Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Antisemitism controversy surrounds CAIR's claims against Israel in Jenin

In addition, according to a background document of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), some members of CAIR’s leadership have used inflammatory anti-Zionist rhetoric that on a number of occasions has veered into antisemitic tropes related to Jewish influence over the media or political affairs. According to the ADL, CAIR frequently partnered with vehemently anti-Zionist and anti-Israel groups like Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and American Muslims for Palestine, many of whose members employ extreme rhetoric and questionable tactics to demonize Zionism and Zionists and disrupt pro-Israel activity. 


  1. Bad: “According to the ADL, CAIR frequently partnered with vehemently anti-Zionist and anti-Israel groups”

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ruling partners have difficult decisions to make. Mankind always has difficult decision to make. I interpret Genesis 8:22 "So long as the earth endures, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Summer and winter, Day and night shall not cease."

    This is how God created the world with constant imponderables. Seedtime, what to plant, wheat or barley or nothing? Harvest, to sell or to how to protect from cold? Heat, how to protect from heat? Nice to know how long and hot the summer will it be. Winter, nice to know how long and cold the winter will be. Day and night, nice to know the degree of brightness and darkness.

    The Gamara talks of difficult decisions to make in dealing with constant imponderables, eg: Should a smart lessor structure his contract on a large percent of yield or on a small fixed amount of expected yield?

    Today’s daf hayomi Ulla worries the Cohain will adopt for staying home with all the imponderables with sacrifices.

    Gittin 55a “ THAT A SIN OFFERING WHICH HAS BEEN WRONGFULLY OBTAINED. Ulla said: According to the rule of the Torah, whether the [fact is generally] known or not, [the offering] does not make expiation, the reason being that Renunciation [Ye'ush. The abandonment by the owner of the hope of recovery] does not of itself confer ownership [on the robber] [Unless there has also been a change of ownership from the robber to a third party]. Why then was it laid down that if [the fact is] not known the offering is expiatory? So that the priests should not be grieved [When they find out that they have eaten from a non-sacred animal that has been killed within the temple precincts, the flesh of which was forbidden, v. B.K. 67a].”

    We pray to God for His help and guidance.

  2. And yet, to her shame, Deborah Lipstadt thinks they're partners in fighting Jew hatred.

  3. Oh, here's something our blogmaster missed:

  4. Garnel, you don’t know what Deborah Lipstadt thinks. The article states:
    Deborah Lipstadt, United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism told The Jerusalem Post in June that She knows "CAIR is problematic,” but that “there are other groups and individuals that have problematic histories that are now talking about antisemitism." I agree shame on her.
    Maybe Deborah Lipstadt imagines WWIII and far worse troubles tomorrow. The Gamara says:
    Yevamoth 62a
    Do not worry about to-morrow's trouble, for thou knowest not what the day may beget. To-morrow may come and thou wilt be no more and so thou hast worried about a world which is not thine.

  5. wow! It used to be we tried people by throwing them in water to see if they sank
    Then we had had trials with facts
    Now you are pushing trial by bookies
    next we should try psychics or bird entrails or Republican investigators or NY Post?

  6. Why are you siding with Jew haters?

  7. Saying that CAIR is problematic and other groups are problematic is like saying that Stalin was had issues and so did Reagan.

  8. “Saying that CAIR is problematic” bothers you, Garnel? Deborah Lipstadt may be concerned not to say any falsehood, so no one can attack her.

    In the Daf Hayomi Reuven steals a sheep from Simon and Reuven wants to bring that stolen sheep to a Cohain for a Chatas sacrifice. Ulla argues the Cohain not שב ועל תעשה but do the Chatas in every regard including the Cohain throwing the sheep blood on the Mizbach and eating part of the sheep. Why? Ulla sees Reuven, the thief, as the rightful owner of the sheep---probably Simon abandoned hope whatever.

    Hey, maybe Deborah Lipstadt wants to help Israel from Israel’s enemies?
    God caused Stalin to attack Hitler to bring about Stalin and Hitler’s end. We pray to God for His help.

  9. Um, Hitler attacked Stalin, not the other way around. Had Stalin joined the Allies in 1939, things would've been different.


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