Monday, October 24, 2022

Evil Eye - concern?

Beis Yosef (OC 141:5) כתוב בא"ח שאין לקרות בתורה ב' אחים או אב ובן זה אחר זה מפני שהם פסולים לעדות זה לזה וכתיב עדות ה' נאמנה עכ"ל והכלבו בסי' כ' והמרדכי בהלכות קטנות כתבו בשם הר"מ שיכולים לקרות ב' אחים זה אחר זה והבן אחר האב ואין מניחין לעשות כן בשביל עין הרע :

Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 141:6) Two brothers may be called up for an aliyah, one after the other, and so too a son after a father. But the accepted custom is to refrain from doing so only because of Evil Eye. And even if one was called up for the seventh aliyah and the other was called up for maftir we do not call the second by his name because we are concerned for the Evil Eye.

Aruch HaShulchan (OC 141.8)Two brothers may be called up for an aliyah, one after the other, and so too a son after a father. But the accepted custom is to refrain from doing so only because of Evil Eye. And even if one was called up for the seventh aliyah and the other was called up for maftir we are concerned for the Evil Eye. But this is only for Shabbos but not Yom Tov or Shabbos Rosh Chodesh and Chanuka and the 4 Pashas because maftir is read from a different Torah scroll we are not concerned with Evil Eye and not for hagba If a person isn’t concerned about the Evil Eye he can do what he wants

Mishna Berura (141:19)Even those who say they are not concerned about the Evil eye are not allowed

Igros Moshe (Even Ha’ezer 3, 26) With regards to an Ayin Hara, one should certainly take it into account, but one shouldn’t be overly concerned, because about these kinds of things the rule is: “One who is not troubled by it, will not be troubled by it” (Pesachim 110b).


  1. what do the earlier sources say? Shulchan Aruch, Rema? Presumably Rambam does not even mention it.

  2. Igros Moshe appears to overrule the MB?


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