Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wohlmark of the Mendel Epstein Torture Gang will go to Otisville

Wolmark will be joining others of the torture gang at Otisville


  1. The_Original_Bored_LawyerMarch 18, 2016 at 12:51 AM

    Otisville is a very heimish prison. Hashem Yerachem.

  2. nunu, once ah maggid shaur ...... \

    (Otisville has a good shaur circuit I hear)

  3. You have a big crowd of anshei shlomeinu.

  4. his is the latest up and coming stronghold mi'orei hamiklot misaltah umishamno of Yiddishkeit , from Roshei Yeshivos, Taanus Cholom and Yereishlayim, Sofrim, Dayonim, Nogsim hamakim veoroidim es ho'om bemaklos bekoach hazroah, veSar Hatabochim beProdim ubeAkravim, ganovim mechubodim im pe'er zakan kasheleg yalbinu Hoyoshvim rishino bamalchus. Pas yomom behechsher mehadrin min hamehadrim, Cholov Yisrael tachas hashgocho Tmidi shel Sar Beis hoAssirim misha'as tchilas hachaliva ad gmar hashtiya, Kosher Kosher Glatt Bossor bli shum sircha, yochlu anovim veyisbou. Beis hamidrash hamefoar nivneh beigul kedei shelo levayesh es mi she'ein lo yoshvei kedem bemizrach, vetofsei safsalei Beis haMidrash keGoiren agulo velo keYoshvei pinos uKronois. At the entrance, there is a big sign ONU MATIRIM LEHISPALEL IM HOAVARYONIM BLI SHIM YOTZE MIN HAKLALL. Indeed, you *must* come in with a Kupa shel Shrotzim in order to qualify. Attire is on the house with herringbone shirts from the C. Camps and pants from Yemen, one size fits all so that you cannot run to escape. To qualify, you must be Shomer Torah umitzvos at least lefonim ulemaris ayin. We have minyanim all day, coffee available 24/7, virtual libraries of otsar hasforim and shiurim for kol hatorah kulah. You will feel better than at home, no parnassa worries, we even have mobile Mitzva Tank Mikva with a lightning rod mechubar lekarka. You wouldn't even want to go home. Any shayla from hilchos shabos to hilchus tiv Gittin veKidushin can be answered and executed by karate experts and Bar Samcha's with 6 gallon Fire fighter hats that can either mafkia or mevatel the Kidushin keilu lo hoyo at your choice. We have special accommodations for Madoff pyramid schemers. Come one, come all. No Fur hats allowed.

  5. You guys need to stop making jokes. It's the only prison in the nation with pas yisroel and yoshon. מי כעמך ישראל!

  6. What about the bread eaten at home all these years from blood money, is that also va'achaltem yoshon noishon? You must be kidding

  7. Ironic the judge's name is Wolfson. Isn't this Wohlmark married to a Wolfson?


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