Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Experts Debunk GOP's Attempts To 'Cancel' Critical Race Theory


  1. Disturbing that you would promote this dehumanizing nazi-like philosophy

  2. How is awareness of facts considered "dehumanizing nazi like philosophy"?
    Are you trying to claim that slavery did not exist or are you saying the nazi approach was not so bad!?

  3. How can we trust DT who considers CNN a legitimate news source? CNN is no different than the Russian newspaper Pravda in the middle of the Cold War

    Here is a full article from Mosaic Magazine, https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/politics-current-affairs/2021/01/the-state-of-california-puts-anti-semitism-and-critical-race-theory-on-the-public-school-curriculum/

    The State of California Puts Anti-Semitism and Critical Race Theory on the Public-School Curriculum

    JAN. 29 2021

    In 2016, California passed a law mandating that ethnic studies become part of the high-school curriculum, and set a task force to work on developing such a course of study. Three years later, the task force came back with a 600-page document, that helpfully defined ethnic studies as the examination of “people whose cultures, histories, and social positionalities are forever changing and evolving,” as well as “mixtures, hybridities, nepantlas, double consciousness, and reconfigured articulations.”

    The document also lists the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement alongside domestic America movements like Black Lives Matter and refers to the creation of a Jewish state as the nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”). Moreover, Emily Benedek notes, it neglects to mention Martin Luther King, Jr. or Thurgood Marshall as influential “people of color,” but does find room to praise Pol Pot. Nor does it mention anti-Semitism in its laundry list of other forms of bigotry. But, Benedek explains, all this is to be expected from a document shaped by the fashionable academic ideology known as critical race theory, the roots of which she traces to the backlash against the firing of George Murray by a California university in 1968:

    In a speech a week before his firing, George Murray, who also served as the “minister of education” for the Black Panther Party, declared the U.S. Constitution a “lie” and the American flag a “piece of toilet paper” deserving to be flushed. He also attacked Jewish people as “exploiters of the Negroes in America and South Africa” and called for “victory to the Arab people” over Israel.

    This approach saturates the model curriculum, which received ample criticism, as did a second version. Now the state government is evaluating third draft, which, writes Benedek, is little better:

    For example, a historical resource was added with the following description of prewar Zionism: “the Jews have filled the air with their cries and lamentations in an effort to raise funds and American Jews, as is well known, are the richest in the world.”

    To placate critics, the third version [also] has added lessons about Korean Americans, Armenian Americans, and Sikhs. Two lessons have been offered about Jews. One . . . teaches that Mizraḥi Jews coming to the United States from Arab lands were mistreated by “white” Ashkenazim. The other suggests that Jews of European descent benefit from “white privilege.”

  4. Wow!
    More Trumpian nonsense!
    Name calling is the highest form of intellectual discussion!
    Yes only news sources which agree with your way of thinking are acceptable - everything else is Pravda?!

  5. The article from Mosiac is Trumpian nonsense? BTW, where did I 'name call'? Is taking CNN to task name calling?

  6. I am merely pointing out that Critical race theory is a dehumanizing nazi-like philosophy. The theory is not an "awareness of facts." You clearly know nothing about it except what some collection of morons said on CNN.

  7. So let's get this straight. All the books by Ibrahim X Kendi and all his friends in which they define CRT, create the ideology around it, push for it to be the official way the US runs now, all that was invented by the Republicans?

  8. No, there's the problem and then there's the solution. Imagine if the Allies, at the end of the war, kept the camps open but filled them with Germans. Oh wait, you don't have to. The Russians pretty much did that, except they built their own camps.
    Yes, slavery is bad. Replacing liberal society with a new racist one because of the history of slavery is also bad.

  9. Wow!
    And you obviously know everything about it because you don't read CNN

  10. Yes Mosaic magazine is not researching facts but is a polemic. It is not taking CNN to task it is simply a screed

  11. What the Republicans are attacking is not CRT but their image of what it is

  12. Mosaic article is not screed. It describes the Critical Race Theory that is included in the State of California's mandated Ethnic Studies High School curriculum. In journalism ‘screed’ means a ranting piece of writing. The Mosaic article was anything but a rant.

  13. you are mistakenly assuming that ESHS is CRT it isn't. You can claim it CRT is Nazi philosophy - it isn't. Nor is it what Trump and his supporters claim it is. Creative attribution is not the same as actually evaluating

  14. Your ignorance on this topic is sad, and your partisanship is motivating you to support a very evil cause that masquerades itself as morally superior. You should rethink this and do some research.

  15. Yet the books and other publications that define it say exactly what is being attacked. What a strange delusion you adhere to!

  16. yes the republican right wingers are delusional about CRT!

  17. Wow!

    Anyone who doesn't have your ignorant understanding has no right to say anything!

  18. I'm referring to books and publications by CRT proponents and philosophers! You seem to have no clue what you're talking about

  19. Biotech is very informed about CRT. DT is not.

  20. You have all the freedom in the world to say whatever ignorant statements you like, and I have equally the right to call them out for being inaccurate (and disturbingly so). I am not denying any CRT proponent's freedom of speech by calling out the hate and insanity underlying their philosophy. A nazi could state his views and philosophies too, but I'm sure you'd agree that his claims shouldn't go unchallenged.

  21. You are generous despite your obvious ignorance and bias against the truth!


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