Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Noach was tzadik only in his generation

Rav Yakov (Bereishis 06:09) Why do some of our Sages say that Noach was only a tzadik in his generation when it is possible to interpret this verse as praising him? A possible answer is that he was viewed negatively because he was not able to save his generation.  This means that if he were a complete Tzadik, he would have saved them. The reason for his failure is that he chastised them for idolatry when in fact idolatry was a cover for their real sin of sexual immorality. Thus he was viewed negatively because he misunderstood reality and failed to know the truth and thereby lacked wisdom not piety. Consequently we learn the foundation of serving G-d is being concerned with putting all one’s efforts in determining the underlining Truth.

1 comment :

  1. Apart from Noah and Yosef, who else is called a Tzaddik?
    And the rabbis accuse Yosef of being prepared to sleep with Potiphar's wife, so this line of argumentation is very weak.
    And in fact, Abraham couldn't save his generation or at least not Sodom and Gomorrah. So again, this is a very poor arguement he is presenting


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