Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Real Reason Trump Hates ‘Windmills’ QUIXOTIC CRUSADE


His obsession with wind turbines—which he blames for a variety of domestic and foreign policy ills—originates from a dispute he had with the Scottish Parliament over windmills near his golf course outside Aberdeen, Scotland, two decades ago.

Trump has floated many conspiracies and criticisms of “windmills,” most of them completely inane. He also does this even though it typically doesn’t provoke a strong reaction from his MAGA rally crowds—which is a bit unusual.


  1. https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/wind/wind-turbines-kill-too-many-birds-and-bats-how-can-we-make-them-safer#:~:text=The%20numbers%20are%20troubling.,of%20thousands%20in%20North%20America.

    People don't realize that "green" solutions can be very damaging to the environment.

  2. The world economy cannot rely on wind and solar energy alone, there are times when wind stops and there is no power, so we need to fire up gas or coal fired power stations. The big polluters are China and Russia who burn fossil fuels in ever increasing amounts.

    1. According to the ecofascists, only CO2 emissions produced in North America and western Europe count. China, India and Russia can do whatever they want without any protest from St Greta.
      If this was a real problem, then world leaders would grab at real solutions. Phase out coal and oil, replacing it with natural gas. 25% drop in emissions. Develop nuclear power. No emissions there. Drop wind because of the damage it does to wildlife and lose solar because of the huge amount of unrecyclable waste the panels eventually become. Push hybrid cars because e-car batteries become a huge source of waste and their minerals are mined by slave labour.
      But no, all these actual solutions are immediately rejected. Almost as if the problem isn't real.


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