Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Alta Fixsler Passes Away After Removal of Life Support


 “It is especially devastating that the U.K. rejected the pleas from both the US. and Israel, two of the U.K.’s closest allies, that the U.K. allow Alta to be sent to one of those countries, which were willing to provided her care. Why was this chance for the child to live denied?


  1. Her life was a living death. Excepting for the halachic viewpoint, her demise was a welcome release for herself and her family. Israelis would have been forced to pay for hopeless life support from their taxes.

  2. "Excepting for the halachic viewpoint..."

    To a Torah Jew, the Halachic viewpoint is the only viewpoint that matters, and expense does not play any factor in the decision making process.

  3. Re the Israel Reader's response. I agree with the point regarding the halachic view. Hamodia asked a rhetorical question - Why was this chance for the child to live denied? I offered reasons.
    Even private Israeli hospitals receive government support.

    Here is a news item from January noting that hospitals' complained that their funding is not on an equal footing:
    "Treasury reaches deal to fund privately owned hospitals amid virus crisis
    "Facing collapse, 7 leading hospitals will get $275 million in funding through end of 2021, with committee to plan for next state budget... The private hospitals say they have been severely impacted by the ongoing outbreak and are demanding funding on an equal footing with state-run hospitals, which receive billions of shekels in financing from the government."

    Besides, the treatments in hospitals are funded by kupot cholim, which are largely funded by the government, particular in cases like this where the expenses are tremendous. Whatever is not from the government comes from the public's pockets in the form of a health tax.

    Regarding research, the girl was suffering from a brain injury, not a rare disease, and there are prob. many other opportunities to study conditions like hers.

    It is an unfortunate, but perhaps inevitable phenomenon in the secular world that the advance of medicine has vastly raised the possibility of preserving life but at a cost the secular public (or their representatives) is/are not always happy to pay.

    Citing stories of the person in a thousand who woke after 15 years will not change their minds and are for religious peoples' consumption.

  4. Proud Conservative MomOctober 21, 2021 at 3:31 PM

    "To a Torah Jew, the Halachic viewpoint is the only viewpoint that matters, and expense does not play any factor in the decision making process."

    Absolutely 馃挴 percent, and always.

    As a sidebar, The NHS (Britian's healthcare system, was extremely evil in not allowing Alta to be transfered to Israel.
    It would have cost them NOTHING.

    Hashem, will reward these evil vermin, accordingly.


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