rabbah (20:12) The sons of Aaron died on the first of Nisan. Why then is their death mentioned in connection with the Day of Atonement? It must be to teach that as the Day of Atonement effects atonement, so the death of the tzadikim effects atonement. Whence do we know that the Day of Atonement effects atonement? From the fact that it says, For on this day shall atonement be made for you, to cleanse you. And whence that the death of the tzadikim effects atonement? From the fact that it is written, And they buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son, and it is also written, After that God was entreated for the land.

The Mishnah Berurah’s Treatment of Kabbalistic Sources

However, the exact appropriation of this methodology of the Mishnah Berurah is understood by modern halakhic experts in different ways. Many, such as the Sdei Chemed, think that the methodology the Mishna Berurah spells out applies not only to the Zohar, but also to practices found in the writings of the Arizal.[9][10] However, the more likely opinion is that of R. Moshe Feinstein, who maintains that Kabbalistic sources used in this fashion are only those from the Zohar. Since the Arizal is a 16th century figure, R. Feinstein argues that he does not have the status of a Tanna that the Zohar has, and simply represents another Acharon who has an opinion in a given case. [11] Thus, it is only because the Zohar is considered a Tannaic source, that the Mishna Berurah must acknowledge its views, and decide between those and other earlier opinions. Stemming from this argument, the Sdei Chemed views the Mishnah Berurah’s words of “divrei kabbalah” as referring to both the Zohar and the Arizal, while R. Feinstein interprets them as only referring to the Zohar.

Kabbala vs. Halacha

Ribbi Hayim Benveniste in Kenesset HaGedola[11], cited by the Mishna Berura[12], issues a detailed guideline as to when we follow the opinion of the Mekubalim and when we follow the opinion of the Poskim:

Regarding any matter that there is a dispute between the Mekubalim and the Zohar and the Gemara and Poskim, we must follow the Gemara and the Poskim. If the Mekubalim assume a stricter position, we must be strict as well. If the matter is not mentioned in the Gemara and Poskim, even if it is mentioned in the [writings of] Kabbala, we cannot enforce the Kabbala’s position. If the Halacha is not contradicted in the Talmud or Poskim, we must follow the Kabbala. Similarly, if there is a dispute among the Poskim, the Kabbala will decide”

Trump's Selling a Nearly $1 Million 'MAGA Experience' Amid New York Rally

It seems Donald is poor so he spends all his time selling junk or begging for money!

Former President Donald Trump is set to host a high-priced RSVP-only fundraising event in New York City, offering MAGA (Make America Great Again) loyalists a chance to attend a "Special Evening" with him for up to $924,600 per person.

Good deeds with Bad Motivation

 Netziv (Devarim 32:5): It is known that the destruction of the First Temple was because of idolatry, sexual immorality and murder which angered G‑d. The destruction of the Second Temple was because of sinas chinom. We have explained in Bamidbar (35:34) that they were involved in the study of Torah and serving G‑d nevertheless most of the killing was done for the sake of G‑d. In other words they would label as a Sadducee (heretic) anyone who transgressed any of the commandments. They would then have them punished as a heretic and thus their conduct was very destructive – even though they thought they were motivated by concern for the honor of heaven. … Thus the problem of the Second Temple was that ostensibly good deeds were now mixed with bad motivation. Thus it was hard to separate the good from the bad since the bad was done for the sake of heaven.

On one of your posts someone asked where Rambam got his idea that moon is different

Avraham Broide

In Aristotelian physics and Greek astronomy, the sublunary sphere is the region of the geocentric cosmos below the Moon, consisting of the four classical elementsearthwaterair, and fire.[1][2]

The sublunary sphere was the realm of changing nature. Beginning with the Moon, up to the limits of the universe, everything (to classical astronomy) was permanent, regular and unchanging—the region of aether where the planets and stars are located. Only in the sublunary sphere did the powers of physics hold sway.[3]

Evolution of concept


The seven heavens and the sublunar spheres, from an engraving of Albertus MagnusPhilosophia naturalis.

Plato and Aristotle helped to formulate the original theory of a sublunary sphere in antiquity,[4] the idea usually going hand in hand with geocentrism and the concept of a spherical Earth.

Avicenna carried forward into the Middle Ages the Aristotelian idea of generation and corruption being limited to the sublunary sphere.[5] Medieval scholastics like Thomas Aquinas, who charted the division between celestial and sublunary spheres in his work Summa Theologica, also drew on Cicero and Lucan for an awareness of the great frontier between Nature and Sky, sublunary and aetheric spheres.[6] The result for medieval/Renaissance mentalities was a pervasive awareness of the existence, at the Moon, of what C. S. Lewis called 'this "great divide"...from aether to air, from 'heaven' to 'nature', from the realm of gods (or angels) to that of daemons, from the realm of necessity to that of contingence, from the incorruptible to the corruptible"

However, the theories of Copernicus began to challenge the sublunary/aether distinction. In their wake, Tycho Brahe's observations of a new star (nova) and of comets in the supposedly unchanging heavens further undermined the Aristotelian view.[7] Thomas Kuhn saw scientists' new ability to see change in the 'incorruptible' heavens as a classic example of the new possibilities opened up by a paradigm shift.[8]

US intervention points to growing concerns over Israel’s air defences

Drones may fly more slowly than missiles, but the Iranian-designed carbon-fibre models used by Hezbollah are hard to see and difficult for radar to pick up, a task made more complicated because they are flown deliberately low. Manoeuvrable, this drone, said to be Sayyad 107, resisted GPS guidance jamming, possibly because it used Russian or Chinese alternatives.

Kids and teens who get covid more prone to diabetes, study finds

Children were 50 percent more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes at the six-month mark if they had endured a coronavirus infection compared with children who had another respiratory infection, according to findings published in JAMA Network Open.

Hezbollah’s drones are a fierce and evasive threat to Israel

Over the years, Israel has built up its aerial defense array to provide broad protection against short-range rocket fire and medium- and long-range missiles, although experts caution it is not airtight. While the system has taken down drones repeatedly, many have penetrated Israel’s airspace and sidestepped its defenses, in some cases with deadly results.

Monday, October 14, 2024

GOP Internal Poll Showing Donald Trump Struggling Leaves Pollsters Stunned

Pollsters and analysts were left stunned after an internal polling memo circulated by the Senate Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC, showed former President Donald Trump struggling in key battleground states.

The memo, dated October 8 and obtained by Politico, included polling where Trump trailed Vice President Kamala Harris by 3 points in Michigan and by 1 point in Pennsylvania. The candidates were tied in Nevada and Arizona, while Trump led in Wisconsin by 1 point.

Columbus probably Spanish and Jewish, study says

Famed explorer Christopher Columbus was likely Spanish and Jewish, according to a new genetic study conducted by Spanish scientists that aimed to shed light on a centuries-old mystery.

Scientists believe the explorer, whose expedition across the Atlantic in 1492 changed the course of world history, was probably born in western Europe, possibly in the city of Valencia.

They think he concealed his Jewish identity, or converted to Catholicism, to escape religious persecution.

Trump calls Aurora a ‘war zone.’ Even its Republican mayor disagrees

Aurora city spokesperson Ryan Luby told POLITICO in a statement that local police identified 10 members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, and nine had been arrested. The city’s Republican mayor, former five-term congressman Mike Coffman, has repeatedly tried to tamp down fears that his city has been taken over by migrant gangs.

“Former President Trump’s visit to Aurora is an opportunity to show him and the nation that Aurora is a considerably safe city – not a city overrun by Venezuelan gangs,” Coffman said in a statement.

Iranian plot exposed: Terror cell led by Ramat Gan couple foiled

In the framework of the aforementioned relationship, Victorson, who was aware that the individual on the other side was an Iranian agent, followed the agent's instructions and carried out various tasks, including spraying graffiti, hanging flyers, hiding money, and even torching cars near Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv. Later, Vladislav was asked to sabotage communication networks and ATMs and to set fire to forests.

Arizal and Halacha

 Igros Moshe (OC 4:3) –While normally in a matter disputed by poskim we rely on the view of Kabbala but this means the views of the Zohar as it is the view of Tannaim but not the Arizal who in spite of his greatness  is viewed as only one of the poskim 

The Controversy over Rabbi Feinstein

In the previous column I brought the story of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin shlita about Rabbi Soloveitchik ztz”l, who responded to Rebbetzin Feinstein’s request to ask her husband Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to withdraw his heter (halachic permission) for artificial insemination, so that the zealots would stop harassing them. Rabbi Soloveitchik agreed, even though he told Rabbi Riskin that Rabbi Feinstein would not back down, because he was “courageous like a lion.” Following this I was asked, how is it possible that Rabbi Soloveitchik agreed to ask Rabbi Feinstein to retract a ruling that he believed was the truth according to the Torah?!

Head Covering for Women - needed for Beracha?

Reciting berakhot is not considered to be standing before the King, so a woman in private, when the laws of tzni’ut do not require her to cover her hair, there is no need for her to cover her head while reciting a berakha. However, Yabi’a Omer 6:15 and Halikhot Bat Yisrael 5:3 state that married women must cover their heads when mentioning God’s name, even when in complete privacy. Still, in practice, many married women normally recite the bedtime Shema and Ha-mapil without a head covering. It seems that the reason for this is what I wrote above, that the obligation to wear a yarmulke when reciting berakhot is based on the pious custom to cover one’s head throughout the entire day. Since the yarmulke inspires fear of God all day, it follows that one must also wear it while invoking God’s name. However, women, who do not customarily wear a yarmulke to inspire fear of God, need not wear one when mentioning God’s name either. There is proof for this in m. Ĥalla 23: “A woman may sit and separate the ĥalla while nude.” Nude here obviously means bareheaded, for it would not make sense that she is required to cover her head but allowed to recite the berakha while nude. R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach rules this way too, saying that women’s custom to cover their heads in the mikveh while making the berakha on immersion does not obligate them in this practice for all other berakhot (Halikhot Bat Yisrael 5 n. 6). Therefore, a woman who wakes up in the middle of the night to relieve herself is not obligated to cover her head while reciting Asher Yatzar. Likewise, a woman who walks around her house bareheaded (when there are no strangers around) and wants to drink something is allowed to recite She-hakol and Borei Nefashot without a head-covering. 

Biden sends antimissile system and 100 troops to Israel, deepening U.S. role

The United States is sending one of its most advanced missile defense systems and about 100 U.S. troops to Israel, deepening U.S. involvement in the escalating war in the Middle East amid U.S. expectations of an imminent Israeli assault on Iran.

Netanyahu: UN must withdraw south Lebanon peacekeepers from combat zones

PM accuses Hezbollah of using UNIFIL as ‘human shields,’ urges Guterres to get take the forces ‘out of harm’s way,’ far from terror group’s strongholds

Genetic Study Reveals Christopher Columbus Was Possibly Jewish

One day before Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a decades-long genetic study revealed that explorer Christopher Columbus may have Jewish and Spanish heritage. The report, which says the explorer was born in Valencia, contradicts long-held beliefs that Columbus was Italian and from Genoa. According to the BBC, scientists in Spain are responsible for cracking the genetic bombshell and have been working on it since 2003. They theorize that Columbus hid his Jewish “background to avoid religious persecution.” In 1492, 300,000 Jewish people living in Spain were forced to convert to Catholicism, or else they would be booted from the country. The outlet reports that prior to this DNA discovery, Columbus’s origins have been debated for years, with different theories linking his birth to countries like Poland, Greece, and Scandinavia, to name a few. Researchers used DNA from Columbus’ tomb in Seville, as well as the graves of his son and brother, to conduct their research.