Saturday, February 8, 2020

Six MONTHS In Jail -- for WHAT??!


Six MONTHS In Jail -- for WHAT??!

The Crusade to Terrorize Girls Into Army Enlistment Escalates Dramatically

12 Shvat, 5780 °°  Feb. 7, '20 

(This update is a revised version of, which was circulated yesterday in the weekly email of the Coalition for Jewish Values, based in Baltimore MD.)

By Binyomin Feinberg,


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or/and see updates for month of Shvat '80:

Refusenik Updates: 


1.  We've reported several times on Lital bas Miriam, a religious bas-Cohen from Tel-Aviv. She has been literally persecuted in Military Prison Four for almost four weeks, in the wake of her arrest (or ambush) at the airport on Jan. 13, '20. See: *

{* Rivka No'ah bas Yehudis is the name of the religious French immigrant girl in Prison Six.}


2.  On this past Tuesday, Feb. 4, Lital had yet another military court hearing. Chillingly, the prosecution (i.e., the Army) wanted to hit her with an extraordinarily brutal sentence. Just how long? Judging from the "compromise" that the Judge reportedly directed the prosecution to consider, the Army wanted to imprison Lital not - G-d forbid - for days, weeks, or even months -- but for YEARS!  We are informed by someone in the know that this is no ploy; the Army is apparently "out for blood."  It is our duty to ensure that it's not her blood - or that of any innocent person - that they get.

3.  An important question here is: why is the Israeli Army trying to impose such a draconian punishment on this non-violent, 26 y/o "threat to national security?"  Granted, according to the Army, Lital is long-term "draft-dodger," [sic] -- being "absent for years" from the military - in which enlistment is strictly prohibited by Jewish Law. But why a sentence so extraordinary brutal?

4.  Clearly, the extraordinary length of the desired sentence appears to be indicative of the Army motivation operative here. It's not that they're prosecuting and persecuting this young lady IN SPITE OF of her religious beliefs. In that case, they would temper their bloodlust with a veneer of token lucidity. Rather, it's precisely BECAUSE of her steadfast dedication to safeguarding her purity and her religious values that the Israeli Army is persecuting Lital. They want to break her, and terrorize all of the other girls and women standing up to the Army's antireligious crusade to force women into the immoral, exploitative military. G-d willing, that attempt will fail, and ultimately backfire.

5.  Clearly, this young lady, a daughter of Kohanim, has been branded for serving as the "Korban" to "Maitav" (the Draft Office), a sacrificial lamb, in order to strike terror into the hearts of even some of the strongest, most devoted religious girls and women avoiding the Army.

6.  That's not all. On Tuesday, the Judge directed the prosecution to strike a "compromise" with the defense. That "compromise" reportedly involves imposing a "settlement" on Lital - that requires she agree to a staggering SIX MONTHS in Military Prison, without even allowing her a chance to fight for her religious and human rights in a court.

Plea deals often make sense - for guilty people. But this is plain judicial tyranny, being employed to advance the religious persecution of an innocent Orthodox Jewess.

7.  In essence, this "compromise offer" itself is judicial blackmail: either agree to a half a year without fighting for your rights, or else face the tyranny of years in Military Prison, all without the chance to a fair fight in court (see posts above). Moreover, the litany of illicit and illegal actions of the Draft Office, and the Prison System, all provide additional clarification as to why the government is blackmailing Lital into giving up before even beginning her legal battle in earnest: they don't want all of their illegalities and corruption to be exposed to the Free World.

8.  Above all, this travesty is a clear case of the Army terrorizing an innocent religious woman for remaining steadfast in her adherence to the Torah prohibition against enlistment in the immoral, exploitative military.  If this abomination would be perpetrated anywhere else in the world, we'd call it what it is: Jew-Hatred, of the worst sort.

9.  As explained in previous posts, all of this torment struck Lital in the wake of her naively submitting to an Religiosity Interview ("Rayon Dat") over seven years ago, around the the time she finished school. At that time, the (female) Draft Officer tripped Lital up on a question about the Reading of the Torah, something from which women are generally exempt, by Jewish Law.  Apparently, under that transparent pretext, Maitav (the Draft Office) refused to provide Lital the religious exemption to which she was entitled. (See also: 

10.  However, Lital reportedly never got a conclusive picture of her final draft status. Like thousands of other girls, she never got any documentation to clarify her draft status one way or the other. Additionally, Lital was apparently misled by Border Police. Her family claims that immediately prior to her surprise-arrest at the airport in mid-January, she repeatedly checked with Israeli Border Police. They told her that she's ok to travel, without concern of her name being on the list of non-exempted girls. When she arrived at the airport, they arrested her, to the shock of her parents.

Did Israeli Border Police intentionally give Lital misinformation to ambush her? If so, that would explain why the Army consistently refuses to comply with the government requirement that the Army notify the girls shortly after they submit their religiosity certification.  This way, they can entrap girls anytime the opportunity presents itself, and then use the threat of extended incarceration in the brutal military prison environment as blackmail - to force religious girls into the Army, all in flagrant violation of the Torah.

11.  Lital's next hearing is set to be held this coming Monday, Feb. 10 (Parshas Yisro). Prior to that, Lital is expected to make a THIRD visit to an Army officer who could potentially help arrange for a military-service exemption.  The previous two visits failed to help her, however. It's quite apparent that they're all playing games, with her life on the line.

12.  In addition, it was reported that her right of communication (already severely limited) has been [illegally] impeded by the prison authorities, on multiple occasions. How can Lital possibly ensure a semblance of a fair hearing and a proper arrangement of an exemption - especially when the stakes are so monumental - without the ability to communicate with whomever she needs to? 

13.  This barbaric, anti-Jewish abuse of an innocent young lady cannot be allowed to pass quietly. For instance, Gedolim in the past had helped organize womens' demonstrations against the government, over the drafting of girls.  It is so much more necessary, and so much more technically feasible nowadays.


14.  As of approximately two weeks ago, there were an estimated TWENTY girls and women imprisoned in Military Prison Four alone, in addition to all of those languishing in Prison Six (where Refuseniks are sometimes intentionally tormented by exposure to the winter cold without sufficient clothing). True, not every imprisoned girl is necessarily in jail for refusing to serve in the Army. There may be some incarcerated for other reasons. But, regardless, the Israeli government has no right to enlist females; therefore they has no right to impose Army regimen on them. All the more so, they have no right to impose military incarceration.

15.  Ta'i ["Ta-ee"] bas Oshrah has been imprisoned in Military Prison Six in the North for at least a week for her refusal to enlist in the Army.

16.  Another girl, Mai, was reportedly just released from Military Prison Four several days ago, B"H.

17.  Another religious girl, Tal-Yah bas Rus /Liz, continues to languish in Military Prison Four, reportedly enduring an insane 33-day sentence, for her refusal to serve in the Army. So far, she's been suffering there for about SEVEN weeks total.

18.  Another religious girl, an immigrant from France, Rivka No'a bas Yehudis, who has been incarcerated for over TWO MONTHS in Military Prison Six,  was notified that she will get an exemption from Army service, BE"H. However, despite that exemption, they insist on keeping her imprisoned until she completes the 12 day punitive sentence handed up last Thursday.

19.  One of the outstanding questions here is:

Where are the ostensibly rightwing and religious Knesset members? Even just prior to a high-stakes election (a third consecutive election at that), they cannot muster the self-interest-impelled gumption to raise a massive (or even a minor) alarm over these blatant and unrelenting evils, assaults against Jewish girls that threaten the very future of the Jewish People?

20. Another is: Is this barbaric anti-religious persecution of righteous Jewish women the price of religious "representatives" sitting in the Knesset?

21.  Also see:

CREEP STATE:  Sexual Exploitation - Via Escalation of Religiosity-Interrogations


  1. As of approximately two weeks ago, there were an estimated TWENTY
    girls and women imprisoned in Military Prison Four alone, in addition to
    all of those languishing in Prison Six (where Refuseniks are sometimes
    intentionally tormented by exposure to the winter cold without
    sufficient clothing). True, not every imprisoned girl is necessarily in
    jail for refusing to serve in the Army. There may be some incarcerated
    for other reasons. But, regardless, the Israeli government has no right
    to enlist females; therefore they has no right to impose Army regimen on
    them. All the more so, they have no right to impose military

  2. How many secular dodgers are in military jail?
    Would they receive kosher food?
    Is it worth going to jail for? Yeharaig is a political claim, has very little to do with emes of the situation. If you believe it's really yeharaig, then jail is much better than death, so you should be praising the Almighty for the lenient option of jail.

  3. Secular girl refuses, spends 100 days in jail
    So how can you expect to get better treatment for drummers? Is it also reasonable for speed limit to be raised for frummers, so they get less tickets?

  4. when yoou say no right to do this or that, in which system are talking? halacha? No government anywhere keeps halacha


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