Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Meir Pogrow: Both Pogrow and the alleged victims are unhappy with the way the case was handled

Just a brief comment regarding the role of Tamara Schoor presented in the article below. According to what I have been able to find out - while she was in fact very helpful in the testimony she gave - but she was not the reason that the beis din investigated the matter and it would have issued the same psak if she had not given testimony. There were in fact a number of brave young women who came forward - including Tamara Schoor - who provided the necessary testimony.

While it seems easy to slam the beis din for taking so long - no one has in fact stated the background information as to why this beis din was convened when it was  - and why nothing was done earlier. There is just a bunch of conjecture from various bloggers and advocates - which tries to paint the rabbis in as negative light as possible. Perhaps the young women who testified would be willing to write a guest post describing what actually happened. I am willing to publish it anonymously.

In addition if Meir Pogrow - or a supporter - would like to present his point of view with clear facts and evidence - I am open to the idea. I am not interested in a post saying "But he is so wonderful the accusations can't be true!"
Jerusalem Post   Pogrow is the founder of a website and study program called Master Torah, designed to aide the study of religious texts and retain the knowledge acquired. According to the Master Torah website, Pogrow has rabbinical ordination from several authorities, including from the Chief Rabbinate and is qualified as a rabbinical judge.

He has taught at Yeshiva University High Schools of Los Angeles, the Michlahlah seminary in Jerusalem, and was head of the Kollel (program for married yeshiva students) of Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem and Austin, Texas. [...]

When Schoor came to Israel to study at Michlalah at the age of 18, she made contact with Pogrow again and would often meet with him at his home in Beit Shemesh, where she was also a frequent guest for Shabbat.

Schoor said she became dependent on the rabbi for spiritual guidance and that he was her only support system in Israel. She alleged that Pogrow used his mentoring relationship to initiate physical contact with her, telling her that it was part of the process for her spiritual growth and development.

Following the publication of the rabbinical court ruling, Schoor welcomed the decision but said that the ruling had been “a long-time coming” and that the rabbinical court “should have addressed this a long time ago but better late than never.” Schoor says she first brought the case to the attention of the rabbis on the rabbinical court five years ago.

Said Schoor in a statement to the press “I met Pogrow at the age of 15 when the process of grooming and manipulation began. [...]

“It was only when I became aware of the existence of other victims that I was determined to take action and prevent additional abuse. I began a campaign of phone calls and emails, reaching out to anyone I could identify in the hopes of finding additional victims to speak out with and a safe and reliable method of publicizing it anonymously. But at every turn a door closed, victims afraid to be exposed, rabbis finding excuses not to address it, organizations lying to protect themselves and much more.”

When contacted by The Jerusalem Post, Pogrow said he would not comment on the allegations themselves.

He said however that “I was never presented with any specific allegations when I visited the rabbinical court,” and added that he was never contacted by the rabbinical court after his one and only meeting with the rabbis concerned.

Schoor has provided a statement to the Israel Police and is looking into other options “to obtain some semblance of justice, and to protect girls and women.”

In the ruling issued by the ad hoc rabbinical court on June 14, rabbis Menachem Mendel Hacohen Shafran, Gershon Bass and Haim Malinowitz said that several rabbis and community figures had reported to them about Pogrow’s “deviant” behavior.

Having spoken with Pogrow, the rabbis issued a ruling prohibiting him from associating with women in any way and for any reason, including married and unmarried women of any age.

The rabbis also warned all women against meeting with Pogrow for any reason publicly or privately, and from contacting him in any way including my phone or by email and any other form of electronic correspondence.

The rabbis added that a woman in the US has helped Pogrow establish meetings with other women and said therefore that all women should avoid all contact with this individual as well.

Rabbis Bass and Malinowitz, along with rabbis Yitzhak Berkowitz, Mordechai Willig, and Elimelech Kornfeld, issued a separate document entitled “Warning to the Public.”

Wrote the rabbis “After the ruling was issued by the rabbinical court which determined with absolute certainty and established by reliable and credible witnesses and other proofs [all conducted in a manner which leaves no room for doubt], regarding the most terrible acts and the most severe transgressions regarding issues of forbidden sexual relationships, Heaven protect us, by Meir Pogrow (of Beit Shemesh - and America) and hearing about the damages he inflicted on women (including single, married Jewish and otherwise) who were under his influence (many of whose lives he destroyed)… it is our obligation to notify and warn women and girls in the strongest and most urgent terms, to distance themselves from any interaction from this individual, from his lectures, and from any area of his influence in any way.”

The Kol V’Oz organization for tackling sexual abuse in the Jewish community said that “Rabbi Meir Pogrow, a prominent rabbi, formerly of the US and currently Israel-based, has effectively been found guilty by the Beth Din of misusing his authority for his sexual gratification.”

Schoor herself issued concerns she had with the process of the rabbinical court in dealing with such issues, including that the system is reliant on the victim to bring additional victims forward as a part of the investigative process; that the process leaves the victim entirely at the mercy of the rabbinical court; and that the victim has to deal with rabbis and other officials who have no training in this field.

Manny Waks, director of Kol V’Oz, welcomed the ruling of the rabbinical court, but said that the process must be reformed.

“While it’s pleasing that the Beth Din in Israel has issued this strong and public ruling, the process must be examined so that other victims don’t endure what Ms Schoor has endured. It’s important to emphasize that if not for the courage and determination of Ms Schoor, this ruling would never have occurred. Ms Schoor has achieved a remarkable victory despite her difficult journey.”


  1. Some supposed advocates are true abusers. They take victims and then use them to boost themselves as "saviors" and people who supposedly care.

    One silly "advocate" claims that he had information about Pogrow two years ago. Yet, he said nothing. Supposedly to protect the victim. If he really cared, why did he not put out all sorts of warnings about Pogrow?! Why did he wait for the Beis Din?!

    Yet, this same "good-guy" is attacking the Beis Din for not have issued a psak two years ago! Well
    1) Were they contacted two years ago?! Proof please!
    2) Your same silly excuse applies. "They were protecting the victims." Why can you use that excuse, but you whack at the rabbis with your unverified accusation of doing precisely what you did!

    This guy is just a hit-hungry Paul who is happy to use vulnerable victims to boost himself and collect a few hits. Pathetic and sad.

  2. RDE, I have no first hand knowledge of this matter and do not know Pogrow or any of the victims. However, while I am glad that batei din are acting to protect the victims I am troubled by two questions. (1) if he is truly such an evil person why wasn't he reported to the police? (2) How does the general public know which beis din or organization we should respect and who we should recognize as being corrupt or misguided? Is Rabbi Malinowitz more reputable than Rabbi Kaminetzky? Are organizations dealing with abuse more trustworthy than those dealing with agunot - or more accurately how do we know which one is on the up and up and which is promoting some radical non-halachic agenda?

  3. We all know who u are talking about. Let's see if and what he responds and maybe there will be another round of DT vs FF. It's been a year already.

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  5. 1) reporting to the police requires that the victims or someone who has first hand knowledge do the reporting. Apparently the victims were not going to the police or they had no way of proving their claims. The police don't want to waste their time with a case which can not get a conviction. A young woman claiming she was seduced and a rabbi denying it doesn't make a good case.

    2) Yes Rabbi Malinowitz is more reputable than Rabbi Kaminetsky. As to where to go there are a number of organization which can guide the victims. as to which rabbis to speak to and which policemen are helpful as well as which social agency and how to get therapy if required.

    Rabbi Malinowitz recommended that victims contact Maaneh - a Beit Shemesh organization run by my nephew Rabbi Shmuel Zalman Eidensohn. Jewish Community Watch deals with these problems both in America and Israel- contact Shana Anderson for assistance Magen also in Beit Shemesh is another reliable and competent organization. In New York there is also Amudim run by Tzvi Gluck.

  6. Frum Follies
    Lopin has a history of misinterpreting information to maximize nasty things he can say about rabbis - especially Rabbi Malinowitz. What he lacks in facts he makes up with imaginative conjectures and ignoring information which contradicts his pronouncements

    His reporting on the Meisels seminary scandal was irresponsible and did not add to the welfare or safety of the girls It did serve to tarnish the reputation of girls who attended the school and had done nothing wrong as well as smear the reputation of the teachers

  7. " It’s important to emphasize that if not for the courage and determination of Ms Schoor, this ruling would never have occurred. Ms Schoor has achieved a remarkable victory despite her difficult journey.” Often and Imho in communities and especially the frum communities victims are then punsihed by society as these girls get a reputation as being tainted and defiled. I hope society and in particular Rabbonim will help find these women suitable spouses so they can contiinue with their lives and not be stigmatized

  8. Nothing really to do with the issue, but is Rabbi Bess the same Rabbi Gershon Bess who was at the "Lakewood" Kollel in LA 35 years ago?


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