Friday, May 20, 2016

Chareidi boy who threw stones at fire fighters- goes to fire station to apologize

A worrying trend has started of chareidi boys who think fire fighters are legitimate targets for stone throwing. This case ended well with a written apology and a personal visit to the fire station with his father to ask for forgiveness - which was granted.

kikar HaShabbat

ילד חרדי שנמנה על זורקי האבנים והסלעים על כוחות הכיבוי בשריפה ליד העיר מודיעין עילית, הגיע היום (חמישי) לתחנת הכיבוי במתתיהו יחד עם אביו, והתנצלו על הפגיעה בלוחמי האש.

"לכבוד הכבאים שלום, אני מתנצל ומבקש סליחה על זה שזרקתי אבנים, האמת שלא התכוונתי לזרוק עליכם ובאמת זרקתי רחוק ממכם, ולא שמתי לב שזה מפריע לכם". הילד הוסיף: "חשבתי על זה ואני מצטער מאוד ומבקש סליחתכם".
מדוברות כיבוי האש נמסר כי "היום בשעות אחה"צ הגיעו אב ובנו לתחנת הכיבוי במתתיהו כשבפיהם התנצלות ומכתב לאור המקרה האחרון שהתרחש במודיעין עילית כאשר מספר נערים התגודדו והשליכו אבנים ואף דרדרו סלעים לעבר צוותי הכיבוי והמתנדבים שפעלו לכיבוי הדליקה".


  1. Are you meaning to imply that chareidi boys throwing stones at some people who aren't firefighters is legitimate? I hope not.

  2. what a perverse reading - are you serious?

  3. Fits in well with your Lag B'Omer story.

  4. Happy to hear the father took responsibility and had his son do the right thing. Hopefully a life lesson that will stick with him through life.

  5. Credit for coming forward, but a pretty equivocative "apology". I wasn't throwing stones at you, I was throwing them far from you and sorry if they happened to get near you. Does anyone really believe he wasn't throwing stones directed at them?

  6. Well you said: "A worrying trend has started of chareidi boys who think fire fighters are legitimate targets for stone throwing." instead of something like: "A worrying practice is that chareidi boys think throwing stones at people is a legitimate form of protest." I am glad you meant something more like the latter, and glad that the kids father made him apologize.

  7. is it really necessary to put charedi in the headines as if being charedi is the cause of his actions, just write boy apologies.

  8. Apparently it is. It was not an a random act that happened to target fire fighters

  9. if 90 percent of a group does something you can describe the action with the group's name. if 10 people do something, then it's their action

    should one write, modern orthodox rabbi spies on women in mikveh? should one write sephardi woman has affair? or yemenite jew forges check

  10. if it is done because they think it is appropriate for their ideology then it doesn't matter how many actually do it.

    If women are spat at when they sit in the front of the bus - for ideological reasons - that makes it chareidi
    when IDF solutions are attacked for ideological reason - that makes it chareidi
    when child molestors are not reported to the police for ideological reasons - that makes it chareidi
    when gedolim are not held accountable for blatant violations of Shulchan Aruch - for ideological reasons - that makes it chareidi

    Do you need more examples?

  11. if it is done because they think it is appropriate for their ideology then it doesn't matter how many actually do it.

    Who gets to create and define the ideologies of a group? If a gentile decides that he has become Jewish through eating gefilte fish, will that make him Jewish? If an immigrant decides that he will become a United States citizen through eating apple pie, will that make him American? If an American decides that blowing up firetrucks is an expression of American patriotism, will that automatically become so? Would anyone now suggest that blowing up firetrucks is somehow American patriotism?

    If a silly minority has decided to throw rocks at firefighters and decided that it is a "mitzvah" or part of being a חרד לדבר ה', does that make it so? What percentage of people behave with this foolishness, and why they do so is an important part of the story before we pin the reason as being part of a certain group. What am I missing here?


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