Saturday, February 1, 2020

jews who died in plague of darkness refused to believe that redemption had arrived so soon

אמת ליעקב שמות פרק י פסוק כב
פירש"י וז"ל: ולמה הביא עליהם חשך שהיו בישראל באותו הדור רשעים ולא היו רוצים לצאת ומתו בשלשת ימי אפלה וכו'. הנה אף שבאמת כל בני הדור ההוא לא היו נחשבים כצדיקים, שהרי מצינו שטענו מלאכי השרת הללו עובדי עבודה זרה והללו עבודה זרה, הרי שהמלאכים לא היו יכולים לראות שום הבדל בין ישראל למצרים, וא"כ מדוע מתו דוקא רשעים אלו ולא כל הרשעים. ונראה משום שאלו היו רוצים לעכב בידיהם של האחרים מלצאת, דהם סברו שמכיון שקבלה בידם שישתעבדו ד' מאות שנה א"כ עדיין לא הגיע זמן הקץ, ופחדו שאם יצאו קודם הזמן אז יארע להם כמו שיארע לבני אפרים שיצאו קודם הזמן, ולא האמינו לדברי משה והזקנים שחישב ה' את הקץ בזכות האבות, ולכן המיתן הקדוש ברוך הוא. אבל הכלל כולו, אף שבעיני המלאכים היו בגדר עובדי עבודה זרה, אבל רק הקדוש ברוך הוא יש לו את הראייה למרחוק להבין שאומה זו שעכשיו הם עובדי עבודה זרה יהיו בעוד שבעה שבועות מוכנים לעמוד בהר סיני ולומר "נעשה ונשמע", ופנימיות כזו גם המלאכים אין מרגישים בה, עד שהוצרך הקדוש ברוך הוא להוכיח את זה למדת הדין על ידי מה שהראה להם ארונו של יוסף [בראשית רבה פרשה פ"ז אות ח'], והיינו שהוכיח להם שאומה זו תוך תוכם ממקור אחר נחצב, וביארתי זה היטב להלן בדברינו ריש פרשת בשלח [י"ג פי"ט], עיין שם.
ונצייר נא לעצמנו מה היתה הרגשתם של בני ישראל במשך ימי מכת חושך, שהרי רואים הם שישראל לוקין יותר מן המצרים, שבמשך ג' ימים מתו יותר מב' מליונים גברים לבד מטף וזקנים ונשים, והלא לא ידעו טעם מכה זו, ובודאי שהיו ישראל תמהין ואומרין מה זה עשה ד' לנו. וזוהי נחמתנו במצב זה2 שאנו מתרעמין כביכול על הנהגת השי"ת בנוגע לכלל ישראל, אבל לפ"ז משמע שאנו קרובין לגאולה..


  1. sounds familiar

  2. A common psychological failing among great people with great ideas is the inability to consider that maybe they're wrong.
    We see this with Bnei Ephrayim, on one hand, who left ahead of schedule and paid for it but they weren't shouting "We don't care what God wants! We're leaving!" They believed that, according to their calculations, the time had come and they weren't going to miss it.
    Then we have the ones who died during Makkas Choshech who were the opposite. After 9 plagues, after Moshe Rabeinu, a"h, repeatedly saying to get ready because the time had come, they said "We don't care what God wants! We're not leaving because the time hasn't come according to our calculations." The thought that God doesn't give a fig about their calculations and will do whatever He wants to do didn't occur to them.
    And today there are Jews who, despite the historical evidence and all the fulfilled prophecies, sit back and say "Nope, God's not allowed to redeem us until we say so". Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

  3. Well that's because e they refused to hear the wor ds of a Navi hashem a real True Navie the Greatest navi of all times Moshe Rabenu!!
    So they were dead wrong al Pi torah !
    Not unlike the The Unbelieving anti god Zionists who took the Geulah prematurely and so brought on the Holocaust.
    And still continue to raise generations of Apikorsim non believers and Pig eaters ..etc.etc. Michalilei shabbos and support all religions and xtians all over the Palace of hashem The Holy Land instead of routing out the unbelievers in EY as required by torah law

    We hope they do teshuvah now or THEY will disappear not from Abortion but from the New Makos to be handed out with the very soon entrance of Moshiach , we will again have a DARKNESS and they will again dissapear !

  4. More like the satmar and munkatch opponents to tzion.
    Same opposition, same spy negative outlook, same outcome.
    Do you think the holocaust was brought on by redeemers? No, it was same parallel story as what happened to the deniers in mitzrayim. OK Herzl and Weizmann were not frum, sorry about that, but the generation in Sinai were not perfect, did not have bris (which is worse than Xmas tree).

  5. BTW, I once questioned the authenticity of the zohar and was accused of apikorsus. I'm pleased to say that the holy Noda bYehuda , also questions it, and for the same reasons 😁. Always good to be backed by a gaon.

  6. So you recognize Torah law to fight in eretz Yisrael - well done, it's a good start. Also to fight for it. And settle the land - by Torah law, which trumps aggadot, and even drabbanan.

  7. No only al Pi Navi
    otherwise ossur

  8. the grea Ben Ish chai stated tha the Great rav yehudah pitia his famous talmid was a gilgul of the nodah biyehudah and he was forced to come down again to proclaim the holiness of the Zohar and fix his mistake of the prevous gilgal as Nodeh Biyehuda
    (no dont go ahead malighning the ben ish chai for he is the only somewhat Matir for the M/O wives living in western society to not cover their hair !)


  10. n

  11. Lol, he would say that. Torah is very sceptical towards dreamers of dreams. Pita, one of your anti zionist friends.

  12. Noda byehuda was greater than Ben ish chai, and also the Gra. The Yavetz, chasam sofer, and NbY were all anti kabbalah to some degree. NbY banned the polytheistic leshem yichud, which basically hindu dualism.

  13. It's all or nothing al pi Navi. you sound liek Xtians, who say they will keep the Torah once their (and your) Christ has come back and done tikkun.
    Torah is not something we can pick and choose, when the seasons suit us or not.

    Then again, you make up your own navi all the time, playing tricks with computers, dreamers of kabala dreams, gilgul etc.

  14. "was a gilgul of the nodah biyehudah and he was forced to come down again to proclaim the holiness of the Zoha"

    there are many claims that x is a gilgul of y. Saadia gaon said it is all nonsense. One of my rebbes said the Lubavitcher rebbe was gilgul of Moshe rabbenu! And your anti-zionist Hungarian friend, moshe Hirsch (debrecener rav) claimed he was Moshiach and signed on the dotted line of the neo-sabbatian Chabad proclamation!

    For a movement that has brought polytheism back to Jewish practice, and endorses dualistic heresy in their neo-sabbatean siddurim, these little claims of gilgul etc are not serious material. the Torah says we should cut off the idolaters with no mercy, and no need for a Bet Din.

    "dont go ahead malighning the Ben ish chai for he is the only Rav who was somewhat Matir for the M/O wives living in western society to not cover their hair"

    One is unconnected to the other. Do you accept this leniency? If an MO made such a heter, you would blast him. There was also another Baghdadi heter to ride on the bus with a prepaid ticket on Shabbat - a bit like what they tried in tel aviv!

  15. OK, so no tefilin, unless a novi tells you it's OK. Otherwise, ossur.


  17. nice try berel

  18. Do you think the b. Ish chai had nevuah? How did he know that pitiah was "gilgul " of the NbY? He didn't know. He either had the intuition, or he said it to make a point, having been upset by the truth of the Noda byehuda, rav Yaakov emden, and the rambam. Who is pitiah? Cannot compare him to noda byehuda!
    Also, Iraqi Jewry were expelled to Israel by the Arabs. Why didn't they resist? Obviously they cared not or knew not what he said about the 3 oaths.

  19. Shoiteh! The Israelis stired up trouble Intentionally to cause the Iraqis to disturb them probbally the Shin Beth or Kook( like he did in Yemen 30 years before that).

  20. Your Nazi friends
    You are so sorry the bavel galus is over, look at what a terrible bloodbath there is now in that forsaken land.


    Despite the clear Torah prohibition on communication with the dead, Fatiya /pitia did just that.
    OK, so reform had spread to Iraq as well.

  22. Chas Visholom! The Grah?!! I thought you were a real litvak!?? You shuold know better then that!!! The Grahhas his best work on the Holy Zohar and also his main Talmid Reb Cham i Volozener !1and his progney the Brisk Dynasty and even Your very own YU Head R Yashe Ber ZL
    I thougt the name change would help ! but I guess it takes time so we wait and see...... Halivai !

  23. not worse it is not 'yeherag val yavor '

    just korais until a brisss is made

  24. Shoiteh yourself. All the arab nations kicked out their jews, stole their assets, often tortured Jews, or murdered them. In Iraq they executed Jews and stole their money, and also they wer a haven for Nazis who fled Germany to evade war crimes trials.
    Perhaps Iraqi hachamim didn't really have an idea of what was going on in the world. Rav Kaduri was pro Israel, and he was the last of the Iraqi great mekkubalim.
    In any case, when a great Gadol accuses Kabbalah of idolatry/dualism, then we reject all kabbalah practices , writings and followers. Sorry, tough justice,

  25. shows how little understanding you have

    as i said before, no Yeharai whatsoever, it's a mitzvah to live in Israel, and Rambam clearly states that it's not forbidden to live anywhere, except for Egypt. So your yeharaig is monkey halacha, nothing to do with Torah.
    Bris is "just kareis". doesn't sound too bad then! lol, sad joke Berel.

  26. I'm not a litvak at all. What is the crime to say one gadol is greater than another?
    R Yashe Ber ZLsaid his grandfather, Rav Chaim ztl was greater than the Gra! So why can't i say the Noda b'yehuda was greater? he lived a century before Rav Chaim!

  27. even in a real yeharaig situation, chas v'shalom, one may do the aveira out of fear, but can still do teshuva later.

  28. where in the 13 principles of faith does Rambam mention the kabbalah/Zohar? Actually, Zohar hadn't even been written yet. In his book Moreh Hanevuchim, he says there is no more Kabbalah! But, the gra claimed he was mistaken, whilst the Ohr sameach defended Rambam totally.



  31. Lshem yichud of kdusha b'hu and schechinateh, is a unification act of 2 separate entities. That is dualism, nothing to do with Torah. Christianity also started like this, they first had a dual system, then expanded to a Trinity.
    That's why the Noda byehudah rejected it.
    NbY was a pure misnaged,purer even than the gra.
    Also, the gra rejected learning from maggidim (delusional messengers).he said these can be misleading. So when there are undisciplined or uncritical kabbalists they bring in avodah Zara, sheker, paganism, necromancy etc.

  32. Ben ish chai was a great Sephardi chassidus rebbe.


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