Monday, October 4, 2021

Trump’s Claims About Hunter Biden in China

 President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused Hunter Biden, without evidence, of making millions of dollars in a “payoff” from China, after accompanying his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on a 2013 diplomatic trip to Beijing.

The claim involves a cross-border private equity fund involving some state-owned financial companies in China. Biden served on the management company’s board while his father was vice president, but his attorney says that was an unpaid position, that he did not create the company and has not yet received any money, let alone millions. The attorney says Hunter Biden only acquired a minority stake in the investment management company after his father left office.

We have found no evidence to contradict that, and Trump hasn’t provided any. We also found no evidence that Joe Biden used his position as vice president to enrich his son.


  1. Again, Factcheck has been caught lying over and over. It's a great example of "My truth" as opposed to "The truth". The truth is that Hunter-Biden is a big deal. My truth is that it isn't because it helps Trump.

  2. "my truth, your truth" narrative - Marxism, where left wing lies are truths.


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