Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Virginia governor-elect Youngkin was accused of using antisemitic tropes

Republican Glenn Youngkin, a businessman, has defeated former governor Terry McAuliffe to become Virginia’s governor in a race that was fraught with charges of antisemitism.

Local and national media organizations called the race, which was widely viewed as a barometer for Republican electoral strategy in the post-Trump era, early Wednesday morning.

Youngkin embraced former US President Donald Trump in the primary but distanced himself from Trump in the general campaign, while still managing to retain the support of Trump’s core constituencies.


  1. Virginia governor election: Biden's presidency in crisis as Republican Glenn Youngkin pulls off shock win

  2. So he attacks a secular, anti-Israel communist , who is also a Jew. And this is anti-semitism?

    This blog attacks secular, left, right, MO, and even Hareidi Jewish Gedolim on a daily basis, is it therefore antisemitic?

  3. So attacking Jews is not antisemitism if the Jew's name is Soros or is from Satmehr or is a communist or leftist or is not college educated or fully employed or is hareidi or suppoets vaccinations
    Also anyone who has Jewish friends or relatives or is a Republican can't be an antisemite

  4. Here is the counter example-

    Legend has it, that the Chofetz Chaim made a pulsa d'nura on Trotsky. Whether it is true or not, he was not beloved of frum Yidden. When the communists had him killed, it was not related to him being a Jew, but becasue they didn't like his politics, ie the same reason that the rabbis didn't like him.

    Being a Jew does not give one total immunity from criticism, regardless of what he does. Even Korah was a Jew!

  5. If it is genuine criticism. Was Youngkin's criticism of Soros and his opponent true or you are just assuming that any claims against Soros must be true

    So your "big" proof is a legend about the Chofetz Chaim which you admit you don't know was true.

  6. LOL what a joke. Soros is a known leftwing activist proudly funding and operating MANY leftwing groups in America. Pointing to his involvement (or that of his allies) in this or that cause is NOT an accusation against Jews!
    He is proud of his work, and I am not sure why anyone should be obligated to pretend he doesn't exist.

  7. Your assumption that any mere mention or even criticism of Soros is somehow inherently tied to criticism of the entire Jewish people or that "Soros" is a stand-in for some other secret meaning that is being hidden by use of his name, is simply false.

  8. So that gives you the need to make up stories and accusations?!

  9. Even if his criticism was false or misguided, it's not automatically antisemitic.
    Another story I heard - Kissinger was intermarried, and was in a soul once. The gabbai asked him to leave. 😁

  10. Made-up stories about Jews controlling the world can be assumed to be antisemitic

  11. Epstein, madoff, Weinstein...
    Bad things do happen.

  12. are you saying that Antisemites can say bad things about the devious Jews since there are some Jews that are criminals?!

  13. not everyone who says bad things about bad jews is an antisemite. Just like not everyone who condemns bad acts of Muslims or Xtians, hates those faiths or people.

  14. Yeah, he's such an antiSemite that the Lincoln Project had to hire a bunch of guys to dress up like neoNazis and pose in front of one of his campaign buses. And this is what idiots Liberals are - one of the faux neo-Nazis was Black! Geez!

  15. What was the made up story and made up accusation? As far as I know, Youngkin's claim was factually correct, and the linked Times of Israel piece does not even attempt to refute it. If you have a refutation of the claim, then I will retract. That would be an unfair attack on Soros (Still not an attack on Jews and not an antisemitic commentary).
    Times of Israel seems to be saying that even if the accusation IS true, it's not only an unfair attack on Soros but also somehow an attack on Jews. Both of which are of course absurd.

  16. If I already said "not everybody" it means that some are.
    So your question is redundant.


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