Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Belief that a Rebbe is like an angel and Emunas Chochomim

 Kol Mevasser (Chelek 3 Emunas Tzadikim #1): If the rav is like an angel of G-d  then Torah should be sought from his mouth… This raises the obvious question, who amongst us is familiar with angels so that he can know whether his rav is like an angel? This question was once brought up when the students of Rav Bunim of Preshicha were discussing how wonderful their rebbe was and each one described some praiseworthy characteristic. One of them said that he had heard that anyone who did not believe that when their rebbe shook his hat he was shaking the seven heavens  - had no emunas chachomim. At that moment the Rebbe himself entered the room. He asked the students what they were doing? They told him all the details in response. The Rebbe noted that it says in this gemora that if the rebbe is like an angel… and then Rav Bunim asked the same question that we stated above. He answered the question by saying that it means that just as a person knows that he has no comprehension of what an angel is, he also has to believe that he doesn’t have any comprehension of who his rebbe really is. It is only when a chasid has this belief, that he is able to learn from his rebbe Torah and Chassidus.(Imrei Emes of Gur collected from comments to Mo’ed Koton).

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