Wednesday, December 16, 2015

R Shmuel Kaminetsky to attend AJOP Convention in Baltimore January 24-26


  1. Time for the pitchforks and torches!

    [This third one's for @kishkeyum]

  2. He also attends Philly Yeshiva every day.

  3. The so what is that i wo t go if they give him a platform and I will do my best to dissuade others from going as well. Since I'm a paying member of convention as are my fellow mekarvim you can be sure that rabbi lowenbraun will not be happy to lose my participation and that of others who feel similarly.
    As it is any Aish mekarev has strong reservations about sholom k for reasons that arent exactly secret and if his past actions havent made him persona non grata the epstein affiar most likely will.

  4. And as pointless as the first two.

  5. And look who is pictured right next to RSK. Don't you find it interesting that he of all people has no problem with RSK? Perhaps there is something that we all are missing...

  6. As it is any Aish mekarev has strong reservations about sholom k

    As indeed they should, after the dishonesty and dirty dealing that he engaged in along with his partner in crime.

  7. Politically IncorrectDecember 16, 2015 at 4:38 AM

    I understand that Da'as Torah took it as timidity. That's why he didn't obey him to take down the letter.

  8. David you are very correct. Sholom and goons tried taking control of Aish and its millions of dollars. He tried every crooked trick in the book but ultimately Rabbi Gershon Spiegel put Sholom in his place and pretty much made Sholom look like child's play. Sholom was defeated big time and was humiliated.

  9. Among all the rabonim who have protested the tamar annulment on both sides of the pond. how many of them personally spoke to rav nota, r shmuel and r shalom?? from the letters released, it seem like not many of them besides rav aaron feldman, who has not released a follow up letter yet.
    the tayna on rav nota is that he relied on others before doing his homework. have the ones spilling his blood done THEIR homework or are they too relying on what this that and the other told them? ודו"ק

  10. Totally untrue! The התאחדות הרבנים spoke to both RNG & Rav Shmuel. the עדה החרדית were also in touch with all parties. I believe this to be correct about almost everyone who signed against this."היתר".

  11. Politically IncorrectDecember 16, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    "Rabbi" Gershon Spiegel ?? Is that your hero-thug? Got some experience with that character (and also met others who also have). Buddy buddy with Epstein. In it together for the money, just that he was smart enough to stay away from prodding and stuck only to the*milking*.

  12. Politically IncorrectDecember 16, 2015 at 11:25 AM

    Tayna on him is ONLY for relying on others? And Rav Dovid Eidensohn and Joe Orlow may also add: for covering up when they confronted him. ........

  13. Sholom is also on the Rabbinic board of Torah links. Torah links is BMG outreach program. Perhaps it would be useful if people called BMG Lakewood Yeshiva to protest. Here is Sholoms bio from Torah links website. Rabbi Shalom Kamenetsky is a full time Professor of Talmud at the Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia. He received his Bachelor and Masters of Rabbinic and Talmudic Studies at the esteemed Beth Medrash Govoha Institute for Advanced Learning of Lakewood, New Jersey. Rabbi Kamenetsky majored in Talmudic Jurisprudence. He had considerable exposure in the areas of Religious Education, Jewish Ethics and Philosophy. He is Lecturer of Talmud at the OCP of the University of Pennsylvania and accredited Continuing Legal Education Provider for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New York .

  14. Haven't you read his letters from the horses mouth? When RNG was approached that the allegations against A.F. as if he has and always had Krispeditis R'L' is not true, he replied I don't know either of them from ADAM, he relied on the Reports. When he was told that the reports are composed from ish mipish without seeing or talking to the person of interest, and from one that's nogea bedovor, paid for a fixed outcome yohr eidus services, worthless rag at best, he replied, let THEM withdraw first or have it refuted, THEN I will rtetrieve since my heter was based on condition that the Report is true.

    That's the biggest insult to our intelligence. He already admitted that he doesn't know the couple nor any issues between them, he has also been informed how the report was done without any INTEGRITY whatsoever, so what have you got left? Shams and more Shams! He has been caught holding the bag, and waiting for a so called withdrawl, where there never was any money deposited to begin with. And *withdrawl* from who, from the proven so called MUMCHE liar. That kind of talk is pure Bankruptcy, CHUTSPAH, Megaleh ponim baTorah shelo KeHalacha veod yodo Nute netiyo. He has absolutely nothing to rely on and he still doesn't direct for the Adam couple to depart immediately. He RNG therefore lost any and all credibility. His conversions ain't worth a Reitich!

    Dear Der Nayis,
    I have NEWS for you. Not only are you a liar, but an Idiot as well. Kol haolam kulo haYoshim al HaModin have refuted RNG and has been directed to retrieve this ESEK BISH, but you are still waiting for a follow up. You need to have your head examined, and if you know what's good for you, not by those Kangoroo kind. The bloody *TAYNA* on RNG that he as nothing to rely on is dead on target, Bulls Eye!! Yes my dear, WE ALL have seen the letters with his own signature and the Handwriting is on the wall. Now just go back to your little mouse hole, and stop acting like a Bas HaYaano.
    no need to reply ty

  15. Understood it, you can't be serious. And the whole time I though this side was careful to obtain facts, firsthand knowledge. hmmm...

  16. His Bio sounds just like his "Heter"!!! Blown up Nonsense.

  17. "Took it as timidity". I thought this side only deals with facts and firsthand knowledge. Hmmm...

  18. There is a very strong movement among the Aish mekarvim to inform them of what transpired with Sholom K and the Aish board affair and to ensure that they not attend the AJOP conference in protest of his participation. I predict that there will be very few Aish'ers in attendance this year. They always run their own conference which is much better but some still attend AJOP for various reasons. This year there will be even less of them. Hopefully Y Lowenbraun will wise up and find someone else to fill the spot.

  19. Good.They should look for some way to punish his partner in crime as well.


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