Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Following 'Post' op-ed, CNN apologizes to Dore Gold for misquote


"On last week's show, I asked King Abdullah about the concept that there would be no stand-alone Palestine state in the future that but instead his nation, Jordan, would become the de-facto Palestine state," said Zakaria "I said the idea had been recently mentioned by long time Israeli diplomat, Dore Gold. I was wrong. Many have talked about that concept, but not ambassador Gold. I apologize for that error."

1 comment :

  1. Oh, CNN got something wrong. But when it's Trump or BLM you treat them like Torah MiSinai.
    Besides, here's what we need to say:
    1) Jordan is over 75% so-called Palestinian. Even the queen is one of them
    2) The Hashemites are transplants from Arabia through the help of the British. If one believes the lie that the so-called Palestinians are indigenous to the area, then of the three groups - Jews, so-called Palestinians and Hashemites, they're the ones who don't belong!


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