Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rick Santorum: Obama and Moslems to blame for rise in anti-Semitism under Trump

Former Sen. Rick Santorum clashed with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Tuesday morning over who is responsible for a rash of anti-Semitic acts since Inauguration Day.

"If you look at the fact of the people who are responsible for a lot of this anti-Semitism that we're seeing, I hate to say it, a lot of it is coming from the pro-Palestinian or Muslim community," said the former Republican senator and presidential candidate. "So let's just lay out that fact."

Cuomo, however, took issue with Santorum's characterization of the menace, which has taken the form of numerous threats on Jewish Community Centers across the nation.

"I don't know that that's a fact, by the way," Cuomo said. "[Y]ou have white haters historically ... who target the Jews in this country."

"That's not what's going on on college campuses, Chris, white haters," replied Santorum. "Let's say the truth about this."

In all, 48 JCCs in 26 states and one Canadian province received nearly 60 bomb threats during January, according to the the Jewish Community Center Association. Most were made in rapid succession on three days: January 9, 18 and 31. A number of JCCs, including Orlando's, received multiple threats.

On Monday, another wave of bomb threats hit 11 JCCs across the country, bringing the total to 69 incidents targeting 54 JCCs in 27 states, according to the JCCA.

Trump has faced calls from Democrats and Jewish leaders urging him to speak out against the rise in anti-Semitic incidents.

On Tuesday, while speaking at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, he said, "This tour was a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms. The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil."

In a separate interview with MSNBC he said, "I will tell you anti-Semitism is horrible, and it's going to stop and it has to stop."[...]

Later in the conversation with Santorum, Cuomo asked why the Trump administration wasn't doing more to directly address the threats, which have shaken much of the nation's Jewish community.

"You guys have no problem going after Muslims for things they don't do, let alone what they do do. So why doesn't Trump go after the Muslims who are doing this on college campuses against the Jews?" he asked.

"I am for him doing that," Santorum said. "I think he should."


  1. There are indications Fred Trump may have been Jewish, born to assimilated parents. Some say he had been part of the KKK at one point. That would not be surprising given his background. However, the evidence seems to hang on his allegedly being arrested at a KKK rally. He was the only one not charged after the arrest. Could it be he was fighting the KKK, not supporting them, and this led to his arrest? There are other tantalizing bits of evidence to support the contention that Fred Trump was a Jew.

  2. It really doesn't matter if he was Jewish or not. He was a great supporter of Jewish causes and definitely passed down this attitude to his son.

    Hashem rewarded them by giving the presidency to Donald.

  3. And Obama and Clinton helped Jews and therefore got the Presidency?!

  4. Since when did they support the Jews? Do you call throwing Israel to the dogs by not vetoing the anti Israel motions in the UN Obama support?

    Would you call the disastrous accords that Clinton forced on Israel supportive of Jews?

    What fantasy of Jewish support do you mean?

  5. Perhaps, Hashem orchestrated everything just for "his" daughter, Yael, and her descendants. Every fruit needs a klippah.

  6. you totally misunderstood what I wrote - try again

  7. To clarify: I think the moderator is saying that trying to figure out what "zechusim" someone has that got him to be president is a silly game to play, as one would then have to come up with parallel zechusim for each of the 43 men who were elected before Trump.

  8. Trump won despite any experience as a politician even though he is far better than the Leftist garbage misleading many parts of America and he won against tremendous opposition. A reasonable explanation for his victory is the hashgacha and reward that Hashem provided for the chesed done to the shul.

    Clinton won because he was an experienced politician. Obama won because he could fake a good speech and American went hog wild slavering to bow down to a minority candidate despite any achievements or leadership capability.

  9. Bill Clinton's ascendancy to the presidency was not out of the ordinary. There's a difference between something that's "normal" and completely out of the ordinary. When its out of the ordinary, then this theory could be advanced, but it definitely still remains a theory.

    Obama's out of the ordinary ascendancy to the presidency began on Tisha B'Av.......

  10. You mean to acknowledge that Trump won despite be unqualified either by experience competence and temperament and so we got stuck because of some zechus?!

  11. That's why I answered that this would only apply to Trump who by all the usual standards would not have been elected.

  12. With Trump you're like the fly that goes to makom hapagum. Trump is more qualified in terms of his program and vision and history of accomplishment far more than a do nothing community organizer was.

    So you think that Hashem Yisborach would just stick us with anybody just to fulfill a zechus even though he is not fit for the job. I have more confidence in the Ribono Shel Olam to pick the most competent and productive individual as he has with Trump/

  13. Indeed. Who can discern His ways?

  14. No. Because Hashem had mercy on us and kept Hillary out of the White House.

  15. I do think it was a miracle that Trump won. An even bigger miracle is that the majority of the frum community was solidly behind him. How can it be that a man who has displayed and continues to display such glaring moral bankruptcy and a compulsive disregard for truth, could earn the fierce loyalty of Torah true Jews ovdei Hashem, whose name is Shalom and whose seal is Truth?!

  16. You're wrong. The only miracle is your fierce loyalty to man who represents the opposite of Torah virtues.

  17. Another example of your nonsense. When a president whom you support is elected under unusual circumstances, it must be because of his zechus avos. When a president you don't support is elected under unusual circumstances, it must be rooted in klal yisrael's aveiros.
    Ever hear of confirmation bias? You ought to look it up.

  18. I think you need to find a blog dealing with gematrias and segolos as well as individuals who claim at least ruach hakodesh. Your claims to be able understand the mind of G-d are simply incredible.

  19. typical response - Hillary is so evil that anything else is a lesser evil and therefore beneficial

  20. I have a major problem with the belief that Trump is G-d's gift to mankind. If He wanted to give a gift there are much greater men that He could have given

  21. You missed the point so badly. Just another excuse for you to spew nonsense. Your bias has blinded you to not even have basic reading comprehension. You gotta go see yourself a good shrink; maybe they can take you out of your obvious misery.

  22. Very sweet of you, honey. I just hope that the interactions that you have with people who are stuck dealing with you in real life are more pleasant.

  23. Moderator: Not sure if comments like this accord with your policies.

  24. they don't but they are the best refutation of the claim that he has anything to say

  25. Then why do you think Hashem picked Trump to be President?

  26. It is a Musar Haskil. Had we collectively been more meritorious, we would have gotten a better candidate. So it's not so much how we debate issues and how we vote that swings elections, but how much we collectively keep the Torah that determines which candidates win or lose. My theory. I can't prove it.

  27. I personally think his motivational speeches, including his inauguration speech and the one at the recent Florida rally are energizing. The blog owner is in Eretz Yisrael. Perhaps he is missing the new energy flowing here. People actually say, "I'm doing this or that to be like Trump." People who have innovative business ideas.

  28. I learned that the Gerrer Rebbe at the time said Lincoln was assassinated because he freed the Eved Kanaanim that Jews in the South kept.

  29. would like to see the source for such a bizarre comment.

  30. I don't doubt that some Republicans are saying that. However the other half of the country is saying - "I am doing this so I won't be like Trump"

  31. who said he did? Man has free will - he doesn't always exercise it properly

  32. Your attitude of fealty to the most corrupt policies in history represented by the Left in America shows that you have no concept of Torah values.

    Do you mean to say that Clinton, Sanders and Ellison have any semblance of Torah values or even human values?

  33. I think your ignorance of this instance of obvious hashgacha protis indicates how far your Leftist bias has deviated you from any appreciation for Hashem's involvement in world affairs.

  34. Your ignorance is showing as well as some very bent righteousness. If you will get off your soap box and present sources that justify your claims - we have what to talk about. But if you insist on being an oracle - then we have no need for false prophets.

  35. obviously they are nothing compared to "St. Donald" - but what garage sale did he get his halo from?

  36. He didn't get it from the sewer or cesspool infested by the Washington Compost and the New York Slimes or other Leftist corrupted media sources. They coronate their bizarro world heroes with exquisitely aged noxious slime and warped attitudes.

  37. It doesn't take prophecy to see a logical correlation of the astounding event of Trump's victory over an almost uniformly biased press led by the dying and lying Compost and Slimes and other corrupted media outlets.

    If you don't like the opinion of the author of the article, that's your prerogative but there are many instances in life of the involvement of Hashem in human affairs and to me this seems to be a pretty clear case of hashgacha.

  38. Even though you claim to so clearly see how G-d operates in the world - but I disagree with your conclusions. As I said - present some sources rather than asking us to rely on your ruacvh hakodesh

  39. You have that woefully backwards! Trump's values are far closer to the Torah's than the Clintons or Obama. There is no denying Trump has an eye for the ladies but he is not the rapist Bill Clinton is! Locker room talk was just that, talk! No one is digging up tapes of Bill Clinton's fratboy conversations. Obama was a maakah upon the world who helped increase the anti-semitism that is now part of the anti-Trump rhetoric. And if Trump were to make some of the gaffes Obama did you wouldn't hear the end of it whereas no one seemed to care that Obama said there were 57 states or "“The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” Ok, on that last one he was certainly truthful that the ACA did cause greater "inefficiencies to our health care system.”

  40. Fred Trump certainly taught generosity to his son well. Google "lent private jet for sick child" and only one name comes up.

  41. I think the article speaks for itself. If you don't agree you can ignore it.

    I personally don't take statements from the Times or Post seriously so we can each follow our own approach.

  42. I heard it from a Rav in a Yeshiva I highly respect. I will try to find the source. The Rav added that when he learned at Telz here in America that a Black man who worked there claimed to be the descendant of an Eved Kanani owned by a Jew in the South before the Civil War.

  43. You sound like those Hollywood Has-Beens who made a video appealing to the Electoral College electors to break their oaths and reject Donald Trump. You think you are smarter than Hashem who implemented the choice of 62 million Americans for Donald Trump as President?

  44. Unlike you I don't claim to know either the mind of Gd or His relationship to Trumps election
    But if you want to play games it is more likely a punishment than a reward for us!

  45. Sounds like nonsense
    Could find no reference to this claim
    Anyone who knows what slavery was in the South would not say such a disgusting statement

  46. You have a very cheap price to sell out the country!

  47. Yup. Hillary charged more than that for each of her "speaking fees".

  48. So then what are we being punished for more than we received under Obama?

  49. Lol - Thanks for the laugh

    I guy purposely misread my comment in order to setup a straw man. He then called my supposed comment nonsense in his straw man argument.
    I called him out using his word.

    You and him have used the reading comprehension comment many times. I used the same word.

    He's implied people he disagrees with are imbalanced several times.
    Oh, it was all hear on your blog!

    What is it that's supposedly against your policies? What's the line about heat and kitchen? Lol Thanks!

  50. So Trump gets the presidency and the opportunity to destroy America for one plane ride - and you think that is great?!

  51. If you were the gadol hador, recognized mekubal or even a member of the leadership - this discussion might have the semblance of meaningfulness. Your "ability" to understand G-d's program is an astounding example of dangerous thinking and rationalization in the guise of frumkeit. Maybe just maybe you are right - but the likelihood is not something I would bet money on or the welfare of the country.

  52. I don't have any "ability" to know why G-d chooses a particular consequence beyond that which the TaNaCh tell us. When a parent gives a child either a paatch

    or a lollipop the child knows he is either being punished for something being made to feel good about something they've done. You view Trump as a paatch whilst many of us see him as respite after 8 horrible years of Obama.

  53. So you think Hashem gave Trump the Presidency because he helped extend a little Jewish boy's life?

  54. No I do not think Hashem gave Trump the Presidency

  55. you are the one speaking in terms of Trump and G-d's design for the world - not me

  56. Jewish historian Henry Rousso nearly deported from US:

  57. You don't?! Then who did? Yoshko?

  58. Obviously you don't believe that man has bechira to choose and therefore some higher being decided for Mankind. Why is Yoshko one of your higher beings.

  59. Nah, Putin's the higher being who gave Trump the election, LOL
    !Obviously you don't believe Hashem ultimately decides if mankind's free choice gets the final result. Have you never heard the expression "Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht" ?
    Apparently G-d's last laugh was on the "majority" of the country who voted for Clinton.

  60. your sources of hashkofa are amazing and have nothing to do with what we are talking about!

  61. Slain SEAL’s dad wants answers: ‘Don’t hide behind my son’s death’

    The father of the Navy SEAL killed in a botched Yemen raid last month wants an investigation into the White House-ordered operation that claimed his son’s life.

    Bill Owens, the father of Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation, accuses the Trump administration of using his son as a political prop in an interview published Sunday in The Miami Herald.

    Read more here:

  62. Another Jewish cemetary vandalized - this time in Philadelphia,7340,L-4928042,00.html

  63. The father of a US Navy Seal killed in a raid on a suspected al-Qaeda compound in Yemen last month has said that he refused to meet US President Donald Trump when his son's body arrived home.
    "I'm sorry, I don't want to see him," he said he told a chaplain at the time.
    The raid on 28 January was the first such operation authorised by Mr Trump.
    Bill Owens, whose son William "Ryan" Owens was killed, told the Miami Herald that "the government owes my son an investigation".
    "Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn't even barely a week into his administration? Why?" he said in an interview with the newspaper published on Sunday.
    "For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen - everything was missiles and drones - because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?''

  64. Yes, they are indeed amazing. You should try them sometime.


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