Sunday, September 11, 2022


 Ramban (Shemos 20:3) The verse here thus states that excepting the Eternal only, we are not to have others as gods, neither from all the angels above nor from all the host of heaven who are called elohim. This is something like that which is said, he that sacrificeth ‘la’elohim’ (unto the gods) save unto the Eternal only, shall be utterly destroyed.. It is thus a prohibition against believing in any of these beings, accepting them as gods, or saying to them, “thou art my god. This is also the opinion of Onkelos, who translated: “[thou shalt have no] other gods excepting Me....” Thus the purport of the verse here is: “Do not make other gods unto yourselves, for I am present with you always and see you in private and in public.”

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