Sunday, November 20, 2022

GOP' prime focus is not crime or economy but attacking President Biden

“The top priority is to deal with inflation and the cost of living. ... What I don’t want to see is what we saw in the Trump administration, where Democrats went after the president and the administration incessantly,” Rep.-elect Mike Lawler of New York said on CNN.


  1. And the Dem's prime focus is on attacking Trump. But that's okay?

  2. I guess you have trouble reading what the Democrats got accomplished despite GOP opposition!

  3. Yes, their accomplishments - expansion of Chinese influence in the Pacific, massive inflation, increased energy dependence on Saudi Arabia, repeated efforts to give Iran nukes. Good job guys!

  4. Wow you really believe the Democrats totally control the world!?,
    Of course if Trump was president gas would be @1 no inflation and he would boycott Saudi Arabia?!

  5. Do you even read what I write or do you just have a ready set of insults ready to go?
    Yes there's inflation around the world but the severity varies from country to country based on their economic policies. Look at Israel - yes there's inflation but it's a fraction of the US because the government didn't decide to give out free money (unless they're Chareidi and that's chronic). What more, yes Trump would have far less need of the Saudis because Keystone XL would be replacing a large amount of the imported oil.

  6. Biden is slowly eating his words on energy. Can't control Saudis, Russia, green energy, Iran, Venezuela etc. Khashoggi was a big stumbling block for Biden, as has been Ukraine and his anti Israel pipeline position.

  7. Your point that trump or any Republican could do better?!

  8. Not really. Unless there's a great political leader with good luck, then they are subject to their own ideological delusions.
    Covid was bad luck for Trump. Ukraine for Biden. But they tend to dig themselves into holes. Happens all over the world.

  9. Well yes, in fact Trump did do better. There is chaos at the southern border as hundreds of thousands of economic migrants stream across without any hindrance. Trump had some control of that. There is dependence on foreign oil. Trump was prepared to bring in oil from Canada. China is pushing forward with plans to start WW3. Trump pushed back against that with economic moves. And if you think it was a coincidence that Putin waited until there was a Democrat in the White House to attack Ukraine, then there's no arguing with you because of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  10. Seems like you are describing yourself

  11. Nope
    Bibi, for example, has been so far lucky and successful.
    barak, Peres, lapid, Bennett _ all disasters, some self made, some unlucky.


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