Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lawsuit Targeting Jewish Organizations in Agunah Case Dismissed


In October 2023, Ari Satz sued ORA, its executive director Keshet Starr and The Jewish Link, as well as a Bergenfield rabbi who had been involved with advocating for the get. Ari Satz claimed that the photograph that was printed in ORA’s flyer violated his privacy, and that those who shared the flyer had defamed him and purposely made him appear “disheveled.” The lawsuit sought $30 million in damages.


  1. From the article: "After the court granted the motion for extension of time and denied Ari Satz’s cross-motion, he filed a notice of voluntary dismissal dismissing all claims against all defendants."

    Which means, that Satz voluntarily dismissed his claims against the defendants. I guess that he realized how weak his legal case was.

    1. And once again, any good lie to make a “get refuser” look bad. Yes the case was dropped but not bc as they claimed “it was going to fail”. In fact, this guy akiva Shapiro made a motion to reopen the case so he can answer the claim and then make a motion for legal fees. The judge said he never heard in the history of nj someone wanting to reopen a case that was voluntarily dismissed. It just goes to show you how far these people will go to be heroes. As they made their embarrassing presentation on how they would have won, the judge sat there are argued with them. He said you don’t know if you would have been able to get this dismissed and I won’t reopen a case based on your word that you would. It was dismissed bc I was just done. Why fight now when there is an appeal pending that could make this law suit rock solid. Yet even though they know it’s a lie, they won’t take the article down. Akiva Shapiro just wants to be hero even by lying like avi kahan.


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