Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Psychiatrists Debate Weighing in on Trump's Mental Health

In recent months a growing number of mental health experts and members of the media have offered opinions on Pres. Donald Trump’s psychiatric fitness. On Tuesday 37 U.S. psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers signed a letter to the editor of The New York Times warning about Trump’s mental health. Its signatories state—despite a self-imposed ethics rule forbidding psychiatrists from offering professional opinions about public figures they have not personally evaluated—they “believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president.” A number of petitions, including a petition started by psychologist John Gartner that has garnered more than 20,000 signatures, have called for the chief executive to be removed from office on the grounds he is mentally ill and unfit to perform the duties of president.

In response to these efforts, Allen Frances, an emeritus psychiatrist at Duke University School of Medicine who helped write the standard manual on psychiatric disorders, wrote a separate letter to the Times denouncing attempts to diagnose the president as mentally ill. He explains that Trump lacks the “distress and impairment required to diagnose a mental illness,” adding that bad behavior and mental illness are not synonymous. “Psychiatric name-calling is a misguided way of countering Mr. Trump’s attack on democracy,” Frances wrote. Nevertheless, “he can, and should, be appropriately denounced for his ignorance, incompetence, impulsivity and pursuit of dictatorial powers.”

Historically, psychiatrists have adhered to an ethics dictum known as the Goldwater rule, which appeared in the first edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s code of ethics in 1973. It evolved out of an incident involving presidential candidate Barry Goldwater: In 1964 Fact magazine polled 12,356 psychiatrists on Goldwater’s mental fitness to be president and published an article stating that 1,189 of the 2,417 who responded deemed him psychologically unfit for the job. (Goldwater later won a libel suit against the magazine.)

The 37 mental health professionals writing in the Times, however, felt compelled to speak out: “We fear that too much is at stake to be silent any longer.” Susan Radant, a psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist and director of the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, says she was motivated to sign by her worries about Trump’s competence, including his emotional stability, integrity and honesty. “I am hoping this letter will inspire both citizens and, particularly, the Congress to do their jobs,” she wrote in an e-mail, “and step in before our country and the world are permanently damaged.”

Radant thinks it is time to get rid of the Goldwater rule. She says mental health professionals are well qualified to offer certain diagnoses from a distance, pointing out the press, sans training, freely makes such assessments.

Fellow signatory Alexandra Rolde, a psychiatrist affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Newton–Wellesley Hospital, both in Massachusetts, emphasizes the letter does not attempt to diagnose Trump but rather highlights personality traits she and her colleagues find concerning. She does not believe any mental health professional should make a diagnosis without seeing a patient, but thinks it can still be appropriate to comment on how a person’s mental health may affect other people and his or her ability to perform. [...]


  1. wow. Wow! WOW!! Now the psychiatrists want to run the country. Wowwee kazowee.

    If ever I had a doubt that Mr. Trump was on the right track, it has just been dispelled.

    Kudos to Dr. Frances for standing up against the bullies in his field.

  2. Joe I can't believe that you might have had a doubt about Trump.

    As we have noted before it is probably impossible for Trump to do something you don't approve of that you can't rationalize that it is good. Probably the only thing he could do to shake your faith is if he announced that he was quiting the presidency and that Clinton shoud be president

  3. Actually, under my bravado is a lot of nervousness. I have too much respect for you for it to be otherwise.

  4. What is your professional opinion. Do you think it is possible and appropriate to evaluate Trump''s psychological health based on his public actions? If yes, what is your expert opinion? And to paraphrase Dr. Frances, please do not conflate psychological issues with rudeness, arrogance and other bad behavior.

  5. Are they issuing a mekach taus annulment for his wife?

    If this is credible, then so is the psychiatric report out of Philadelphia. What's the difference?

    Oh, and psychiatrists wouldn't be concerned about what the new education secretary can do to their business and to the growing field of psychiatry, or would they?

  6. WND is a christian news site?


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