Friday, February 12, 2016

The Real Failure of Failed Messiah by RaP

RaP this is an interesting analysis - but it is utlimately a whitewashing of a very odios subject. I would replace the word "anger" with the world "hate". Scotty was primarily a hater - not a seeker of truth. The truth was used when it was helpful in expressing hate and contempt.

For example when he objected to my post  which I wrote soon after it was established that Rivky Stein had fabricated horrific lies against her husband which the media had lapped up with relish as proof that Orthodox Judaism and in particular a male Orthodox Jew is evil. I requested that these blogs and news media apologize and acknowledge that Yoel was innocent and Rivky Stein was less then honest.

He acknowledged that it was possible that the truth was like I said but said that it didn't matter because Yoel Weiss deserved the attacks because Rivky Stein could only get justice in the Orthodox Jewish system by this type of attack. In short he refused to even consider apologizing for attacking Yoel. This is not anger - it is pure hate.

With hate, you can't be happy until the object of your hate is destroyed. Anger disappears with the issues are ameliorated.

In short he was not concerned with truth and fairness - but looked for any news item that would provide an excuse for trashing and stomping on Orthodox Jews and Judaism. Truth was only a tool in his hatred - it was not a goal.

Kiruv failed - not because it didn't seriously try but because his hatred could only be satisfied by the destruction of Yiddishkeit. Not something that makes sense even for the sake of Kiruv.

========================================================================Guest Post by RaP

I have not come to praise Failed Messiah (FM) but to bury him, to quote the famous words in Shakespeare about the ignoble demise of Julius Caesar after his assassination by his own former friends. The entire Jewish blogosphere and beyond is grappling with the sudden end of the Failed Messiah blog. People who tracked FM had a love-hate relationship with it. For some it was almost pure hate and zero love, for others it was a mixed bag. FM was not a lovable person and made sure to let you know it.

But what was the force behind the FM blog that made it the center of so much attention and controversy? Even if one did not agree with a word it said, it was still a place to get a measure of things in the Frum world. Many on this blog have quoted things that were researched well on FM. In many instances FM had parallel interests with all the other pro-active Jewish blogs, fighting child sex abuse, the various scandals like the Tropper and Hersh cases that this blog and others dealt with in depth. Pulling the facade away that "all is well" in Chabad. Hence the name "failed moshiach" as someone put it, and exposing corruption in various Charedi, Israeli, Modern Orthodox and Chasidic circles who were fighting over money, power, fame and fortune.

But behind it all was a very angry man, who by the time he allowed his FM to be shut down and taken over was a depleted ex Baal Teshuva in his late 50s who had reportedly never married, had no children, no known family and no one who can be called his friends, not getting enough money to keep going even from his readers, living in a far off city in a cramped room, where he worked as a one man news operation that often appeared like a news conglomerate but it was just coming from one driven ex Baal Teshuva who had had it with the Frum world.

The failure of FM is a failure in Kiruv!

It is a failure to close the circle by those who Mekareved him because for Kiruv to be successful it must succeed "from womb to tomb" and not just of the one who is Mekareved, but the spouse of the BT often also a BT, and their children, at the end of the day, must all be raised and remain Frum for it to be a Kiruv success story, and this did not happen with FM, because he broke down along the way of being a loyal Chabad BT to becoming its deadly foe. How so?

Classical BTs are by nature truth seekers and questioners, if they would not be then they would never be drawn to Yiddishkeit and become Frum in the first place, something FFBs do not grasp or understand because FFBs are born into the world of being Frum they do not understand or relate to the unique mental and emotional and intellectual and psychic and spiritual processes of questioning and deep grappling with issues and always demanding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God.

To make this dichotomy between BTs and FFBs clearer one need not look further than the difference between Avraham Avinu and Yitzchak Avinu. They are both the Avos, but what a difference. According to the RAMBAM Avram as he was first called at a very young age started to question everything in a world from which the God of Creation had been banished, and he questioned and questioned and challenged and challenged and defied and defied everyone, until he was satisfied that he found God! Not so his son Yitzchok, the "ershter geboirener" who was born as the first FFB, he did not question because he was born into the faith. Even at the Akeidah he did not question, it was not his Test, it was Avraham's test because as a questioner he did not question God on that, and that is why Avraham passes the litmus test of belief while FM fails, or at least has failed thus far.

Someone wise recently posted a comment about him that is so true on another blog that is worth repeating:

""...We loved the muckraking. The sordid truth. The raw emotion. We loved his struggle. We were a part of something. That cannot be rehabilitated or started anew..."

That quote is what got me thinking about writing this post. What FM was, was a work in process or rather the public unraveling of a work in progress. FM was once a staunch Chabad BT he worked for them, but then he became embittered with them over reasons that anyone who has spent even a little time in Kiruv Rechokim working with formerly secular Jews knows happens all the time. An issue important to them from their past lives comes to them anew as a life's challenge, it is their challenge and Test from Above, like the Akeidah came to Avraham Avinu from Above as an unexpected challenge directly from God and what did he do? He accepted the bitter Divine Decree that went beyond his reasoning and turned his world upside down, while Avraham Avinu passed his test, FM failed his big test. It could have been about the Jewish status of Falashas or it could have been about any one of hundreds of different issues, but for FM it was a catalyst to keep his passions and fires burning now in out of control fashion, questioning, thinking, a rebellious streak running now evidently with great anger that boiled over just at the time when the Internet was exploding and FM like tens of millions of others could then "share" his anger and questions, angst, inner turmoils, and deeper thoughts with the world on his blog.

And people came by the millions to read him, not out of a hate or love for this or that and not out of hate or love for anything really, but because FM was now putting his own struggle on display as symbol of his peers who have these struggles, he did not invent the issues as some allege, he struggled with them in ways that FFBs cannot fathom but that is the typical way of BTs who are conscious of the struggles and will not cover things up just because some people don't like it, expressing himself on a huge cyber-canvas like a frustrated artist for the world to judge.

The FFBs that have bought out and shut down FM have gained a phyric hollow victory, they have bought a shell and FM is having the last laugh, he has done his thing and now he is gone, in typical controversial iconoclastic fashion with disregard for the world even for his supposed "followers" he has spit in their face, because he is an angry man to the core, something FFBs do not do and now they are holding a shadow, like when you try to catch a lizard and you think you caught it but all you are holding is its detached tail while the lizard scampers off to its hiding hole, because they can never shut down the raw questioning and anger and frustration that so many people feel. For a questioning secular Jew becoming Frum, staying Frum, marrying Frum, and raising Frum family and that all of them will remain Frum to their last day on Earth is a huge Nisoyon that FFBs cannot even begin to appreciate.

So FM was a case in point of a failure in Kiruv, it is a reminder of how the Frum world has many lessons to learn before it can win over all the hearts and minds of secular Jews becoming Frum and keep them Frum. We are still in the middle of that bitter struggle and we cannot wish away nor can anyone buy it out and shut down, because life is not that simple.


  1. This is a very interesting post and insightful, without spending much time attacking FM for its content alone. It is good to try to understand why these things happen. It is therefore important to improve kiruv.
    I would add, by the same token, that a similar analysis needs to be done about the parllel phenomenon of OTD - why it happens, and what can be done to deal with the problem.

  2. According to what I could read from RaP on this blog, RaP despises Gerim, Baaley T'shuva, non-jews, and all jews who have a more hareidi or less reiigious approach to judaism than himself.
    Failed messiah, on the other hand, just reported about some quirks of the jewish world, he was empathic and commiserated with tragedies.
    So to me, there is no question that I like Scott better than RaP, and by far.

  3. Love this.

    I've met these types of people so many times before. The pseudo intellectual yeshiva education guy who looks at the world through the prism of too many games of Risk. Gives his unsolicited teitch of the goings on in the world that clearly doesn't recognize his tremendous "פקחות". Read too many gadol books featuring their insight and וייטער קוק and somehow fancies himself as some keen observer.

    מאוס עלי. Get a life and a job. Or even a shteller to lend some amount of credibility to the trash you spew.

    But Dick the Rapper who you got for North Carolina??
    Your probably a classic contrarion and are pulling for Bernie sanders

  4. RaP this is an interesting analysis - but it is utlimately a whitewashing of a very odios subject. I would replace the word "anger" with the world "hate". Scotty was primarily a hater - not a seeker of truth. The truth was used when it was helpful in expressing hate and contempt.

    For example when he objected to my post which I wrote soon after it was established that Rivky Stein had frabricated horrific lies against her husband which the media had lapped up with relish as proof that Orthodox Judaism and in particular a male Orthodox Jew is evil. I requested that these blogs and news media apologize and acknowledge that Yoel was innocent and Rivky Stein was less then honest.

    He acknowledged that it was possible that the truth was like I said but said that it didn't matter because Yoel Weiss deserved the attacks because Rivky Stein could only get justice in the Orthodox Jewish system by this type of attack. In short he refused to even consider apologizing for attacking Yoel. This is not anger - it is pure hate.
    With hate, you can't be happy until the object of your hate is destroyed. Anger disappears with the issues are ammeliorated.

    In short he was not concerned with truth and fairness - but looked for any news item that would provide an excuse for trashing and stomping on Orthodox Jewish and Judaism. Truth was only a tool in his hatred - it was not a goal.

    Kiruv failed - not because it didn't seriously try but because his hatred could only be satisfied by the destruction of Yiddishkeit. Not something that makes sense even for the sake of Kiruv

  5. Firstly, not all BT's are questioners - many come from unhappy backgrounds they wish to leave behind. They are shown the beauty of Orthodox Judaism and make a decision based on emotion. While Scott and many BT's of the Chabad persuasion were also questioners as Lubavitch tends to be more of intellectual chassidus and dedinutely doewnt share the same techniques as the other more shallow Kiruv enteprises. Those who have become frum may be more inclined to ignore all issues no matter how horrific as its much harder to break free of the safe coccoon yidishkeit has created for them. Secondly, the issue is not simply about keeping BT's frum and in the fold - there are many FFB's who also question frumkeit. Not just from an emotional perspective (scandals/corruption within the frum community) but on an intellectual level as well. Someone with questions regarding emunah in past generations may have let them go unanswered as going with the flow was easier than looking for a different perspective. Today with the vast amount of information availble and the ability to engage with anyone about any topic anonymosly, the exact opposite is true.

  6. I think you are missing the point that RaP is making about kiruv.
    Kiruv is very much like a sales act. But there is no sales aftercare. The yeshivot are best suited to BTs with rich parents, who can fund them. But the magical claims of the Yeshivos are not seen through, they don't encourage Bts to go to university or pursue a career. And if they are not big learners, are basically left to the elements.
    A Hareidi Rav once told me (possibly quoting Rav Shach), it is better to make 1 great man than 1000 mediocres. I think the Rav Shach quote was that it is better to sacrifice 1000 to produce 1 gadol.
    I am in no position to argue with the Gadol hador of the previous generation, but this "survival of the fittest" and human sacrifice approach will produce a lot of problems, and it in fact has.

  7. What is aftercare? How do you know he didn't get it?

  8. BTs with rich parents? Parents of BTs often don't fund their child's become a BT when they're not Orthodox themselves.

  9. Excellent essay, with many powerful insights.

  10. I avoided that disgusting site of hatred and rishus. I'm glad he's out of business.

  11. I also appreciate the insight displayed by this post. However, my bigger concern goes to the near-idolization of this guy. I agree with RDE; this was a man driven by hate. There are many BTs that come and go, but almost no one goes out in a flaming blaze of invented 'glory'. To use a slightly off example, there were many disgruntled WWI corporals on the losing side of the war. Only one decided to build his delusional worldview into an empire that destroyed a continent and nearly the whole world.

    I am much more concerned with the many voices who simply adored this hateful, spiteful, well-read little man. I know journalists who were envious of his ability to break a story. A commenter on this very thread refers to Scotty's simple 'reporting of quirks' in our world. And others continue to tout the standard that FM set for the Jewish blogosphere.

    Nonsense. He was always right on the border of truth, never cared about it, and wrote with just enough attribution to provide himself with legal cover. Oh, and {chuckle} he always had his hand out for money, pinned prominently at the top of his site.

    Orthodox Jews should be smarter than that. This guy and his מהלך should stand as the antithesis of what Judaism demands in today's internet world. RDE and Frum Follies are degraded when compared to Scotty's enterprise; they are so far above the gutter wherein little Scotty lives that no comparisons should ever exist between Rosenberg and the civilized world.

  12. OTD is all about parenting. Not about schools. Not about anything else. There are plenty of "not so good" parents out there. Not all "at risk" kids go off. They usually stay on, and perpetuate these same mistakes on their children.

  13. what crap. all about parenting? it is more usual to be about schools than about parenting

  14. No idea about him specifically. But the idea that it is better to produce 1 Gadol and let 1000 fail is suggestive of a lack of care for those 1000 souls.

  15. Eddie - claims were made in the article about the lack of aftercare - there was absolutely no evidence produced that there was a lack of aftercare - no matter how you define the term.

    Kiruv is not about producing gedolim.

  16. I don't know what is gained by insulting this man. He obviously has great talent in attracting readers, and he has attracted a lot of newspapers to his opinions. If we just keep our traps shut, we may save ourselves a lot more of him focusing on us. Life and death are in the hands of the tongue. Let's recall that.

  17. nobody is insulting him - just describing him.

  18. "Kiruv is not about producing gedolim"

    One of the first things they say to everyone in Kiruv, i.e. once they get to the stage of considering learning, is that "you can become as great as Rabbi Akiva".
    I am not aware of any Gedolim having been produced in the BT world, although Steinsaltz might be a possible example.

    Regarding aftercare, I am talking in general, as I do not know the specifics of Mr FM or who he is.

  19. Are you saying that all kiruv programs claim they can be as great as Rabbi Akiva?!

    Or are you saying that some people are told that by inexperienced kiruv workers.

    The bigger problem is the yeshiva world which tells people that they can all be gedolim - and obviously the vast majority are not.

    According to your logic everyone who goest off the derech could have been saved by proper care and proper aftercare. It is not something unique to the kiruv world.

    I was told that there is such a thing a bechira. While proper chinuch and guidance can minimize people being destroyed by the system - there is never a guarantee. While we often say in hindsight that if X only got what he needed he wanted have ended up the way he did - we don't know. Many times a mismatched environment brings out the greatness of a person.

    Regatrding aftercare I am asking what do you consider after care? What don't you think Scotty didn't get - which is the point of RaP's article?

  20. I am saying that i heard that a lot from different kiruv rabbis, so it must be a well used line. If you accept that in the Yeshiva world they are told they can all be gedolim, then it is not a stretch of the imagination that they say this in the kiruv/BT world.
    Regarding OTD, I do not know the cause and effect, and it could simply be that just like there is a pull of BTs in to the frum world, so there is a pull outside of frum people. That is why it might help if someoen suggests wha might be the causes of the OTD.
    I accept what you say about hindsight, it is easy to be 20/20 after the event.
    And aftercare, i mean that BTs shouldn't be made to feel like 2nd class citizens. I think the MO world doesnt have these kind caste systems, and if somenone is frum they are frum.

  21. " *Vekervonu* lifnei Har Sinai", that went for the whole klall. There was no ivy league selection or any discrimination taking place. Echod hamarbeh ve'echod hamamit, ach yechaven et libo leShamayim.

  22. To again use my example, that WWI corporal also attracted millions to his cause. אז מה?

    Ad'raba, given Scotty's reach, and those that are enamored with his 'talent', I don't see how one shouldn't call him out precisely for being the oisvurff that he became. Even the way he pulled the plug on his 'enterprise' speaks volumes about his character.

    Put another way, silence in the face of his bile is not appropriate, IMHO. עת לדבר ועת לחשות. Let him receive the opprobrium that is his just due.

  23. Mark, unfortunately, you are clueless. Good news for you, you have a lot of company. As they say, stairway to heaven, highway to hell. Expected traffic is just about correct.

  24. The Failed Shmattah-head must be laughing his head off all the way to the bank.

    It's probably hilarious to him that the religious community that he hates so much, has ponied up a pretty penny to buy him out.

    But on second thought (if he's capable of that), where are Scotty's principles? Isn't he guilty of the very same thing that he always decried, about people being swayed by the power of money? If you believe in a cause, you sell it down the river for a few dollars?

  25. Rabbi Haber: You know, not everybody can be the tzadik of the generation. Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twersky tells of a discussion he once had during a visit with the Steipler Gaon, whom people often consulted for medical advice. Since he had heard that Rabbi Twersky was a psychiatrist, he inquired about medications for mental illnesses.

    “Is anything available that can cure someone from delusions?” asked the Steipler. Dr. Twersky replied that there wasn’t much in the way of medicine for delusional thinking.

    “But what if someone has the delusion that he is the greatest tzaddik in the generation?” the Gaon asked.

    “No medication can cure that,” Dr. Twersky laughed.

    The Gaon shook his head sadly. “Too bad,” he said. “That malady is so widespread.”

    Sounds like the system is designed to spread the malady.

    Rabbi Haber: You know, I would say that it’s not “kids at risk, it’s “Klal Yisroel at risk.” I have worked with hundreds of so-called “kids at risk.” Most of the time these young people are the cream of the crop. Adel, sweet, caring individuals. The kind that, if you say “Well, I have to be going into the city now,” they’ll immediately offer to give you a ride. And it’s often because they are not aggressive or bullying by nature that they are swayed by bad influences, make bad decisions. But they are good kids.

    You have to ask yourself : What would happen if they would not fall through the cracks? They have tremendous potential and a role to fill in the Jewish people. There are so many different mandates: tefilah, chesed, writers, administration, etcetera. In an eltist system, these are all b’dieved. But is that really the emes? No one should be an extra. Everyone should feel needed and important—because they are. This is how Yaakov Avinu spoke and blessed all of his children before he left this world: “Each man according to his blessing did he bless them.”

    So, if we allow them to fall thorugh the gaps, Klal Yisrael loses. So it’s not just a matter of saving this kid or that kid; but of saving Klal Yisrael. As I said, we have to decide if we can afford to lose them.

    Do you have a solution?

    Rabbi Haber: Well, the beginning of a solution starts in our description of the problem; we have to change the terminology. Calling them “kids at risk” only exacerbates the problem because it makes it sound like they have an illness. Somebody actually suggested that if one in ten children fall into this category, it could be that they are the same one in ten who suffer from learning disabilities.

    We need to create options, without a stigma, to encourage respect for ba’alei batim, for people who work and are not roshei yeshivos. And if there’s someone who can start a school which is not elitist, that would, of course, help.

  26. Please feel free to add this as an Update to my original article. Thank you.

    "Regarding aftercare I am asking what do you consider after care? What
    don't you think Scotty didn't get - which is the point of RaP's article?"

    That is not my point at all.

    In a nutshell, when products are defective we do not blame the products although they may have caused even a fatal a problem, we go back and blame the factories that produced those faulty products and the engineers and workers and leaders who created the grounds to create a faulty product. Like when they found that Volkswagons were hiding dirty emissions, the whole company got blacklisted and downgraded not just blaming the poor little final product that just did what it was designed or mis-designed to do. The entire process from top to bottom must take the blame. That's called responsibility and leadership, not demonizing the product that could have done nothing on its own really had not the builders built a lemon. Similarly, we do not blame the 2 space shuttles that blew up for blowing up, we blame the engineers and those responsible that launched them in the first place.

    What I am saying is that entire process failed, meaning the entire vaunted Chabad "ahavas yisroel" and Kiruv continuum that should have succeeded was a dismal and utter failure, all the way from the top down to the very bottom or is one not allowed to criticize a Rebbe even with all due respect, no one is infallible after all and maybe Chabad blew it big time and they are to blame for inflicting FM on themselves and the world, they created their own demons in other words that came back to attack everyone else like a bad genie that was let out the bottle and no one knew how to get him back in!

    Lesson: Sometimes it is best NOT to Mekarev anyone than to have this happen. The Chabad thing of indiscriminate reaching out to all and sundry is not so smart after all. They needed to be more discreet and selective about it. Not every animal, or human for that matter, got let into Noach's Teiva!!!

    There are clear Halachos of NOT teaching Torah to a Talmid She'eino Hagun!!

    As in the that old saying that we should avoid: "the good news is that the operation was a success, the bad news is that the patient died"!

    Too often Kiruv people are overly enthusiastic and full of their "powers" but they are just very naive about the human condition and what really makes people tick and how they can actually make things worse and not better by bringing in the wrong people, something they sometimes just cannot hear because they are afflicted with a problematic messianic complex themselves to one degree or another, and the messiah can do no wrong? Right? Wrong! As we know, even one who claims to be a Messiah can be wrong because he still human and not infallible like the Popes calim they are!!!

    The entire process a life-cycle failed, from those who first Mekareved him, to those who were his friends as a Mekurav, to those who were there as he left, all failed not just those not giving so-called "after care" that sounds like it's a terminally ill person being treated. The correct lingo and buzz word is known as "follow-up" but that is still not what went wrong, because it ALL went wrong, judging by the results and what it produced, there as a major bungling and misreading and mishandling and mismanagement from the get go. Like the sinking of the Titanic it was not just one thing that sank it, or one thing that failed at the end, or that not all the passengers were saved in the end, it was series of cumulative failures one compounding and building on the other negatively that resulted in teh Toitanic dissater!

  27. this is incredible nonsense. What were the warning signs that the kiruv workers or the community members should have noticed so as not to try and make him frum?

    If you can't identity anything which should have warned them where he was going - then there is no basis to say that they should not have been involved. Unless you are claiming that because not all of kiruv is successful - none should be done?!

    Likewise since you are lacking the facts regarding this case - you have no idea whether in fact there was aftercare.

    Your whole premise is - a defective product has a defective manufacturer process and therefore should not have produced anything at all.

    why not simply blame any parent who has a kid who went off the derech? They should not have had that child!

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  29. Not sure why you think fm is hateful. I see a passionate man who is frustrated with religious hypocrisy. And he is willing to call people out on it. I find the analysis of a BTs intriguing. It sounds like there is value in checking your brain out and leaving your questions cough cough women's questions at the door. If the Torah and the interpretation isn't prepared to stand up to serious criticism then Houston we have a problem!!!! You aren't going to sell a secular Jew much less a disillusioned FFB on anything.

  30. “He acknowledged that it was possible that the truth was like I said but said that it didn't matter because Yoel Weiss deserved the attacks because Rivky Stein could only get justice in the Orthodox Jewish system by this type of attack. In short he refused to even consider apologizing for attacking Yoel. This is not anger - it is pure hate. With hate, you can't be happy until the object of your hate is destroyed. Anger disappears with the issues are ameliorated.”

    Now, if Tamar Epstein hates Aaron, according to this, Tamar won’t be happy until Aaron is destroyed.

    (internet 2012):

    “Supporters of Tamar Epstein, whose ex-husband, Aharon Friedman, refuses to give her a religious divorce, have been pressuring Friedman's boss, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, to fire Friedman. They have protested in front of Camp's office, signed a petition at, started a website ( and in February, bombarded Camp's official congressional Facebook page. But Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah International, which supports Jewish women seeking divorces, said social media has little effect because many husbands still are resistant after all the bullets have been fired."

    Question: Is Aaron destroyed with Kamenistky and Greenblatt acquiescing to Tamar Epstein, Aaron’s wife, living with another man, with Aaron alive and well and refusing to divorce Tamar?

    Does anybody seriously object to Kamenitsky and Greenblatt telling Tamar to separate from the fellow she’s living with? Do they have any halachic reasoning?

    The Torah’s way is peaceful and makes for happiness: ”Her ways are pleasant ways, And all her paths, peaceful. She is a tree of life to those who grasp her, And whoever holds on to her is happy.” (Proverbs 3:17-18).


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