Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rav Shmuel Auerbach joins other gedolim in protesting Kaminetsky-Greenblatt Heter


  1. The arrogance and silence of the Mattirim grows louder by the day.

  2. Oh, he's just another hater. . .

  3. With Rav Auerbach's letter, this is the final nail in the coffin of the heter.

  4. Here we go...train's finally pulling out of the station.
    All aboard!!

  5. As a true blue Shteinmanist, I usually have little use for Rav Auerbach. However, today I applaud him for his standing up for Torah.

  6. All their hokus pokes won't work. The gedolim are speaking out one by one.
    This is what separates the men from the boys.

  7. Rav Auerbach has to apologize for not following daas torah

  8. What a joke. He's being mocheh that they didn't include him in the first letter. It cost him nothing to sign this. It's a shame that the naive American rabbonim keep falling into the traps the mechablim set for them.

  9. If Moshe rabeinu himself was moche, they would also say he's going against daas torah.
    Maybe there talking about their own gospels

  10. As a true blue Shteinmanist, what would be your explanation for your Fearless Leader's silence on this matter? I have yet to see his macho'o. Just saying. . .

  11. Folks Rav Shteinmans letter coming this week. Reb Shmuel went to Rav Shteinman pleading with him not to publish anything but I believe by the end of the week or early next week the gadol hador will be issuing a letter against heter.

  12. Sadly it is not and the proof is that the MOETZES in the USA has yet to sign a letter against the HETER
    Philly has a strong base and it is used for the wrong reasons, I have yet to see evidence that RSK is losing support within his own crowd.

  13. Wonder how much glick is giving the aguda and bmg to remain silent

  14. The moetzet, while it might disapprove of the specifics of this case, now see this as a power grab opportunity.

    Now any individual 'godol' can make an outlandish psak, decision, takanah, and get away with it.

    Nothing is hapenninga to RSKs (short of them laughing all the way to their bank, collecting their honor letters), why shouldn't the other 'gedolim' collect such powers, fees and honors?

  15. They are both great Talmidei Chachamim. Rav Auerbach always stands for Torah.

  16. I'm sorry but if you we're a real Talmud of r shteinman, you wouldn't refer to r shmuel as "having use for him "

  17. Lakewood Yeshiva GuyJanuary 13, 2016 at 11:37 PM

    As does that of the Honorable Moetzrs Gedolei HaTorah of American Jewry!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Is it possible that you, in your Disqus settings as the Disqus admin here, have a Disqus setting set somewhere or somehow to not email posters of your blog?

  19. what nail. and WHAT coffin. I don't think it'll do anything about the heter. the heter aint over until its OVER - ie. till the MESADER separates the couple and SHOLOM K. stops housing and protecting them in Philly.

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  21. Not always. Usually he stands for some obstinate version of Torah.

  22. Rav Kanievsky and Rav Karelitz are from our side. I don't speak for our fearless leader but I'm positive that he is on the right side of this, as he usually is.

  23. At this years convention Rabbi Zweibel and the novominskers speeches were against open orthodoxy. Sure very easy to bash something your not close to and something you will not get flak for but now with this heter that undermines the covenant between Hashem and Klal yisroel something that endanger the future yichus of Klal yisroel and they remain silent?? I for one will never again attend the convention not will I follow what they say. They Have proven themselves to be partial, not concerned with the very foundation of Klal yisroel but are only concerned with protecting one of their own even if it means endangering the future of Klal yisroel. Does anyone believe Reb Elya would have remained silent? Rav Moshe, Reb Yaakov , Rav Ruderman or Rav gifted ? They would have torn Kria and proclaimed public protests. Forget the Moetzes

  24. I don't follow his line, but he is still a great Rav

  25. Not that I care in the slightest about these silly Israeli politics, but R' Auerbach maintains the position of R' Shach. R' Shteinman is certainly entitled to disagree, and his many followers may choose to follow him, but that doesn't make R' Auerbach "obstinate" for refusing to go along. And his "obstinacy" certainly doesn't justify what the other side has been doing to his people.

  26. You made this comment already. No need to repeat it.

  27. Nice job sidestepping my question.

  28. Besides which, what is wrong with obstinacy if (in his opinion) the Torah mandates it? Also, when push comes to shove, Richard will find that R' Ahron Leib שליט"א's position is also much more obstinate than Richard's liberal view of the world - he is just trying to push the problem down the road until it can be dealt with later by complying now with דברים של מה בכך, as he has explained.

  29. Nothing wrong with stubbornly refusing to back down on matters of halachah (although these are gray areas, not black and white). I was reacting to the negative connotations of "obstinate."

  30. If you actually follow what's going on, you will see that Auerbach's people are the ones doing the bullying. And he is not following Rav Schach either; Rav Schach did what had to be done, unlike RSA.

  31. No interest in discussing this narishkeit. Will only say, let's not rewrite history, okay?

  32. No, He is an exception. Everyone else can be on the wrong side of something, even the great leader of the Moetzes in America, but he is completely infallible. He never ever was on the wrong side of an issue, nor will he ever be. It is just a logical impossibility.

  33. I'm sorry not true at all. R shteinman respects r shmuel, just they disagree on issues as they are contemporaries.


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