Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fox News judge: Senators who vote to suppress "the truth" are not "faithful to the Constitution"

 Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News contributor and frequent critic of President Donald Trump, wrote an editorial Thursday, which asked Republican senators who refuse to call witnesses for Trump's impeachment trial the following: "How can the Senate be faithful to the Constitution if it suppresses the truth?"
After reviewing the history of the separation of powers established in the U.S. Constitution, Napolitano wrote that "in the case of impeachment of the president, the Constitution gives 'sole power' to the House of Representatives. In the case of an impeachment trial, the Constitution gives exclusivity to the Senate. There is no place for presidential resistance or judicial interference, so long as the House and Senate arguably follow the Constitution."


  1. President Trump.emerges triumphant and can now address the Congress with his State of the Union address. And what a great state the union is in! Ruled over by a duly democratically elected President, who will not be removed from office by the Senate -- everything done according to the Constitution as determined by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, not by some media hacks.

    The system worked.

    The question remains of what to do with the Democrats. Hopefully, they will be voted out of office.

  2. correct he told the senate no witnesses and a fast acquittal and the servile Republicans delivered - true democracy!
    where in the constitution does it say a president is above the law and can do anything to get reelected? and the defendant can block all evidence against him?

  3. Where? I would humbly suggest that the place is where the Constitution talks about impeachment.

    Now, some might argue that the Constitution says no such thing like that in the section about impeachment!

    And I woukd be forced to agree. However, judges are constantly finding stuff in the Constitution that isn't there. Where does it say men have a right marry men? Yet, that "right" was found in the Constitution because the justices felt that that is what the social mileau in America is like nowadays.

    So, too, the feeling a cross America is that we want a President who gets away with whatever he wants. Homosexuals want to feel free to engage in perverse degeneracy and get the government to literally give them a license to do that? FINE!! So we can have a democratically licentious President trampling all over the Constitution!!!


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