Thousands of pieces of tools, jewellery, figurines, seeds and other objects have been found at the site of a huge 9,000-year-old settlement from the Neolithic period uncovered in Israel.
That is in reference to flesh eating black holes, machnis ve'eino motzi. This city was covered by laying barren but left intact. Did they dig up some funny bones of a homo erectus or other 'eveluting' dinosaur ape human like skull with protruding lower jaw?
אמר רב קטינא: שית אלפי שני הוו עלמא וחד חרוב, שנאמר ישעיהו ב' ונשגב ה' לבדו ביום ההוא. -סנהדרין, דף צ"ז, עמוד א
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That is in reference to flesh eating black holes, machnis ve'eino motzi. This city was covered by laying barren but left intact. Did they dig up some funny bones of a homo erectus or other 'eveluting' dinosaur ape human like skull with protruding lower jaw?