Monday, March 7, 2022

Why Attacking ‘Cancel Culture’ And ‘Woke’ People Is Becoming The GOP’s New Political Strategy

But there is no agreed-upon definition of “woke” or a formal political organization or movement associated with it. Nor is there an exact definition of what constitutes being “canceled” or a victim of “cancel culture.” However, despite their vagueness, you now see conservative activists and Republican politicians constantly using these terms. That’s because that vagueness is a feature, not a bug. Casting a really wide range of ideas and policies as too woke and anyone who is critical of them as being canceled by out-of-control liberals is becoming an important strategy and tool on the right — in fact, this cancel culture/woke discourse could become the organizing idea of the post-Trump-presidency Republican Party.

1 comment :

  1. Not only are the Woke dangerous, they are also gutless. There are numerous best sellers on the marker from Ibrahim X Kendi and his followers fully defining what Woke is, what Critical Race Theory is, and all the rest. But the minute intelligent people (ie. the Right) push back, these same folks start claiming that their hateful ideology doesn't exist.
    Right, the Republicans created the term "Latinx", forced liberals to apply it to Latinos (90% of whom reject it) and then attacked the Left for doing it. Sure.


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