Tuesday, March 1, 2016

And Now Brought To You By Feminist Rabbis: Jewish MGTOWs

And Now Brought To You By Feminist Rabbis: Jewish MGTOWs
By Akiva Wasserstein

As an avid reader of the Daas Torah and Torah-Halacha blogs, I wish to thank both Rabbis' Eidensohn for being some of the only voices of reason in a Torah world seemingly gone mad. The churban of Jewish homes and it's associated collateral damage of children at risk resulting from the malfeasance of some of our haughty askanim, new-age therapists, and greedy rabbis is reaching crisis mode. Some examples of the consequences of this insanity are to be found in the pages of this blog, where we have become acquainted with some really tragic cases of needless human suffering. But unfortunately the fallout spreads wider and deeper. 

Like other men I first discovered MGTOW, an acronym for the grass roots movement known as Men Going Their Own Way, by coming across the unofficial and informal version of it first. In my case, this was through conversations I'd had with divorced fathers who quietly and without fanfare informed me that they hadn't had the stomach to try their hand at marriage again. One of these men, who was older and had married off his children, assured me that he keeps busy by working during the day and studying the Talmud at night. Although I was taken aback, I made no real attempt to convince him or any of his comrades that they were making a mistake, even though I realized that what these people were saying seemed to contradict normative Jewish teaching. 

Today I understand that what they were trying to tell me is that they are MGTOWs. These are men who have eschewed committed relationships with women, especially in regards to having children with them. They were going their own way and doing their own thing. What they probably hadn't realized was that many other men were doing the exact same thing, but this time under a Madison Avenue style banner and catchphrase.

I found myself at once heartened and saddened by this phenomenon. MGTOW crystalizes in one word (if indeed it is one) everything I had always imagined a fraternity of disenfranchised men would be like. Yet it pains me to think that such a time-honored institution as marriage might soon be relegated to the museum of human sociology. I think it would be worthwhile to analyze what some of the factors for the MGTOW experience coming into existence might be in order to try and avert what might already have become the new issue to be discussed at the Aguda Convention, and an apalling new chapter in the shidduch crisis. 

Who exactly has decided to ride this MGTOW train out of the station of conventional thought? On one side it is populated by males who were scarred and burned by a ruthless and gynocentric Family Court system that has parted them from their homes, their family, and their hard-earned money. On the other hand, we are finding younger men who have seen and heard all of the horror stories from their married friends and relatives across the aisle, and who have decided instead to opt out. With somber statistics in hand declaring marriage in the 21st century to have a success rate of slightly more than 50%, these men are coming to the realization that the act of giving a ring under the chuppah has about the same chances of a positive outcome as a ring toss at the carnival. And what's at stake here is not a stuffed toy, but rather the forfeiture of his very home, where the only place he seems to have any use anymore is over the mantlepiece as a stuffed animal.

Where is the communal outrage against a system that regularly dispenses this type of injustice towards many a hapless male who wanted nothing more than to make his marriage work, only to find himself one day on the outside looking in on a world he once knew but no longer recognizes? How could things have been allowed to deteriorate this way with nary any effort being made to stop the freefall that leads us to the suffering of all these victims, the men, women, and especially the children? How did we even get to this point?

The Torah commandment to be fruitful and multiply and the Mishnaic dictum exhorting an 18 year old to enter the chuppah is so well known to religious Jews that no alternative course of action could possibly be imagined, barring of course the usual excuses for delaying tying the knot until whatever scholastic or financial goals are met. But let us not forget that marriage is in reality also a multi-billion dollar business, involving a myriad of interests such as jewelers, caterers, florists, photographers, musicians, and even matchmakers, online or otherwise. The skeptic may wish to contemplate for a moment the sheer irony of more and more wedding halls being located these days in 'industrial zones.' 

And if the marriage then fails? Now it's time for another multi-billion dollar industry known as family law, with an endless supply of divorce lawyers and judges with a vested interest in propagating as much misery as possible. The recent documentary "Divorce Corp" has done a great job of exposing much of the corruption in this field, but it has only scratched the surface. There are energy companies who can sell twice the amount of heating oil to a family living in two homes, and there's extra gasoline to be dispensed for driving cars on long distance visitations. Each divided family even consumes double the amount of wine for kiddush and havdala, amounting to an extra 50 bottles or so per year.

Another obvious area of culpability would be the government. In generations past, parliaments favored strong families, which have in turn been the foundation of strong societies. It is only recently that the paradigm has shifted in favor of single-parent households that are headed overwhelmingly by women. The reason for this is because in the past, the male was the dominant figure in the home and in the workplace. His existence was vitally important socially and economically, so obviously no law would have been passed that might cause his disaffection. The 20th century however has seen upheavals in the social order, specifically women's suffrage, the Great Society, and women joining the workforce, that have caused priorities to change. Now we are witness to the vicious cycle of what happens when government has access to a new stream of revenue by taxing women's income, using the money to invest in social programs, and in turn securing the votes of the recipients of all that largesse, keeping the same politicians in power to continue the cycle. It becomes clear to see how the male has now fallen out of favor. And with no man around the house, the children fall into dysfunction as well, necessitating more government programs, while also providing a steady supply of marginalized youth to populate the military, or whom otherwise might totally submit to authority. In light of all of the above, is it any wonder that marriages are allowed to go bad in such numbers?

Enter the MGTOW man. He has found a strange solution for a society that has estranged HIM. He knows that marriage and divorce totally favor the woman, while providing scant benefit for the man. But in the Torah community, where having children and teaching them is a positive commandment, and where a man nonetheless is strongly discouraged from living alone, MGTOW is simply not an option. 

This is why there needs to be the greatest of outcries against this atrocious situation. It is sadly not difficult at all to imagine how a young man who has done his homework nowadays could come to the conclusion that he must think twice before taking the leap of marriage. If an investor would find himself facing a proposal with a 50% chance of losing everything, and deciding therefore to balk at that risky venture, would we be so insolent as to question his judgement? How much more so should we be understanding of someone who has decided to be exceedingly careful with his very own life and sanity! It goes without saying that this intolerable situation needs be changed. Fortunately for all of us we have some very good people who have been doing much to finally start turning the tide on our corrupt leaders. By staying the course now we may finally get the chance to eradicate once and for all this deviant feminist agenda from our midst so that the holy institution of marriage can once again take it's rightful place in our lives.


  1. While it seems to be a common assumption here that family courts favor women, the statistics don't seem to bear this out. Recent studies of standard of living following a divorce show less of a gap between genders than used to be the case, but women's standard of living still tends to decline more than men's after a divorce.

  2. It is wishful thinking that men are left with nothing after a divorce. that is an optimistic scenario. They are left bankrupt having to borrow just to be able to fight to have access to their children.
    Never mind the feminist modern orthodox foolish rabbis who are so far removed from fairness and reality one has to pity them for their naivete and stupidity.
    it is the corrupt chareidi botei din who will still write gittin for these macheshefahs who are the real villans here, especially in NY state when they know the Gittin are forced and no one will lift a finger to help these men. it is these Reshoim who will burn first -they are machzik these women in arko"oys as these women know they will receive a get anyway.

  3. Were you not aware? Divorce can be a pleasure, where the local Vaad offers you BOTH "Comfort & Convenience". You can't make this stuff up:

  4. Akiva,
    Wonderful thoughts and right no. But allow me to tell you my story. The past few years some men have come to my house to talk about the destruction of their marriages, families and lives. They always have a speech and it is the fault of this and that and sometimes there is even some hope at that point that the husband will win. But winning is not a winning proposition. At any rate, I l et them talk and say their piece. It is the fault of this one or that one and this and that can be done, etc. When I get a chance to make say my piece, it is always the same remark.
    "You are a frog without legs." No comment. "Tell me," I ask, "what is a frog without legs?" And I explain because they don't know. "A frog can swim, jump and croak. A frog without legs cannot swim and jump but it can croak." And then I poke the knife in deeper and say, "And as long as you continue croaking, nothing will change."
    All of these broken and destroyed men and families. Where are they? They are all croaking. That's it. Because what they should be doing is organizing. How did women get so powerful? Women used to be nothings. Now they control the world. But women organized. Women got into media, and eventulally won over politicians and wealthy people. But frogs who are busy croaking are not organizing they are just croaking.

  5. Great essay Akiva Wasserstein, Bravo!

    You write very well and I enjoyed every word of this depiction.

    However, I take exception with the heading because this has NOTHING to do with "Feminist Rabbis" whatever that is supposed to mean, and it seems while you know what you are talking about, I do not.

    You see, the roots of the problems run far deeper than just "rabbis" of an stripe or persuasion.

    The real problem is our times of of luxury and freedom to do anything we like. There is no sense of responsibility, maturity, and self-sacrifice any more. People are no serious about life, it's all become a joke and a game, with interchangeable parts, pieces, moves and replays. People are not aware of the what a serious job marriage really is. It's just a game to most people, everything is superficial.

    People just want to have fun, run around, spend money, live a life of comfort and laughter full of jokes and cokes and smiles and parties. There is so much cheating and betrayal going on in many modern marriages. Young couples are sleeping around, and that's the married ones, so what do you think the single ones are doing. Many are having the time of their lives.

    In this atmosphere of frivolity and light-heartedness it is impossible to think and act seriously and raise kids to be responsible caring people.

    So our whole society is in crisis and it is not just the fault of the rabbis, any rabbis, who are caught up in the same tidal waves of Gornisht Mit Gornisht Shtusim and Havalim and they can do nothing to stop the race into the abyss.

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manosphere

  7. "somber statistics in hand declaring marriage in the 21st century to have a success rate of slightly more than 50%"

    I note, that the above statistic is for the secular world, and includes only "marriages". If we were to study the percentage rate of successful "relationships", then the failure rate would be much higher, since most secular "marriages" were preceded by several failed "relationships".

    I would venture to say, that in the Jewish religious world the
    numbers are better, though experts are saying that the divorce rate in
    the frum world is on the rise.

  8. Politically IncorrectMarch 1, 2016 at 10:53 AM

    Women's standard of living decline more after a divorce? Even when she has a job equal to her ex's earning capability?

  9. I saw conflicting results on that, but the conflict was whether the decline was slightly greater for the woman or comparable. Of course, all these statistics are averages and don't reflect any individual case; I am sure people's experiences vary widely.

    I also, by coincidence, saw an article in yesterday's paper (either Times or W. Post) about data that showed, even after accounting for career choice and education, woman married to men (unlike single women and lesbians) earn considerably less than men. The article speculated that this was because women tend to spend far more time on housework and childcare than their husbands. So

  10. So would you rather it to be inconvenient and uncomfortable? Either you didn't bother to read anything other than the headline or so anti the Vaad you will distort anything up to fit your agenda. It says nothing about pleasure, just that they make an effort minimize discomfort. How else does one appeal to someone who needs a halachic divorce but is afraid of what the gett process may bring on emotionally?

  11. Akiva, thank you for bringing our attention to the MGTOW issue. It is a problem that the so-called frum community must begin to take very seriously, or we may see God forbid the near extinction of normal, frum Jewish marriages.

    It must be emphasized that the situation for frum divorced men is in fact much more oppressive than being subjected to a "ruthless and gynocentric Family Court system". As we know, numerous feminist rabbis (such as RHS, RSK, and RYGB), feminist activists, and feminist organizations (such as ORA), are operating with impunity in the "frum" communities. The feminists in the "frum" communities have created hellish divorce situations for many frum men that are in fact even more oppressive, ruthless, and unjust than the situations faced by non-frum Jewish men or non-Jewish men face during their divorce conflicts.

    The first step out of the hellish abyss of feminism is for the frum communities to completely reject the the lies and obfuscations of the "frum" feminists, and recognize that Torah based marriage and divorce law is far more equitable, rational, and just to both men and women than is the totalitarian feminism consuming Western societies.

  12. No attempts at reconciliation? No verifying if a divorce is even indicated? No verification if its just being done at a whim?

  13. You are somewhat right. Read between the lines, however.

    "There are not questions as to why the marriage is ending, nor assignment of blame."

    In other words, a woman walks out of the marriage, goes to civil court, and then as afterthought comes to the Vaad and says I want a Get. The Vaad is putting the man on notice he must show up within two weeks ("A get can normally be scheduled within two weeks of initial contact with the Vaad."), or risk his being totally ostracized in the community, not to mention his risking having hordes of angry people shouting and yelling outside his home and place of work.

    So, yes, indeed, the callous woman who steps on her husband's feelings (and then later claims he's insane to justify her lack of need to be caring) has no reason to be "afraid of what the gett process may bring on emotionally."

    And, yes, the process can have a modicum of "pleasure" as the "Aguna" watches her husband being pilloried by the community.

    A friend who went to another Bais Din told me that he did not have to pay the Kesuva, apparently because the Bais Din assigned some "blame" to his ex-wife. Just curious how a Bais Din can have "no-fault" divorce.

    And do I have a chip on my shoulder regarding the Vaad? Maybe. But it's not because I'm "anti-Vaad". I would like to have a local Vaad that doesn't describe its Get process in terms usually reserved for truck stops on the New Jersey Turnpike. And who can I bring this up with quietly? It's the Vaad that seems to be "anti-Joe".You They specifically say

  14. Read a little more carefully. It is talking about a get in a case where the couple is getting a civil divorce.

  15. Reconciliatio? Are you kidding. They write on their website that it can be scheduled within two weeks and the procedure completed in approximately 90 minutes. Hardly leaves any time for reconciliation before they are paid for their "services".

  16. Women used to be nothings.

    Maybe that describes women where you grew up, but that's never been my experience, buddy.

    In any case, is that what you consider an ideal state of affairs? That women should be "nothings?"

  17. Very well said!

  18. Comfort and Convenience to some and torture and pain to others!

  19. If a Rav, Family member, Toen or Woman decide a divorce is what should be done, then nothing stops that.
    Reconciliation and verification is for a 100 years ago, wake up!

  20. I guess the Vaad only refers to a situation where both sides willingly chose to go through the process, if so why would it be uncomfortable?

  21. They don't lose their mind if they chose not to let it happen!

  22. When it comes to Family Court where a Jewish Get issue is on the table, then it does indeed favor woman 95%

  23. It is generally true that woman's earnings decline.
    But that is primarily due to the fact that the woman blocks the father out of the children's life, in whole or in part. And now she cannot work as much, and the Father gives less as a result and so on. Its a simple math.

  24. That is incorrect. Al pi halacha, if the husband does not want to get divorced then he has no obligation to give a Get simply because his wife wants to divorce. He has a halachic right to insist on reconciliation even if she doesn't want to. And beis din needs to honor his right to such otherwise any subsequent Get is a Get Me'usa according to Shulchan Aruch. The only exception to this point is if the husband was found by beis din to have committed actions that S"A specifically says gives a wife a right to a Get, such as proof he was physically violent and didn't stop after being warned or it is proven he is physically deformed, cannot have relations or some of the other few and rare things that give her a right to a divorce according to halacha.

  25. Standards of living do not demonstrate there is fairness in the secular court process or that the secular courts do not disfavor men in divorce. Additionally, secular courts do not adjudicate according to halacha. And halacha prohibits utilizing secular court.

  26. Ms. Magazine, the preeminent feminist periodical founded by Gloria Steinem, was in reality funded and launched by the CIA. If we men can't get the government to help us, the next best thing has got to be your blog!

  27. A civil divorce is meaningless and has no bearing on Gittin or whether a Get is halachicly required or not.

  28. You are really off-base here. None of what you wrote appears on that website. Nothing about ostracism, nothing about demanding that a husband must come within two weeks, nothing about a woman walking out of a marriage.

  29. Ms. Magazine, the preeminent feminist periodical founded by Gloria Steinem, was in reality funded and launched by the CIA.
    If we men can't get the government to help us, the next best thing has got to be your blog!

  30. 90 mins?
    I doubt any kosher Get can come out of this.
    A Get can often take hours due to halachic issues arising all the time suddenly, names, witness, other issues.

  31. "Getting" as opposed to have gotten?
    If they are still in court over issues how can the Get be given?
    Isn't a Get supposed to be the last thing cutting through the two so that nothing remains between them?

  32. http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-shidduch-crisis-spiritual.html

  33. Politically IncorrectMarch 1, 2016 at 9:14 PM

    Putting it simply, if she's the primary earner and the money has to cover expenses for the children, then I can sympathize more. On the other hand, if he is the primary earner, then it might be more justifiable that her revenue declines.

    Then there is the issue of who was the cause of the divorce, which for some reason, the contemporary courts seem less interested in .....not sure why.....

  34. Politically IncorrectMarch 1, 2016 at 9:16 PM

    Not if you talk to Gerald Aronoff (wonder where he is lately). He'll remind you that the NY State Court gave his wife his house and *55%* of his pension. ...nor is he the only one. ...

  35. Gloria Steinem, the preeminent feminist icon is a known CIA agent, and her magazine "Ms." was funded and launched with their money. If the men can't also get the government to help them, the next best thing has got to be your blog.

  36. Civil divorce does not mean a reconciliation is possible. It just means lawyers got involved.

  37. Gloria Steinem, the preeminent feminist icon is a known CIA agent

    Ah, so you're a conspiracist. Good to know.

  38. I did not know that "Al pi halacha" still exists in this day and age, glad to hear that! I thought it was a thing for the Tshuva sefurim in library.

  39. Not so simple according to Reb Moshe Z'tl.
    Look at his teshuva on this, I don't recall the siman right now

  40. Everyone sees different things there...
    In between the lines of course...

  41. You are right but only where there is a lot of wealth, not generally when both are hard working parents. Just my own reasoning, but I may be wrong of course.

  42. kishkeyum,
    I am probably a lot older than you. Yes, when I was young women had no status and power such as what they have today. And there was no divorce like it is today. Does that mean that women were "nothing" in the sense of denigration? Precisely the opposite. It seems that in our generation where laws and judicial rulings favor women, and women win the right to be drafted and fight in combat, to be just like men, women have lost the particular honor and respect they had in my time. But in my time women were not an organized group with power to influence politicians and courts as they are today.

  43. I don't believe any of Rav Moshe's teshuvos states that a civil divorce results in a chiyuv Get. Also note that during Rav Moshe's lifetime there was no "No Fault Divorce" in U.S. civil law in the vast majority of U.S. States. In fact, New York became the last State to enshrine No Fault Divorce into its laws only in 2010. Prior to that both parties generally had to agree to the divorce even in civil law and the civil court could, and sometimes did, reject a request for divorce. So then if there was a civil divorce it usually meant both parties wanted the civil divorce. Nowaday either spouse alone can get a no fault divorce even if the other spouse doesn't want to divorce. And in halacha, as we know, if one spouse objects to getting a Get, halacha doesn't automatically grant the Get just because one spouse wants it.

    Please identify which teshuva you're referring to.

  44. You have a good point about the "No Fault", however I am not sure if before the no fault law a court couldn't issue a divorce against an unconsenting husband. I have to look the tshuva up cannot recall now, but you are correct that he likely talks about when the husband had agreed in civil court.

  45. I'm thinking that you're thinking of Rav Moshe's support of New York's *first* Get Law which denied a civil divorce to a husband who didn't give a Get.

  46. Our "Dear Leaders" have conspired with the government to dismantle many otherwise savable marriages. An example is Shalom Task Force, an organization that started with a domestic violence hot-line. It has now thrown the net wide over "domestic abuse" in the interest of meeting higher calling volume quotas to justify federal funding. Now, "The abusive SPOUSE may give his WIFE a look," and they are all over him. http://www.shalomtaskforce.org/articles/question_is_battering_the_only_form_of_domestic_abuse
    In this interview (at 7:15) they admit that it is really "normal" spousal behavior, and (at 18:00) there is only a "subtle difference" between normal behavior and abuse.

  47. That is irrelevant. The beis din is being criticized for writing that a get can be arranged within 2 weeks. I am merely pointing out that it is strongly indicated there that this is the case only when the couple has had a civil divorce, and gives no indication that they do not encourage reconciliation if that is what one of the parties wants.
    In addition, it is also clear that that section of the website is addressing non-religious Jews who would be hesitant to go through the get process at all due to fears that it will be overly burdensome. It is reassuring them that this is not the case. Would all of you prefer to scare off those couples so that they do not have a get at all?

  48. There is no such halakha. The get can be given before a civil divorce is finalized.

  49. Not true.
    Reb Menashe Klein Zt'l in Mishna Haluchos cites mekoros for that precise issue.
    A get is "Koires" between husband and wife and there cannot be anything remaning.
    CHazal say that a husband and wife who come back to BD after a Get should be Bnidu . Ask or check your Mekoros before you make such a statement please

  50. No, will have a chance to look for it later bl"n

  51. I am not sure how the question of who the primary earner is should work in a secular court. Perhaps it should depend on whether the spouses are earning about what they did before the marriage or whether one spouse reduced his or her (usually her) earning potential during the marriage to stay home and care for the kids and the house.

    As to why the courts stopped caring whose fault it is, it is because they have no reasonable way of doing so. How are they supposed to referee competing claims of 'she's a shrew", "he's cold and withdrawn" and which came first? Never mind competing claims about who is failing whom in terms of meeting sexual needs. Before no-fault divorce spouses in a declining marriage used to hire detectives to track each other. That was not good for society.

  52. Yes, halacha prohibits, but that doesn't mean the family courts are unfair.

    And while the statistics about relative decline in standard of living don't, by themselves, prove the courts are fair, it would seem to be enough evidence to require those claiming the system is rigged against men to provide some real evidence for the claim beyond a bunch of men griping that their wives got some of the family assets.

    As for Mr. Aronoff's complaint about his pension, it is true that US federal law does give a spouse a share of a pension earned during the course of a marriage. As anyone who has signed up for a pension at work in the last 40 years has been informed; it is part of the legal paperwork. This was enacted because too many men divorced their wives who had staid home caring for house and children during the marriage (thus not earning a pension of their own) leaving middle aged and older women with no support for their old age. It is easy to see why secular considers pensions earned during the marriage family assets rather than assets of one party. I don't know Mr. Aronoff or his circumstances, but if his wife had been working, he would have been equally entitled to a share in her pension.

  53. MO feminists such as yourself, with your heads buried in the sand, love to sing the praises of the ultra-corrupt, anti-male, anti-family, family court system.

    If you're claiming that frum men must submit to feminist family court law, fine. If you and your ORA cronies want to advocate non-Jewish family law, fine. In such case none of the numerous frum men being robbed blind in family courts should ever have to provide a GET to their wives, as there is no requirement in non-Jewish family law for a GET to be delivered, and any such requirement would violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

    These men can then deposit a GET in Bais Din and obtain a heter meah rabbanim as allowed by halacha, until their wives allow all matters to be adjudicated by Bais Din. If you're not an ORA/JOFA/OO misandrist feminist hypocrite, you should have no problem with that.

  54. That's what the world needs, more acronyms and more specious blarney.

  55. Uh huh. It's the CIA in our bedrooms, and Gloria Steinem muttering subliminally to our wives, and there was another shooter on the grassy knoll, and the Mossad blew up the Twin Towers, the planes were just a decoy, and Planet X arrived last year, but it's sequestered in Area 51. You know you believe this stuff.

  56. Does that mean that women were "nothing" in the sense of denigration? Precisely the opposite.

    If you did not mean it in a sense of denigration, then I withdraw my implied criticism. Not that I buy your "war of the sexes" theme, and particularly not in the "oilam hachareidi," but I accept that you intended nothing derogatory.

  57. Politically IncorrectMarch 2, 2016 at 5:54 PM

    Aren't we to do things according to Torah? Isn't it gezailah to take money through court? To sanction such procedure would be kefirah....

    The same sevara that Chazal used to enact the kesuvah so that the husband cannot as easily divorce his wife, is used in this country in the reverse using alimony, so now it's easy and even enticing for a woman to divorce her husband. No wonder America has the highest divorce rate...

  58. Dear Troll,
    Address and/or refute any of the above items directly please.
    I quote from page 12 (15) of the audit of STF by the Inspector General of the U.S. DoJ (emphasis is mine):

    "To accomplish the goal (of expanding outreach to the community) Shalom Task Force stated in its AWARD APPLICATION that it would accomplish the following objectives:
    1) INCREASE OUTREACH TO THE ORTHODOX AND IMMIGRANT Jewish community to bring awareness of available services for survivors of sexual assault
    2) INCREASE THE CAPACITY of the Shalom Task Force hotline to serve victims of sexual assault AND INCREASE THE NUMBER (OF) CALLS from assault victims to 100 per year or 10% of all calls
    4) Double the number of volunteer helpline advocates, from 12 to 24 in three years
    5) Extend the hours of operation of the contractor's hotline, and
    6) INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ORTHODOX AND IMMIGRANT JEWISH WOMEN seeking and receiving sexual assault direct services
    At time of our fieldwork, the project period for the award was ongoing and Shalom Task Force had yet to submit a final progress report for the award. We compared Shalom Task Force's program objectives to supporting documentation provided to determine if Shalom Task Force either met or made progress toward accomplishing its objectives. Further, we reviewed an OVW monitoring report which took no exception with Shalom Task Force's program performance. We concluded Shalom Task Force met or made reasonable efforts toward accomplishing all of its program objectives. However, based on the information we were provided, we found that ASSAULT VICTIMS' CALLS TO SHALOM TASK FORCE'S HOTLINE DID NOT AMOUNT TO 10 PERCENT of Shalom Task Force's total calls and that THE NUMBER OF CALLS TO ITS CONTRACTOR'S HOTLINE DID NOT INCREASE 50 PERCENT annually although Shalom Task Force made reasonable effort toward accomplishing those objectives."

    Here we have an organization ostensibly created to address domestic violence and abuse, and yet with the government's blessing refuses to recognize that women are just as likely as men to perpetrate DV.
    But in your book, any man who connects the dots between a stash of greenbacks piled up high from the Federal Government to the tune of $1.5M, a grubby NGO that uses the money to retain free legal aid for women, many of whom are personality disordered, allowing them to obtain bogus restraining orders against their husbands, getting them evicted from their homes, breaking up their families, killing them emotionally and alienating children from fathers, is to be labeled a 'conspiracist.'
    Oh, and by the way, you believe this stuff too.

  59. You certainly exhibit the feminist hellmark.
    Women's equal rights... etc.

  60. More proof that you are a conspiracy-minded wacko.

    Strange, I see nothing about the CIA agent Gloria Steinem there! But of course, that's a deep, dark secret, which only you and the other conspiracy theorists know.

  61. Gloria FrankenSteinem, the showgirl-turned-journalist who was raised by a wacko single mother, has been accused not by me, but by her own fellow travelers of being on the CIA payroll, and she herself has admitted to same according to the number-one top conspiracy-theorist journal in the world, The New York Times. But, as the saying goes for people such as yourself who skip-dee-do their way into alternative reality, "Don't bother me with the facts."
    And the reason you are troubled by this footnote in Steinem's biography is? Maybe because of your refusal to come to terms with the irony of your man-hating heroine being placed on her pedestal by the very same men she seeks to denigrate? The unmistakable conclusion of said irony is that the false idol of Feminism is now exposed as a fraud. A deep, dark, and dangerous fraud, I'll admit my friend, but still a fraud.
    There is nothing 'subliminal' at all, except in your mind, about the way some 'hair-brained' women, the sagas of some of whom have been documented on this blog and others, http://mamzeralert.blogspot.com/ are being manipulated daily by corrupt rabble-rabbis, therapists and ass-kanim to leave their husbands for a wide range of ulterior motives, fathers and children be damned.

  62. All those women, rabbis, therapists and askanim are being orchestrated by the CIA, right? It's a plot.

  63. To oppose denigrating women is the feminist hallmark? Oh.

  64. Correct, the Creative Inventors of Agunas.

  65. Sorry to be so blunt and rude, but there are very few men left today....
    We have a bunch of big boys running around but few men.
    But how can we blame the men when the rabbanim who guide then are fickle people pleasers?
    A man blames everyone else for his failed marriage is a boy, not a man....
    Why don't men wake up and take responsibility for their actions?
    Sure, there are crazy women out there, but a man who is quiet and let's himself be walked all over had an equal share in destroying the marriage...
    A woman craves a man who is kind yet assertive, protective and loving yet strong in his principals. Basicaly we want a kind, gentle, forgiving, yet strong and courageous leader.
    When her husband lacks those leadership qualities a woman is forced to take matters into her own hands... And as much as women are capable and assertive and CAN be leaders, it ultimately destroys the dinamic of the male female relationships....
    Men become whipped and women become control freaks.... I've seen it wayyy toooo many times...

  66. Yeah, they fly Gloria Steinem around in black helicopters owned by the Illuminati.

  67. I did not mean that, he said he did not mean to denigrate, he was just stating the obvious that Women were צנוע, and not like today, for you to then state your comments appeared as feministic.
    Moreover, please find me a single woman that will come to support the man's position...
    How come all man support the feminist woman and no man support each other, there is something fatally wrong in our community

  68. And I agreed that if he did not intend denigration, I withdraw my criticism.

  69. I believe your thoughts serve to corroborate the findings of this post.
    I have news for you. Men are waking up. They are going on strike and avoiding marriage.
    In this generation there exists a witch's brew of circumstances causing the men to take a second look before they jump into the cauldron:
    1) No-fault divorce. A spouse may terminate the marriage for any reason, at any time
    2) Property and custody. The courts generally divide the marital assets. They usually award custody of the children to the mother, provide limited visitation to the father, and order him to pay alimony and child support
    3) It's been women who are doing the divorcing. Small wonder, because in large part it's based upon the above realities
    You see, women want a man who is kind yet assertive, gentle yet a leader, loving yet courageous, forgiving yet strong in his principles, etc. In short, they carry around this list in search of a man who doesn't exist. But all of that stuff is not really what they want. Money, arguably the most sought after item, is strangely absent from the wish list. But I guarantee you that any wealthy bachelor will get a woman's attention, faults and all.
    So nowadays, instead of a man getting married to the woman of his dreams only to find a short time later that he is getting whipped and walked all over by his blunt, rude, crazy control freak of a wife who is 'forced to take matters into her own hands,' they are opting out.
    That the legislators don't get the message about getting the insanity of the family court system to end is one thing. But I can see no excuse for our own corrupt leaders who are failing to put a stop to the madness that threatens to usher in an entire generation of dysfunctional people and mamzeirim.

  70. I think you missed my point. I'm putting equal blame on they guy who jumps into marriage without realizing he's marrying a manipulative control freak. And I'm putting equal blame on the guy who keeps silent and tolerates a controlling, demanding, negative and complaining woman.....
    Incidently there seems to be a new trend in unrealistic romance novels about the guy having control issues....
    I'm not suggesting nor implying that a woman wants to be controlled or dominated. Of course not. But there is truth to the aspect that women do NOT want a man who gives into their every whim and whine. It gets boring and annoying, and a woman loses respect for such a man...
    We need a man who can stand up for himself.... Not who always tells us 'you're right dear'

    A woman wants a man who can 'handle her' and that means fight equally, and fairly. NOT surrender.

  71. I find it ridiculous and absurd that people are calling RSK a feminist Rabbi. His view is more likely to be swayed by money or shochad (under the illusion if 'hakaras hatov') but he is no feminist.

  72. Hashochad Yeaver Einei Chachumim.

  73. Sorry but I believe you are mistaken on all counts but one.
    Yes, it is true that women crave a dominant and protective man, although you feel inhibited to say as much in no uncertain terms. For that you cannot be blamed, because the malady of feminism, through it's nefarious attempt to deny this basic dynamic of human nature, has already poisoned your mind.
    But it is certainly wrong to blame a man for marrying a 'manipulative control freak.' Don't you realize that no man in his right mind would marry a woman like that, unless she was precisely able to manipulate him to do so in the first place? And it is equally wrong to blame a man who chooses not to leave his intractable woman, discarding her as one would mere chattel whose utility has expired.
    On the contrary, the blame is to be reserved for a wife who suddenly loses respect for her husband and decides that she can do better, instead of learning to accentuate his positive attributes and keep her family together. The way of the Torah is peace, and G-d has asked that his name be erased in order to bring peace between husband and wife. But along came the malcontents and machers of our time who think they know better. They seek to undermine daily the very foundation of Jewish society by sowing selfishness and discord in people, and for this they will be judged.

  74. Don't you realize that no man in his right mind would marry a woman like
    that, unless she was precisely able to manipulate him to do so in the
    first place?

    More conspiracy, huh? How did she "manipulate" him? Was he brainwashed? Did the CIA inject him with secret potions? Was he kidnapped by aliens?

  75. I actually laughed while reading your attempt at response.....
    I'm sorry to sound sexist, but seriously, who is supposed to run the ship?? If a man is so smitten by a woman that he can not tell her no. Keep steadfast to his principles and be the leader, he is equally to if not soley to blame....
    A mother who gives in to her whiny bratty child because he demands and cries to eat ice cream for dinner, is the sole barer of blame for the child's unhealthy dinner.
    Stop putting all the blame on "feminists" and stop croaking as R Dovid says, and be a man.

    And no, no woman wants to be controlled. She wants to be respected and guided by a man. We want a king, not a dictator for a spouce.

  76. @@kishkeyum

    It's way past enough. Yes, I understand that you do not like what Mr. Wasserman is saying. Furthermore, you do not want to face the truth in what he says. Best way is to shoot the messenger - find the mistakes that he has said and use that as an excuse to dismiss him as an intelligent and normal person. In that way, you will have suppressed the uncomfortable emotional feelings that he may have brought to the surface. This does not befit you.

    1) Is there a true reality of a dating person - male or female - hiding their bad character traits from their potential suitor? I assume that you do agree with this.

    Is a life for a man who is controlled or dominated by his wife miserable? Let's consider this Gemorah
    תנו רבנן שלשה חייהן אינם חיים ואלו הן... ומי שאשתו מושלת עליו

    So Mr. Wasserman is correct that no man in his right mind would marry a woman like that. If a man did do it, as does happen, then we analyze why he has done it. But no man would willingly put himself into a situation where Chazel define his life as not being a life, or his life being like living in gehenom.

  77. who is supposed to run the ship?.....

    A mother who gives in to her whiny bratty child because he demands and cries to eat ice cream for dinner, is the sole barer of blame for the child's unhealthy dinner.

    I have a few questions for you. Are there millions of students in supposed higher institutions of learning who study a relativity new subject called "gender studies" or women's studies? Do these courses teach that gender roles are all societal, and not natural? Do they teach that the roles that society has placed on genders are bad? Do they specifically teach that a man as the head of the household is abusive and oppressive? These things are also taught in Penn State, where Rabbi Shalom Kamenetzky serves as a professor of Talmud.

    Do you believe that Western secular thought has not infiltrated our communities in any way? While very few Frum women would identify as a feminist, do you feel that some of their thoughts, ideas and ideologies may have infiltrated our communities a bit?

    There is a huge difference between a whiny child and a husband in today's society. A child is reliant on their parent. In today's society, a woman who so wishes, can make it clear to her husband that if he does not conform to her whims, she will divorce him. She will convince herself that she will be completely free of him, and she will be able to deny her children their father. On the other hand, she will make him pay her child support and possibly alimony for the rest of his life. She will take about 80% of his house as well.

    Please understand that women who violate the laws of marriage is quite old. It is dealt with in the Mishnah, Gemaroah and has been codified in the Shulchan Oruch. (Would you blame her behavior on her husband's irresponsible tolerance back then as well?)The difference is, is that nowadays she can find many, many people who choose to believe that she is right.

    I agree with you that the guy is to blame for who he chose to marry. Once married, I find it hard to blame him if he chooses to stay married, even at all costs - particularly if there are children involved.

  78. 1) Of course it could happen, but to elevate the occasional event to the level of a crisis is ridiculous.

    2) Sure, that could happen too, and no doubt it's miserable, but that doesn't mean that women are "manipulating" men into marriage. People have freedom of choice. Sometimes they make bad choices. It's not someone else's fault. But Mr. Wasserstein turns men's bad choices and bad marriages into manipulation by others. I don't accept that. I also see his focus on manipulation as of a piece with his tendency toward conspiracy theories. In his view, it's not that people are making bad choices, or that they are falling victim to a dangerous societal shift in relations between the sexes -- no, it's a conspiracy, it's manipulaiton etc. I see this as a dangerous and stupid viewpoint, one that deserves to be mocked. These are not "mistakes" in wording; it's his fundamental belief. For some reason, you see this as shooting the messenger, but in fact, I'm mocking the message, which is well worthy of mockery.

    Separately, I think he's jumping on the red-pill bandwagon he's been reading about on secular blogs, and working overtime to squeeze it into Orthodox Judaism. He doesn't seem to have noticed that a key component of the manosphere ideology is complete sexual libertinism, which is diametrically opposed to life as a frum Jew, which means we're not going to be seeing a lot of Men Going Their Own Way in frum circles any time soon. Some crisis.

  79. Ok, very valid points and I can't argue with you on any of them. Yes, the secular view of the womens role is not at all in accordance with the Torah view. ... And indeed the Torah view is not in sync with the secular view...
    Yes we have a problem here.
    But I'm not sure the root of the problem is soley the femist view or the secular society.
    In my humble opinion the root of these issues is our own chinuch system.
    What is our bais Yaakov system doing to prepare girls for a successful marriage?
    How are hours of chumash with mefareshim and navi classes going to help in marriage?
    I don't recall hours of emunah classes, or any home economics classes.
    Torah is taught as subjects. Memorizing facts and names of people and events in navi, does nothing to imbue the importance of Torah into a young high school girl...
    Maybe it's time reevaluate the chinuch of our girls... Some emunah classes, and yiras shamayim wouldn't hurt.

  80. The 'occasional event' of at least 30% of marriages (and counting) coming to an end CRISIS in the frum world is surely the result of our people having "falling victim to a dangerous but powerful societal shift in relations between the sexes." (Say it aint so, Joe; a conspiracist referencing secular phenomena?)
    The aguna creating rabbis took their cue in destroying marriages from that secular society, and their misdoings are now being exposed by RDE and others, the blogs of whom, in both לשון קודש, and dare I say secular English, have been potent and thought provoking. Significantly, they have succeeded in putting our leaders' proverbial feet to the fire.
    They have been put on notice. If they do not cease and desist from their divorce and mamzer-making racket, the people shall continue to excoriate them ad infinitum, while the men continue to vote with their feet, any attempts at whitewashing this tragic fact notwithstanding.

  81. 30% of frum marriages end in divorce? Really? I call absolute BS. More of your hysteria, which apparently goes well with conspiracy theory wackiness.

  82. I quote from the book, "Hasidic People: A Place in the New World," by Jerome R. Mintz, Harvard University Press, 1992, pg. 390 (emphasis mine):
    "It is estimated that the general American divorce rate for marriages made between 1970 and 1985 is 50 percent. Rates of divorce among American Jews are somewhat lower, with approximately one of every three or four marriages predicted to end in divorce. The percentages scale downward depending on degree of religiousness, with close to 50 percent predicted for the general Jewish population in most urban centers, while A QUARTER OF MODERN ORTHODOX MARRIAGES ARE DESTINED FOR FAILURE, and divorces among the ultraOrthodox will hover at over 10 percent. All the rates for divorce are the HIGHEST IN THE HISTORY OF JUDAISM."
    All of that was before Mendel Epstein came along.
    And now?
    Granted, it's difficult to come up with precise data when you're dealing with an insular and varied community such as the Orthodox, so what point are you trying to make with your nitpicking? Whether it's 15, 25, or 35%, the numbers are way too high and totally out of proportion. The unvarnished reality is that a staggering number of busted marriages, too many of which have been terminated unnecessarily at the hands of woman-championing 'heros,' are now littering every frum neighborhood, with all of the associated collateral damage.
    But justice was finally served. Mendel and his Gang Of Ten were put away, and now the writing is on the wall. Hopefully his other protege's are sitting up and taking notice.

  83. by Jerome R. Mintz, Harvard University Press, 1992

    Oh, so it's not an actual statistic, it's something that some unnamed someone predicted 25 years ago, which may or may not have occurred.

    Here's your quote from the Times of Israel:
    OHEL decided it was time to address the issue since currently in the
    United States, about 30 percent of Jewish marriages end in divorce.

    This refers to all Jews in the US, secular and religious alike. It has nothing to do with the frum community taken on its own. I don't believe for a moment that the frum divorce rate is anywhere remotely near this number. Not to mention, it sounds like a typical made-up scare statistic, based on someone's wild guess. I doubt there's a smidgen of research behind it.

    so what point are you trying to make with your nitpicking? Whether it's
    15, 25, or 35%, the numbers are way too high and totally out of

    Ah, so there's no difference between 15% and 30%. Interesting.

    The point is that your invented "crisis" requires big, scary numbers or no one will pay attention. I reject your numbers. There is a very large difference between 15% and 30%.

    What's more, none of this proves your main thesis, which is that frum men are backing away from marriage. And it certainly does not prove your other main thesis, which is that this is all a conspiracy cooked up by feminists, rabbis, Gloria Steinem and the CIA.

  84. Politically IncorrectMarch 10, 2016 at 2:54 AM

    Contrary to your last paragraph, I would probably blame him for his choice, but once he gets married, he is stuck and can only depart with sometimes (more often than not) drastic consequences. ..

    In your second to last paragraph, you write that the situation is different nowadays, because she has plenty of people believing her. Honestly, ......and more so, nowadays you have many "Jewish" *organizations* that are eager to wreck jewish life and tell her what to say and walk her through....and what you wrote in the paragraph before what a woman can do *nowadays* is seen as right on the mark by someone who went pretty much through it.....

  85. Are you speaking specifically about the MO community? I haven't noticed an increase in the percentage of guys who never get married today compared to 20 years ago.

  86. The inspiration for this post came from talks with divorced dads from across the spectrum, from whom I first learned about this problem.

  87. Excellent write up! Thank you.

  88. his 'unnamed someone' you speak of, Jerome R. Mintz, a professor of anthropology and Jewish studies at Indiana University

    You need to read more carefully. Mintz wrote: "with approximately one of every three or four marriages predicted to end in divorce." The prediction is not his own. The source is not given. It's from an unnamed someone, as I wrote.

    Why would you avoid mentioning The Jewish Week article I generously
    provided for your perusal? Did you think that no one would notice how
    you skipped over another one of your 'nobodys,' Dr. Michael J. Salamon,
    an author and fellow of the American Psychological Association, who
    estimates that the divorce rate for "Orthodox" marriages is 30%, a
    reference that doesn't quite fit in with your agenda?

    You may not believe this, but I actually have other things to do than mock wacky cospiracy theorists, and respond to their every fallacious cite. That said, I actually did see that article. Again, it's someone's estimate. It contains zero data. The fact that you imagine that someone's guess is significant as a data point is telling. I guess that's par for the course for people who believe in CIA plots involving Gloria Steinem and feminist rabbis.

  89. Exactly, exactly, exactly.
    It's an invented crisis.

  90. Hieronymous PseudonymousApril 25, 2016 at 6:54 PM

    "There are energy companies who can sell twice the amount of heating oil
    to a family living in two homes, and there's extra gasoline to be
    dispensed for driving cars on long distance visitations."

    Yes but how do energy and gas companies encourage divorce?

  91. Akiva WassersteinMay 12, 2016 at 2:30 AM

    Politicians pass no-fault divorce laws. More people get divorced, and then they buy more oil. Energy companies turn a huge profit, and then they finance the campaigns of the same politicians, who proceed to pass more draconian divorce laws.

  92. That is one of the more absurd conspiracy theories I have ever heard. Thanks for the laugh.

  93. Akiva WassersteinMay 13, 2016 at 2:16 AM

    The two highest reported income areas in the U.S. are a Texas oil town and Washington D.C. And yes, they are laughing all the way to the bank.

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