Wednesday, August 25, 2021

COVID: Almost 10,000 cases for 2nd day in a row, serious patients plateau

Also on Wednesday, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman said he is strongly against imposing additional coronavirus restrictions.
“We need to stop talking about new limitations and let the economy work,” he told a press briefing.
“When we look at the morbidity situation, the numbers have stabilized and there is reason for optimism,” Liberman said. “New restrictions were imposed in recent days, and we’ll have to wait another ten days to know if they are working or not.”
Therefore, there is no need to add restrictions on large gatherings or for public pools and outdoor restaurant seating.

1 comment :

  1. At some point one wonders: you have to say enough. Lockdowns end waves but when you end the lockdown it brings another wave. So you lockdown again. The economic devastation is significant, perhaps as significant as the medical devastation from the virus.
    So when do you just enough: okay, open up, let's let is spread. Wait 6 months and it's finally over.


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