Thursday, February 2, 2017

American ultra-Orthodox Are Starting to Talk About Sexual Abuse

Haaretz  [full article available on Manny Waks' Facebook page Manny Waks Facebook   ]

As more alleged victims step forward, the Orthodox community grapples with the phenomenon while maintaining its insular traditions. Leading rabbis met in New York this week to broach this delicate issue.

The Orthodox Jewish community is slow to change, even – perhaps especially – on difficult issues like child sexual abuse. But speakers at a gathering of leading Orthodox rabbis and others made clear that significant changes are underway at both institutional and cultural levels. For example, a joint project of the Orthodox Union and Rabbinical Council of America to create training programs for synagogue staff, in an effort to help prevent sexual abuse, is getting started.

The very fact that Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, spoke at the meeting also reflected a shift. While the topic has been addressed at recent Agudah conventions, this was the first time that Zwiebel addressed it outside of his own community, he told Haaretz.

It is a challenging subject for a community that prizes modesty, deference to rabbinic authority and believes that turning in a Jew to secular authorities is a violation of Jewish law, especially if there is suspicion but not certainty of sexual abuse. Yet “if you compare the landscape to just a few years ago there have been enormous changes” in the Haredi community, Zwiebel told the opening session, in a conference room rented from UJA-Federation of New York in midtown Manhattan.

The “Global Summit on Child Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community” was put together by Manny Waks and his organization Kol v’Oz. Waks, who was sexually molested as a child in Melbourne, Australia’s Chabad community, started Kol v’Oz last year in Israel to deal with the issue.

The aim of the two-day gathering is to allow experts in childhood sexual abuse to network and share best practices, Waks told Haaretz. Ultimately, “the goal is a collaborative global coalition” to work on the issue. Two similar gatherings were convened in Israel in recent years, but this is believed to be the first time that such a meeting has brought together different segments of the Jewish community in the U.S.

The meeting included a hand-picked group of leaders of social service organizations that aid victims of sexual abuse, researchers and prominent rabbis from as near as Brooklyn and as far as Israel and Mexico. Also attending was the national director of the yeshiva day school movement Torah u’Mesorah, Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz.

“There has been marked change” in how the Orthodox community deals with sex abuse, said David Cheifetz, a victim of childhood molestation himself. Cheifetz, now a victims’ advocate, moderated a discussion between Zwiebel and Rabbi Mark Dratch, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America. “This issue has come to the forefront because more people are speaking out [after having been abused],” Cheifetz told Haaretz.

Enough victims are coming forward now that they have reached a critical mass and can no longer be dismissed by Orthodox leaders as troubled, marginal people, he said. And a recent wave of suicides and drug overdoses among Haredi young adults, along with a significant exodus of people out of religious observance are also shocking ultra-Orthodox leaders into taking seriously the relationship between those things and childhood sexual molestation. [...]

Several developments have coalesced to push Orthodox organizations forward, say experts. Social media has had much to do with spreading information about abusers and connecting victims. The Catholic Church sexual abuse crisis burst onto the American scene in the early 2000s, as did several high-profile cases in the Orthodox community, beginning with that of Baruch Lanner, who then worked as director of regions for the modern Orthodox youth movement NCSY.[...]

A bill introduced in various forms in the New York State Assembly for more than a decade would eliminate the civil Statute of Limitations, meaning a victim could sue his abuser for monetary damages in a civil court at any time. That bill would also open a year-long window during which older victims could retroactively sue those responsible.

That is what the Agudah opposes, Zwiebel said, though it supports extending the criminal Statute of Limitations indefinitely and raising the victim’s age for the civil lawsuit limit. Jewish law has no Statute of Limitations in criminal cases, pointed out YU’s Blau.

Zwiebel said, of the Agudah’s resistance to a change in the law, “schools are the crown jewels of our community. For them to have retrospective liability for things done decades ago under a different administration would cause damage to those jewels,” by potentially bankrupting them.

Waks responded, in a voice full with emotion, “it often comes across in the Haredi world that they care much more about the institutions than the victims. Are they really much more precious than children’s lives?” [...]


  1. So...according to Rabbi Zwiebel: if a school is headed by a great fundraiser, and his child molesting is covered up by the board of the school in order to "preserve the solvency of the school, in line with our fiduciary responsibility", and now that fundraiser is finally jailed to put a stop to his molesting, that the building his fundraising paid for is off limits to the victims?

    Did I get that right? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with Rabbi Zwiebel. The people who gave money wanted it to be used for a school, not lawsuits. I just want to make sure that was his logic.

  2. The historical revisionism on the part of the Agudah is breathtaking.
    It wasn't so longer ago that Zweibel was condemning anyone who suggested this was a problem and we had sanctimonious essay after essay from Rav Avi Shafran assuring us that this was not a problem so why discuss it.

  3. Well known Bklyn institutions will fall on its faces if Statue of Limitations is extended indefinitely & that is what David Zweibel wants to prevent.

  4. No, his logic is a bit different. To make this law going forward, is one that should happen and would not be opposed.

    However, when they perpetrated their disgusting cover-up, they would not have faced this type of punishment and destruction of their institution. You can't change the rules after the fact, especially if the rule change is all punitive. This rule should be made going forward, but not retroactively.

    What also needs to be considered is that they were unaware of how great the harm was.

    And to Rabbi Blau: If a new law would be proposed that a Beis Din that gets involved in a cover-up will have to pay $2 million to a victims fund, as well as get 10 years in slammer, would he support it? I think most people would support it going forward, but Yosef Blau would be against it retroactively - as he would then have to pay up a cool 2 million and face ten years behind bars for his cover-up.

  5. “it often comes across in the Haredi world that they care much more about the institutions than the victims. Are they really much more precious than children’s lives?

    While this criticism may be true with some people, some of the time, I don't think that's the full story over here.

    What will destroying an institution, that had never received a proper warning, do for the victim at this point? Especially if the institution did not understand the harm that they were enabling or the pain that they were causing. Going forward, this law should be implemented; but not retroactively!

    And to the advocate Rabbi Blau: If a new law would be proposed that a Beis Din that covers-up for an abuser will have to pay $2 million to a victims fund, as well as get 10 years in slammer, would he support it? I think most people would support it going forward, but Yosef Blau would be against it retroactively - as he would then have to pay up a cool 2 million and face ten years behind bars for his cover-up when he was on 1989 bais din in the Lanner case. Rabbi Blau would certainly not march on the Brooklyn bridge in support of a law that would put him away and force himself to up a cool $2 mil.


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