Monday, February 3, 2020

Half of Israelis: Trump plan intended to help Netanyahu win

  US President Donald Trump introduced his "Deal of the Century" plan last week in order to interfere in the March 2 Israeli election and help Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerge victorious, about half the respondents said in a new poll of the Israel Democracy Institute published on Monday.


  1. It wouldn't be a surprise. Which two birds hung out together because they were of a kind?
    But timing aside, is it a good deal? There's no doubt it will never go through because of Arab rejection. As for Israeli annexation, it would just formalize what is already reality on the ground. The question is: how many times do the Arabs have to reject a "final" deal before people stop blaming Israel for the lack of peace?

  2. Well, then there is nothing to do now but to hold hearings and subpeona Jared Kushner and if the President claims executive privelege then we have to impeach on grounds of obstruction.

    Influencing a foreign election in order to curry votes and donations for a Presidential re-election campaign has GOT to be an impeachable offense. And if there is any doubt, somewhere there must be a 7th grade social studies teacher who teaches the Constitution who will say it is.

    Here we fo again!

  3. Is there is no limit to the depths this President will go to in order to aggrandize himself? He has destroyed his party. He has trampled the Constitution. He is MAGI: Making America Gooey Ickey!

  4. The so-called peacemakers are waiting for Arabs to morph into Westerners. To be sure, it is happening in places like Saudi Arabia. So deals like this are meant to strengthen Arab "moderates" into grabbing power from the "extremists."

    And one day these efforts may bear fruit. One day a leader will arise, perhaps, that will lead the Arabs in Eretz Yisrael (but who are not within the borders of the State of Israel) to sign an agreement and they may even abide by its conditions.

    Arabs and Jews will work together to build outstanding educational facilities and high-tech companies, and there will be an eventual melding of the two entities, the State of Israel and the State of Palestine.

    And then ond day the Messianic era will arrive. What a mess the Messiah will have to deal with. Thank you Zionism, The Beginning of the Redemption as some like to say.

  5. Obama and Clinton get a pass on intervening in Israeli elections.

    Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.
    The U.S. Needs to Face Up to Its Long History of Election Meddling
    US Interfered in Elections of at Least 85 Countries Worldwide Since 1945

  6. The threat of causing a country to lose military aid is an old weapon in the hands of Presidents. What would have President Carter done if Menachem Begin walked away from signing the Camp David accords? Which is why this impeachment of Donald Trump is so laughable. Even Joe Biden exicitly admits in an interview that his and his son's behavior gave the appearance of corruption!


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