Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lack of LGBT teaching threatens Stamford Hill school's expansion plans

 Ofsted will not recommend that a Stamford Hill primary be allowed to increase its age range because it will not talk about LGBT people to pupils. 

Talmud Torah London, an independent boys’ primary, is rated good by Ofsted and has previously received permission from the authorities to expand its numbers. 

The school, whose new headmaster is Eli Spitzer, wants approval to add classes for secondary age pupils of 12 and 13. 

But Ofsted says it would be unlikely to meet independent school standards on equality as leaders had confirmed since the inspection that the school had “no intention of ever referencing those who identity as lesbian, gay and transgender” as part of personal, social and health education or relationships education.

1 comment :

  1. It's very easy , obviously they are misappropriating the name of Talmud Torah.
    There are halachic terms for these - lo yilbash, mishkav zachar, toevah,
    Darkei emori? Not sure what trans is - tumtum?


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