Thursday, May 13, 2021

In defense of Israel's 'disproportionate' response in Gaza

 It seems that whenever Israel responds to violent overtures from groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, leaders of the international community are quick to assign equal condemnation to Israelis and Palestinians regardless of whether one is legitimately acting in self-defense.

 This is a particularly puzzling criticism of Israel. Would the international community truly prefer a proportionate or equal response? If Hamas launches three crudely-fashioned rockets into Israel, should the Israeli government respond with three equally-crude rockets? If three Israeli Defense Forces are kidnapped by Hezbollah, should the IDF respond by kidnapping an equal number of Hezbollah foot-soldiers?

 Hamas should garner no international sympathy simply because it made the poor decision of engaging an enemy of far-superior military might. The international community must further realize that both belligerents do not always need equal blame placed upon them.


  1. This is why "proportionate response" is anti-Semitic - the minute Israel does that, the same people will howl and scream.

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 13, 2021 at 6:10 PM

    All the pro Palestinian demon-strators oppose any Jewish state whatsoever.
    Even on sky News, they asked the Israeli ambassador to stop retaliating against hamas missiles, in order to bring about Peace.
    So it is clear that left don't want a Jewish presence, whether in Israel, or anywhere else for that matter.

  3. That's just silly

  4. "If the Arabs lay down their arms there will be no more war; but if Israel laid down its weapons, there would be no more Israel."
    --- Attributed to Benjamin Netanyahu.

  5. Yes, and that's the point. The world screams "proportionate response" to justify their hatred of Israel but then screams if Israel were to do just that.
    Remember the midrash about Hadrian and the two Jews?

  6. Proud Conservative MomMay 14, 2021 at 8:54 PM


  7. IsraelReader, ive read several books on Judaism (from Judaism For Dummies to Herman Wouk's This Is My G.d and more.... but i have a lot of questions and you're clearly a bit of an expert

    Well, ive long puzzled over the Bible/Tanach and especially the Torah. It's hard to find some specific answers

    It seems like in the Torah G d creates the World and People; is somewhat disappointed, and reboots with Noah. Then thru Abraham to Joseph to Moses/Joshua etc, G d sets out the boundaries of Israel as the World's "churchyard" (in North American lingo), with the Jews as "Roman Vestal Virgins", so to speak, ie a small fraction of Rome who do the daily and annual etc rites prayers mitzvot etc so that the other Romans don't have to. And so therefore, non-Jews are like everyday regular Romans -- baking, tallying, laboring, administering etc and are not required to perform the same religious duties, but simply to acknowledge Athena and Zeus etc. (Obviously, in our world today, it's not Zeus Hera etc hut rather G d)

    IOW, Israel is the Vestal Virgins' temple lot, where they reside and dwell and work along with maintaining their duties, and the rest of the Ancient World is to encounter the Israelites and understand the truth and to simply daily acknowledge G d and to appreciate the Jews' duty performance while also imitating and adopting their Family Values and Human Values along with Monotheism --- in today's current World, non-Jews are to bake, tally, and labor while believing in G d gratefully, and appreciate the Jews'maintenance of religious duties

    Is this correct???????????馃馃馃馃馃

    It took years to come to this conclusion in 2020 and ive really been awful curious to know if it's leaning in the right direction

    Well, you gave a lot to that Mandarin Ducky converter so i thought I'd bug you

    It's also impressive how familiar you are with the Talmud and Zohar, two works ill never fully read, let alone grasp. Im also deeply curious to know: Is it correct that if all the Jews would live religiously and the majority of non-Jews accepted the one G-d, that the Messianic Era may come?

    And, what are G-d's expectations or desires of me, if any, towards atheist or non observant Jews? Should they be left alone or mildly encouraged??? What would G d wish of me?

    转讜讚讛 专讘讛 馃寗馃尲馃尰馃尫
    Thank you if you have any answers 馃檹

    Take care and be well


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