Sunday, May 30, 2021

Bennett announces plan to form gov't with Lapid that will oust Netanyahu

 Yamina leader Naftali Bennett delivered his long-awaited announcement on Sunday that he would join a government with Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid and seek to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who he accused of leading Israel to national suicide for his own personal reasons.  

Yesh Atid and Yamina began negotiations immediately following the announcement on Sunday night in an effort to reach an agreement by Wednesday’s deadline.
A vote of confidence in the government and a swearing-in ceremony could take place that day. But legally, once Lapid tells President Reuven Rivlin he can form a government, he has a week to do it.


  1. A true Benedict Arnold

  2. Adaraba. If Bibi was a real patriot, he would realize he was outmaneuvered by Bennett and resign. Bennett and Lapid’s goal is to get rid of Bibi. With Bibi gone, Likud and Bennett would easily form a right wing coalition. Trump continued to fight because the election was stolen. Bibi has no such excuse. To honor his Father, the late Professsor Netanyahu, who was Jabotinsky’s secretary, Bibi should resign.

  3. You mean thepedophiles defeated Trump?

  4. Trump was't defeated, period. Half of America believes this and half don't. Why the anger. I respect those who believe Biden won square and fair. That is their opinion. They should also respect mine. And what in the world do you bring in pedophiles for. You are being snarky but I do not see the snark. Please explain.


    If you think rejecting nonsense is simply a machlokes lshem shamayim you must therefore must respect believers in Q
    Why is that snarky?
    Everybody has the right to believe their own alternative facts!

  6. You are accusing half of America, including people much smarter than you or me, of believing in nonsense. Thus my point is made. You have no respect for others that believe differently than you.

    You have a classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). TDS is criticism of the actions of the former President that are irrational, and have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.

  7. And you know this how?
    If you lived in Nazis Germany when most of the smart people believed Jews were evil and needed to be killed, would you also say I need to respect their beliefs!?
    The majority of the world doesn't believe in Torah - so we need to follow majority or at least respect their beliefs?!
    In short your values clearly contradict the Torah and reality

  8. Now you are comparing Nazis to Trump. You have a bad case of TDS. Refua Shlaima.

  9. The election was stolen or not - it has to be one or the other.

    There is no need to respect those who believe in falsehoods!

  10. We will never know the truth regarding the election, if it was stolen or not. Thus, how can you accuse those that believe the election was stolen in believing in falsehoods?

  11. Wow!
    Evidence doesn't matter against irrational belief.

  12. With G-d's help I will never look at this blog again.

  13. The obvious Trumpian response is simply to run away from reality

  14. Nonsense is nonsense. No allegations of fraud have stood up in any court, regardless of the political leanings of the judges. Most of the claims made by Trump's cronies in press conferences were not even submitted to the court, so ridiculous they were. So yes, if you believe that Trump "won" the election, you are detached from reality.

  15. Wow!
    For this you need G-d's help?1


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