Topics Covered tonight on Radio broadcast LevinAt11, 10th of Teves, 5785
תכנית ראדיו של רב יהודה לעוין שליט"א - בענין חשבון הנפש הנצרך לקיים ענין עשרה בטבת
Topics Covered:
• What is today's Fast of The Tenth of Teves about, and why is it so crucial?
• What's at stake on Asara BeTeves (according to the Chassam Sofer)?
• And what are some of the things we ought we be doing about it?
See the INN post appended below (very slightly edited), addressing these questions in detail. On the program, most of that post was read and elaborated on tonight.
Supplemental Information Related to Program Discussion:
Abortion In Eretz Yisroel:
In Israel, where perhaps over two million Jewish babies have been killed - not by Arab or Islamic terrorists - but by Israeli abortion perpetrators, there are monumental challenges to overcome. Perhaps the most durable, effective off-ramp of this ongoing kitrug would be to secure leftwing support to end the female military draft, and thereby reduce the abortion-on-demand that is common in the Army. That's a positive policy shift that, if promulgated, may likely endure, regardless of regime change. See also
Of course, some will argue that the Israeli Army needs every body, including women. The truth is that what they "need" the women for has little to do with military readiness or effectiveness, but has much to do with promoting an anti-Torah, exploitive agenda, more congruent with human-trafficking than fighting wars.
In their unrelenting efforts to illustrate precisely how the sign of an idiot is indeed repetition of the same acts - while expecting different results - most Israeli policymakers refuse to realize that whatever shortfalls in manpower they suffer are assiduously self-inflicted. The absence of the babies they've been mercilessly aborting for decades are now being felt, measure for measure.
תיסרך רעתך...
Furthermore, if the Israeli Savant Class would only have allowed all of those traditional girls from Aidot HaMizrach to get married young, rather than draft them into the Army as Mizron Tzahali (as the female recruits are known in internal IDF parlance) -- they would have a significantly larger population by now. It is their own wickedness burying them. Nevertheless, these intrepids persist in their refusal to learn, even in the midst of a seemingly never-ending war.
Instead, they're occupying their time by scapegoating traditional Chareidim who refuse to send their 18-year-old boys to risk their souls on the altar of a generally co-ed, LGBTQ-compatible, secularizing, girl-drafting military -- one that would put the Hellenists of old to shame.
So, what's our excuse for not calling them out on that?
° Contemporary New-Age Avoda Zorah:
In the context of Avoda Zorah, we need to also address Minnus/ Epikorsus, heresy. Heresy was mentioned (see below) in the context of causing of the destruction of the Second Bais HaMikdash. At that time, those forms of heresy took on a somewhat different form. The forms of heresy we face today within Orthodox communities vary widely. One common set of heresies that we've been countering for about 25 years are those associated with far-eastern religion, e.g. Taoism (one of the main religious systems in China). These heretical influences have been cropping up in our neighborhoods as toxic runoff from the New-Age movement, via their frum-looking apostles. This cast of characters includes the likes of Rephoel Szmerla, who's writings (past and future) have been banned by over a dozen Rabbonim (in 5777), and, more recently, and a Mrs. Chany Felberbaum, who propagandizes Orthodox women (in cooperation with Szmerla-disciple Mrs. Rochel Alpert), operating under the influence of the New-Ager Christian Mickelsen -- to name just a few.
It's important in light of the above to bear in mind the description of Minnus of Rav Shamshon Rephoel Hirsch (printed in Collected Writings, Vol. 6, e.g., p. 278, para.1), namely the violation - by Jews - of Torah Law and Truth in principle (beShitah). There, Rav Hirsch ZY"A proceeds to demonstrate that we need distance ourselves from such Jews even more than from gentile idolaters, citing the Gemaras Avoda Zorah 27b and Shabbos 116a.
••• •••
Additional highlights of this week on related topics, addressed tonight:
• A shorter form of the Op Ed copied below appears in this week's MonseyMevaser.Com page 10.
• An alert about a New-Age Summit, employing a bit of satire:
ע"ש פרשת ויגש, תשפה
... סוף פרק מ"ו: תועבת מצרים
January 3, '25
ליצנותא דעבודה זרה...
A Client Is Born Every Minute -- Along With a Corresponding Scammer - Primed to Liberate the former from their Money - and their Portion in the World-to-Come...
C. Felberbaum announces a
"FREE" Far-Eastern/New-Age Missionary "Global Summit" on Emotional & Mental Health Propaganda ("Awareness") (for women)
Topics Covered Include:
∆ How to Pro-actively Squander Both This World and the Next -- and Feel Great About It (a.k.a "empowered, validated, inspired, energized, grounded, reconnected," et.all.)...
∆ How to Skill-foully Balance the Latest Lunacies of faux-frum-style Avoda-Zorah and Minnus Theological Runoff -- with the Most Modern Multi-level Marketing Scamming Methods, proven effective in liberating thousands of frum families from their gashmiyus and ruchniyus resources...
∆ How to "Make "It" Make Sense -- and Dollars" -- No Matter How Absurd "It" Is...
∆ דע מה שתשיב למאמין...
∆ How to Prevent the Clients from Waking Up: The Pivotal Role of the Auto-Regurgitating New-Age "Healing" Merry-Go-Round Circuit In Perpetuating The Lucrative Clientele-"Stockholm Syndrome"...
Your Properly -Indoctrinationed Clients Will Never Know What Hit Them -- If They Never "Come To"... How to Keep Them On the Kool-Aid...
∆ Unleash The Power of Name-Dropping: How to Exploit Da'as-Torah Terminologies To Undermine The Foundations of The Torah Itself -- And Get Away With It...
∆ Every Rov Has His Derech, and Every Derech Has Its' Rov: How to procure a Marketing
"Mach'shir" to secure your Business Pyramid -- and your useful-idiot-powered clientele stream...
∆ No New-Age/far-Eastern Method Is Too Absurd to Service... Just Ask Your Expert Advisors --- Every Question and Critique Has An "Answer"...
∆ Partnering With the Pagan Media Pantomiming As "Frum"-News Venues (Yaffed Ne'eman, YWN (Yevsekesia* Woke News), etc.) -- Split The Profits By Selling The (New-Age) Prophets...
And Much, Much More...
* The Yesvekes were the virulently anti-Torah biological Jews who persecuted Torah- observant Jews under Soviet Communists. See Reb Elchonon Wasserman, Kovetz He'oros on Yevamos, end, on Agaddah, 10:5.
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Disclaimer: There may possibly be multiple individuals associated with this dangerous, wicked, and thoroughly unhinged program that have been sorely non-informed, misled, maladvised, and/or heavily deluded. We're not adjudicating the precise culpability level of every individual involved. Nor need we. Regardless, this is an extremely reckless, irresponsible, corrosive and absurdist pirtzah, and must be unequivocally warned against.
Please share information you come across with us as necessary.
Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,
Executive Director,
Help Rescue Our Children
Direct: 771.215.8892
Israeli Helpline: 03.721.3337
Tomim Tih'yeh [countering New Age influences internationally]:
Presentations on New-Age dangers: 605-313-6831 ext. 2
Heard weekly on New Jersey's WSNR Radio 620AM, co-hosting the renowned "Levin-At-Eleven" program of Rabbi Yehuda Levin, every Thursday evening, 11pm to midnight (ET).