Monday, August 16, 2021

Trump pretends he's a credible critic of Biden's Afghanistan policy

 Three weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Ohio and took credit for the U.S. exit. "I started the process," he boasted. "All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. [The Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process."


  1. is he wrong? Only a few posts ago you specifically noted how Biden was just completing what Trump started.
    And frankly, Trump was right. Staying in Afghanistan cost the US how many billions and how many lives? And for nothing. in the end it was about pulling out early before the Taliban really humiliated them and shoved them out.

  2. Pulling out was necessary - the issue is why is Biden being blamed for something everyone knew would happen - Trump wanted troops out even earlier. Trump and Republicans are hypocrites for criticizing the withdrawal but not wanting troops to be there either

  3. becasue Biden is now in Power, so he will get stick for anything that goes wrong. If Trump was in power and had the same disaster, he would be blamed, and his opponents would max juice out of it politically.

  4. It's your president now. Quit blaming Orange Man.

  5. The same inevitable logic that the situation was intolerable and it was only a matter of time could be applied to the situation in Eretz Yisrael. If the Iranians and the Arabs and the Egyptians all simultaneously unleash everythig they have will this blog be as sanguine if the Biden Administration and its State Dept. and military forces fold their hands?

    We're dealing with the lives of real people suffering from the errors of the U.S. intelligence community have led to mistakes the President made. I would expect a leader of a country to engage in some self-reflection and set up a commission to figure out how the U.S. got it so wrong.

    It's just callous to ignore the people who helped out the U.S. after 9/11 who face an uncertain future back under Taliban rule.

  6. Remind me, how did Biden react to Trump's announcement that he was withdrawing troops?
    I don't know what the democrats said at the time.

  7. That does not mean Trump's programs were not the foundation

  8. So we just ignore facts for your cute theories?

  9. The facts are that a poker player evaluates the hand he was dealt and makes the best of it and we admire him even as he loses the round.

    But President Biden is just folding. He's getting up from the table and playing the slots or taking in a show at the Copacabana.

    Get back in the Oval Office, Sir, and help these poor Afghans running for their lives!

  10. depends what you are asking-

    If you stick to your question "the issue is why is Biden being blamed for something everyone knew would happen" then the reason I have given is a political reality.

  11. here is another cute theory -

    when celebrities, artists etc have psychological problems, such as depression, or behavioural problems such as drug addiction, then the public will sympathize with them. When it's a regular person, then society is judgemental

  12. And it doesn't mean you can't desperately blame Trump for stuff that happened months after he left office.

  13. Biden is being blamed because he handled it so poorly.
    Hey Joe, think the Afghan army can defend itself? Absolutely!
    Hey Joe, how long until Kabul falls? At least 90 days!
    Even as the US was retreating, they maintained air superiority. They could've done tremendous damage to the Taliban forces as they were pulling out. Instead they didn't fire a bullet at them but cut and run. That's on Biden although we know you'll find a way to blame Trump.


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