Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rudy Giuliani: I'm more of a Jew than George Soros


Speaking with New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi in an interview released Monday, Giuliani accused Soros of effectively orchestrating the ongoing Democratic effort to impeach President Trump.

“He put all four ambassadors there,” said Giuliani, “and he’s employing the FBI agents.”

The former mayor then accused Soros defenders of deflecting criticism of the billionaire’s influence in politics and his political positions with allegations of anti-Semitism.

“Don’t tell me I’m anti-Semitic if I oppose him,” said Giuliani, saying Soros is ‘hardly’ Jewish, an ‘enemy of Israel’, and a ‘horrible’ person.

“Soros is hardly a Jew. I’m more of a Jew than Soros is. I probably know more about — he doesn’t go to church, he doesn’t go to religion — synagogue. He doesn’t belong to a synagogue, he doesn’t support Israel, he’s an enemy of Israel. He’s elected eight anarchist DA’s in the United States. He’s a horrible human being.”


  1. This is attributed to the Gra, on a chabad website :
    All those who do not understand the secret meaning [behind something], do not grasp even the simple meaning. - commentary on Proverbs 5:18

    The Evil Urge is unable to overcome all who occupy themselves in the hinting and secret [levels of Torah]. - Ibid.

    If the Gra lived after Shabbetai zvi and Nathan of Aza, and he also attacked all chassidus and its leaders (facts) how can he make the error of claiming drush and sod confer immunity from the yetzer hara?
    Even before then, Elisha Ben abuya, and yashka both indulged in these levels and went far astray.

  2. Criticizing Soros because he was a Nazi collaborator, a hater of Israel and a manipulator whose actions will damage the Jewish people is not anti-Semitic.

  3. any evidence he was a Nazi collaborator?

  4. fact check, Soros wasn't a nazi collaborator


  5. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-soros-ss-nazi-germany/

  6. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/the-truth-about-george-soros-is-damning-enough/

  7. George Soros openly called for Jews to drop their "tribalness" if they want to end antisemitism.
    So how can one theoretically be LESS of a Jew than calling for Jews to stop being Jewish? I don't think it's scientifically possible to be "less Jewish" than that. Would you agree?

  8. The false “Soros was a Nazi” accusation helps out Soros by giving him a glaringly implausible charge that makes his critics sound like paranoid loons. The truth about George Soros today, and the agenda he seeks to enact, is bad enough.

  9. It's a turn of phrase. Please try to stay calm.

  10. you write nonsense because you think you are calm?!

  11. What nonsense was that? It's easy to be dismissive, it's a lot more difficult to actually formulate a reasoned response with a substantive criticism. My point was that Soros does not behave in a Jewish manner, so Guiliani's rhetorical flourish is not unreasonable.

  12. please provide so Jewish sources that an indication of being a jew is supporting trump and right wing views

  13. Either you don't understand what rhetorical flourish is, or you're being purposely disingenuous. Guiliani didn't actually claim to be Jewish, and the idea that he did is a massive strawman. Keep refuting that strawman though, it's getting pulverized. It's a remarkable chiddush indeed that a non-Jew is not a Jew. Wow!

  14. you are ignoring the original issues and bringing up totally irrelevant points

  15. Original issues: Headline of this post, "Rudy Giuliani: I'm more of a Jew than George Soros"

  16. you are taking his words too literally

    Giuliani is not saying he is halachically Jewish, rather he asserts that whilst Soros is a rodef b'Yisrael, since he hates and wishes to dismantle the State of Israel, he (G) hiimself is pro Israel, and pro-Jewish self determination. It is important, since he is Italian, a descendant of the Romans - and he is disowning and denigrating the Roman occupation, whcih he is trying to end omnce and for all. Soros is the opposite - he wants to perpetuate it, and perpetuate assimilation and hashmadah of the Jewish people.


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