Friday, May 13, 2016


FBI agents conducted a raid Thursday in the Orange County community of Kiryas Joel.

They searched a yeshiva where a principal was caught on camera in what appeared to be some sort of intimate encounter with a student.

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies seized documents and computers from multiple locations in the Hasidic village, possibly as part of a child pornography investigation.

Authorities executed search warrants at the United Talmudical Academy, the yeshiva where a principal was caught on tape in close physical contact with young boys, though it is not known if the search warrants are related to the principal's activities. [...]

The UTA's board of directors says the child was sent to the office for behavioral issues and that, while disturbing, is not evidence of abuse.

No comment from investigators, but UTA and several yeshivas have been in the feds' sights for months.

In March, a series of raids in Ramapo were carried out amid questions whether federal money earmarked for technology was being misused.

As for the videos, many in the community are coming to the defense of the rabbi.

"He's been a very, very wonderful rabbi," said one woman. "No complaints on him, my husband even learned from him and he's a wonderful person. I think this whole thing is a fake."

The only comment from the FBI is that this is part of an ongoing investigation, and that there have been no arrests or charges filed as of yet.

United Talmudical Academy of Kiryas Joel put out a statement earlier this week saying that the behavior caught on tape does not constitute a "criminal assault."

"In these videos, the school principal is seen embracing the students who were sent to his office for behavioral issues," it read. "While this type of restraint may be unacceptable to some viewers, it in no way rises to the level of a criminal assault." [...]


  1. Kiryas Joel, NY - Hours after FBI agents entered Kiryas Joel and raided
    two well known village entities, sources in both Orange County law
    enforcement source and Kiryas Joel have confirmed that today’s activity
    was linked to video footage showing a school principal embracing and
    kissing a student in his office...

  2. Is this fact, that the raid was linked to the video footage, reported anywhere else besides in vosiznias? Because from all else that I read it seems that it isn't.

  3. This guy seems to be so comfy as if sitting on a beach chair. See his feet at the start of the table and his head on the other end, and the torso is mostly in the air. The picture at his feet (see from top of his shoes in between) looks a little fuzzy and the white tiles have some square shadows as if overlayed. His pants are blocked from the birdseye view (feigele view) and not clear if he is losing it. Was this posturing 35 years ago the same? it's like the cat watching over the milk.

  4. The agents are looking for chametz sheovor olov Pesach, or esrogim after sukot. Either one is not a siman of any abuse. What you see in the video, is a talis shekulo tcheles.


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