Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mendel Epstein Torture for Get ring: Martin Wolmark sentenced to 38 months in jail

An Orthodox rabbi was sentenced Monday to more than three years in prison for his role in a ring of Jewish men who used brutal methods and tools, including handcuffs and electric cattle prods, to torture unwilling husbands into granting their wives religious divorces.

Martin Wolmark, 57, of Monsey, New York, had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit extortion. Ten men in all were convicted for their roles in the plot.


  1. He should be out in about a year and change or half the sentence with parole.

  2. Not enough. Must have sung a song and a dance.

  3. pathetic. this is the sentence for a guy that had 5 million bail? mishpachos have been torn good people demolished .

  4. Not in the federal system. Two three months good behavior, tops.

  5. This means ME will get at least twice, maybe more, tomorrow.

  6. Are you sure that there is parole for this type of sentence?

  7. That would have been before (the other's) trial. Too late now. In fact, he probably negotiated that he wouldn't testify against others, and that cost him many months (even 38 months.)

  8. They said the same about the guy that just lost his appeal. He yet needs to give din vecheshbon midinei shamayim. Vegonav ish umchoro is not that easy to get away with, have we yet mentioned rosho lomo sakeh reacho? ...

  9. The other singers got pretty much the same just for a song, in dedication for the Prodfather in order to be nailed. Let's see Today if the choirs efforts are worth their salt.

  10. This is a tough sentence for the crime he pleaded to, conspiracy to commit extortion. The sentence is on the high side of the Guidelines, as were the other ones. It is clear that Judge Wolfson is attempting to send a message to the Jewish frum community in NJ (this follows in the footsteps of Judge Pisano doing so in the Weinstein case). Whether Federal Judges should be attempting to send messages to religious communities is a separate question.

    The practical fallout remains to be seen. I actually have no doubt that had $$$ not switched hands, the sentences would have been much lighter. The fact that the "Rabbis" were only able to come up with a solution after being paid, no doubt, upset the judge and factored into her decision. Prediction - the attempt to hide behind religion by Epstein only will serve to inflame her (read the sentencing memo to see if I am right). So now the question becomes what will these women, who are clearly desperate, do? Will ORA style pressure gain more traction or, worse, will the OO/RSK method now become more commonplace?

  11. "Shuchat was sentenced to time served on November 19, 2015."

    Sounds like he must've have been cooperating with the FBI and singing against the others to get sentenced to time served.


  12. There is a new Organization called TORA BORA against ORA. Anyone that just thinks of something funny Against The OGUNS or Husbands , those henpicking recalcitrant wives will be posted all over town, and then we see if they can do better. As for the Pied Piper and his goons, they will be ostracized from Klall Yisroel and be treated as Kol Tzarua vekol Zav michuts laMachne and can close shop making room for Kosher Mikdash Me'at. TORA BORA will be operating according to the TORA of BORE kol haOlamim and al pi SA, and STOP the Mamzer factories sweat shops. What's good for the Goose is even better for the Gander. Hashem created Isho to help in building a family, not to destroy a family, just because she thinks she can do better. Did this late one do any better? Just look at the pickle she got herself into. Ein Adam yochol laamod mipnei reicho, and going strong.

  13. What did goldfein testify to, regarding wolmark?

    We know he testified regarding epstein and the others in the trial. This was other testimony.

    What was it for?

  14. Politically IncorrectDecember 15, 2015 at 10:03 PM

    HaShem has ways of sending messages: you want to be like the goyim who believe in divorce on demand?

    Answers HaShem: it ain't gonna be. Im lo b'yad chazakah ubizroa netuyah U'V'CHAIMOH SH'FUCHAH EMLOCH ALEICHEM!!!


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