Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ger chasidim make strong takanas in its fight against Internet and use of WhatsApp


תקנות חדשות בכנס הרבבה של גור: וואטסאפ רק עם חילוני או גוי

רבבת חסידי גור, בכנס חירום נגד הטכנולוגיה הפרוצה • בין התקנות החדשות שהוכרזו במעמד: גם מי שמחזיק מכשיר חכם לצורך פרנסתו, אסור לו להראותו ברבים, אין 

להתקין עליו אפליקציית 'וויז', ועליו להימנע ממהתכתבות בוואטסאפ עם חרדים

בבת חסידי גור השתתפו הערב (ב') בכינוס כנגד סכנות פגעי הטכנולוגיה, בבית המדרש הגדול של החסידות ברחוב ירמיהו בירושלים. 

את המעמד פתח הרה"ח רבי יצחק מאיר טאומן, כאשר בראש הכינוס ישב האדמו"ר מגור, שנשא דברי ברכה ואמר: "כל מי שיקבל את התקנות ויעמוד בזה וקיבל היתר מהרבנים, יהיה לו בריאות ילדים ופרנסה ברווח". 

לסיום דיבר הדיין הגאון רבי נפתלי נוסבוים שהקריא את התקנון המפורסם בחסידות, ופסק כי מי שלהוריו יש מכשירים לא כשרים, הוא אינו מחויב בכיבוד אב ואם ואסור לו לבקר אותם. 


  1. What's qrong with waze?

  2. it might be hacked and lead you to a dangerous place in the Territories which happened to some soldiers. They are only considering our safety!

  3. The final line -- appalling.

  4. it sounds to me to be totally anti-halachic

  5. האומר לאביו... לא ראיתיו ... כי שמרו ....ובריתך ינצורו

  6. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601381/brazils-whatsapp-ban-is-a-harbinger-of-international-encryption-battles/

  7. Inane comparison.

  8. If I'm not mistaken, the followers of Molech would create a ring of fire and pass their children through it. High time that we ban fire! And alcohol!! And knives!!! We should all just voluntarily go into a collective prison, where we are watched every moment and guarded from ourselves. Imagine...! Some people actually teach their kids to subdue and conquer their Evil Inclination. Ridiculous. Simply REMOVE all temptation.

  9. Is there any kind of organized resistance against this totalitarian fanaticism? It seems like every day I see another flyer or poster or an announcement of another "historical gathering" against the Internet? Hasn't anyone come up with at least one sane counter-flyer explaining calmly that the Internet is a vital part of the modern world that isn't going away, and that by going into this panic extremist mode, we will likely cause another abandonment of Judaism like the one we saw 100-200 yrs. ago?

    Can't Rabbanim talk calmly anymore? Does everything have to be the end of the world, absolutely prohibited, etc.? Yes, filters and other precautions, especially supervision for children and youth are all recommended. Why can't anyone say things in a sane tone of voice anymore?

    Am I the only one bothered by this?

  10. I recently had a conversation with an educator in the Lakewood yeshiva system regarding Rechnitz's speech against elitism. He was strongly opposed to the speech.

    I asked him about the good old days - 30 years ago or so where everyone - even in Williamsburg and Boro Park went to the same school. But now we insist on totally homogeneous schools. He acknowledged that once upon a time Mizrachi, Chassidish, Heimish Modern Othodox etc all attended the same schools and they viewed themselves primarily as Jews and there was no problem of the elitism that Rechnitz spoke about.

    He replied

    "But that was because they didn't have a choice - today we have the choice of avoiding those who are different - so we must do it. We must protect the children against association with those who different."

  11. Rav malkiel and his brothers and sisters attended betzalel MO lakewood school.

  12. Sanzers have no restrictions on cell phones. Just use your head (they have heads; others don't.)

  13. My reply to the educator: "Fine. America is a free country. And it is also Galus. The day may come when our enemies rise up. May Hashem have Mercy. But you are different from me. So please don't come to me for help. And I'll make sure to stay away from you."

  14. Betzalel wasn't an MO school.

  15. Tell ger to send over Mondrowitz those hypocrites!


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