Friday, June 3, 2016

Former principal accused of abusing students - mentally unfit for extradition - released from house arrest in Israel

9 News Australia   A Jerusalem judge has ruled former principal of Adass Israel School Malka Leifer is mentally unfit to be extradited back to Australia to face 74 child sex charges, instead lifting her house arrest and allowing her to stay in the country.

Leifer is wanted by Victorian police for charges of indecent assault and rape allegedly involving girls at the Elsternwick school, after accusations were first raised in 2008.

Jerusalem District Court judge Amnon Cohen ruled yesterday that Leifer would receive outpatient treatment in Jerusalem after a report from the district psychiatrist found she was not mentally fit to face an extradition trial.

A Jerusalem judge has ruled former principal of Adass Israel School Malka Leifer is mentally unfit to be extradited back to Australia to face 74 child sex charges, instead lifting her house arrest and allowing her to stay in the country.

Leifer is wanted by Victorian police for charges of indecent assault and rape allegedly involving girls at the Elsternwick school, after accusations were first raised in 2008.

Jerusalem District Court judge Amnon Cohen ruled yesterday that Leifer would receive outpatient treatment in Jerusalem after a report from the district psychiatrist found she was not mentally fit to face an extradition trial.

Leifer's treatment in a Jerusalem clinic would begin next week and would last initially for six months.

She would receive up to five treatments during that time until a committee would assess whether she is fit to stand trial.

The court ruled this process could go on for up to 10 years. If the committee continually finds she is unfit to stand trial she may evade her extradition trial indefinitely.

Jewish Community Watch representative Shana Aaronson said she was shocked by the judge's ruling.

"Disappointed isn't really a strong enough word - for the victims in Australia this has dragged on and on for them and it's horrible," she said.

Aaronson was also worried Leifer may reoffend in Israel, given she would no longer be under house arrest.

"The thought they will put a predator right back into the community is insane," she said

The move has also sparked outrage with officials. The Ambassador of Australia to Israel Dave Sharma told the ABC they would persist with the process.

“We are determined to be patient and persevere to this end with the view to seeing her extradited,” Mr Sharma said.

One of the alleged victims told the ABC she was horrified by the outcome.

“How can it be that she is not fit enough to stand trial but she only has to go to the psychologist once a month,” she queried.

“It’s mindboggling. I’ve lost all hope that she will face justice.”[...]


  1. You do not have to be fit to be extradited. Chain her with fitting handcuffs and feetcuffs and extradite her the same way she was fit to extradite herself from Aussie. Let the Victorian police evaluate her and serve Justice. Do the same with Shmendrovits. Where is the Vaad al taharas haKodesh and all the other Beis haVa'ads yihye l.....

    Disperse the names of the machers and fixers put them under a Kipeh, give them to eat barley then have them drink mayim hameorrerim ad shetivka kreisom. When done, do the same to this nevela beYisroel. This Judge is insulting our intelligence. In any which case, Vehoelokim ino leyodo, veharbeh drochim lemokom. Sooner or later divine justice will be served.

  2. You have to be fit to stand trial, and extradition requires a trial.

  3. She is not ger or chabad. Or am i wrong?

    Who is protecting her?

  4. Is/ was married to a Gerrer, not sure if they are still together. From what I have read, he was never home, mostly in israel. They have a chaver Knesset that has influence. Shmendrovits is protected by the same.

  5. Let the victorians bring their own Psychs and evaluate. Second opinions also count, even thirds. If she is unfit, why don't they keep her in a ward. Is Shmendrovits also unfit? I suggest to have a fair international exchange with those mashgichim.


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