Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Supports Rambam's view of sacrifices?

 Vayikra Rabbah (22:08) R. Phinehas in the name of R. Levi said: The matter may be compared to the case of a king's son who thought he could do what he liked and habitually ate the flesh of nebeloth and.terefoth. Said the king: ' I will have him always at my own table and he will automatically be hedged round.’ Similarly, because Israel were passionate followers after idolatry in Egypt and used to bring their sacrifices to the satyrs, as it is written, And they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices unto the satyrs (Vayikra 17:07) --and these satyrs are nought but demons, as is borne out by the text which says, They sacrificed unto demons, no-gods (Deut. 32:17), these demons being nought but satyrs, as it says, And satyrs shall dance there (Isa. 13:21)1--and they used to offer their sacrifices in the forbidden high places, on account of which punishments used to come upon them, the Holy One, blessed be He, said: ‘Let them offer their sacrifices to Me at all times in the Tent of Meeting, and thus they will be separated from idolatry and be saved from punishment.’ Hence it is written, WHAT MAN SOEVER THERE BE OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL THAT KILLETH AN OX... AND HATH NOT BROUGHT IT UNTO THE DOOR OF THE TENT OF MEETING, etc.

Bechor Shor [1](Vayikra 17:7)

[1] ולא יזבחו עוד את זבחיהם. כלומר, איני אומר מפני שאני צריך לזבחיהם, אלא מפני שלא ירגילו להקטיר לע"ז וזהו: ולא צויתים ביום הוציאי אותם מארץ מצרים על דברי עולה וזבח, כי איני לא רעב ולא צמא, ולא עשיתי אלא כדי שישמעו לקולי, ולא ירגילו לע"ז ואיתכפרו מעונם ולהנאתם נתכונתי ולא להנאתי:

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