Thursday, February 25, 2016

The unpleasant details of how Tamar Epstein destroyed her marriage with the encouragement of the Kaminetskys (part 3)

How Rabbi Schachter’s conferring papal infallibility upon Rabbi Kamenetsky led Rabbi Kamenetsky to believe he could annul a marriage: Part 3

The terrible travesty of justice in this case is not just that Tamar decided to have custody litigated in court instead of in Beis Din – although this decision by itself is extremely troubling and contrary to halacha. The terrible travesty in this case is that the destruction of a family with a young child could have been avoided. And even if divorce was going to occur, it could have been settled amicably and quietly. 

Instead of pursuing either of these two outcomes, the Kamenetskys encouraged the Epstein family to engage in no-holds barred warfare against Aharon, the Baltimore Beis Din, and even the very notion of halacha, and a Jewish community. This has included kidnapping the parties’ child and then getting that kidnapping to be treated as a fait accompli by violating several agreements between the parties, tricking Aharon into canceling a pendete lite civil court trial in which it was likely that the child would be returned in order to bring the case to Beis Din, committing perjury in court and the Baltimore Beis Din, violating the Baltimore Beis Din’s orders regarding dismissing the civil court case, and then successfully arguing in civil court that Aharon couldn’t contest the kidnapping because he had voluntarily cancelled the pendete lite trial to bring the case to Beis Din. 

There is no low to which this campaign would not stoop or any level of crime in which they would not engage, including a vicious Tisha Ba’av assault (in which Cheryl Epstein [Tamar’s mother] signaled her henchmen to attack by telling the child to give Aharon a kiss) that endangered the life of the child and constituted Federal capital crimes, and a capital crime under halacha.  Instead of protesting against the Kamenetskys’ horrible abuses, other rabbis [with the notable exception of Rabbis Eidensohn] were generally silent or cheered them on, with Rabbi Schachter bestowing Rabbi Kamenetsky with papal infallibility.

Parts 1 and 2 described what happened before 2010.

The following describes what happened next:

Tamar again filed for absolute divorce and obtained a divorce on April 12, 2010, pursuant to Maryland’s no-fault divorce law.

The Baltimore Beis Din refused demands by Tamar and the Kamenetskys that the Beis Din order that a get be given.  The Beis Din had held several hearings with the participation of both parties and ruled that there was no obligation to give a get. 

In an attempt to override the Baltimore Beis Din, on May 12, 2010, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky wrote a public letter purporting to rule that Tamar is an agunah, and urging the public to pressure Aharon.  It has been reported in both the secular and mainstream media that Rabbi Kamenetsky has longstanding financial and personal ties to Tamar’s family.  [  “Dr. Epstein [Tamar’s father] was an active supporter of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia, a religious school for Orthodox Jewish boys and young men in Overbrook. He volunteered his medical services to the school and was on call to care for the students 24/7, said a close friend, Rick Goldfein [Tamar’s lawyer].”  Rabbi Kamenetsky is founder and dean of the school. "Dr. Dovid Epstein, z’l," Yated Ne’eman, May 4, 21012 (noting how close Dr. Epstein was to Rabbi Kamenetsky and featuring a picture of the two, and Dr. Epstein’s involvement in the Philadelphia Orthodox community). The letter was written on the letterhead of the Philadelphia yeshiva of which Rabbi Kametesky serves as rosh yeshiva. 

This letter by Rabbi Kamenetsky was an outrageous attack on the legitimacy of Beis Din.  The letter by Rabbi Kamenetsky was a clear declaration that very wealthy families who are significant financial contributors to yeshivos and other community organizations have a right to get the rabbis to whom the wealthy families contribute money to override any Beis Din decision if the wealthy family doesn’t like the way that the Beis Din rules.

In June 2010, the Washington Beis Din sent another hazmana [summons] to Aharon, claiming that because Tamar had shown them a copy of a civil divorce decree and court ordered financial settlements and custody arrangements [making most of C’s time with Aharon impossible because of Shabbos] that the Washington Beis Din claimed “seem prima facie to be in line with common divorce settlements” thus indicating that the “court has settled all issues” and that Aharon had refused to give a get, the Washington Beis Din would be “forced to publicize [Aharon’s] wrongdoing” unless Aharon appears before the Washington Beis Din and proves (1) the court documents to be invalid, (2) that a get was given or (3) a “grievously extraordinary reason” that would justify Aharon’s action.   The letter was signed by Rabbis Winter and Klavan.

In August 2010, Rabbi Kamenetsky wrote another letter purporting to rule that Tamar is an agunah and urging the public to put pressure against not only Aharon, but also his family.  The letter was written on the letterhead of the Philadelphia yeshiva.

In August 2010 the ORA organization, of which Rabbi Hershel Schachter serves as posek, publicly denounced Aharon, even before trying to contact him to obtain his side of the story – contrary to ORA’s claim that it attempts to obtain information from both sides before publicly intervening against one party.  ORA publicly distributed defamatory letters with Aharon’s picture and that of his mother and uncle.  They demonstrated against Aharon’s mother, his uncle, and the shul of which Aharon’s uncle is rav.  The demonstrations continued for several years, and included a physical assault against a family member of Aharon.  These attacks against Aharon and his family directly contradict statements by ORA and Rabbi Schachter that action can only be taken with regard to a get pursuant to a ruling of a beis din.

In August 2010, Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum, who became rabbi of the Young Israel of Greater Washington upon the passing of Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, told Aharon that he was forbidden from getting an aliyah in shul.

In September 2010, the Washington Beis Din ruled that it had no right to get involved in the case, as Aharon had argued to the Washington Beis Din.

On November 18, 2010, Tamar filed a contempt motion against Aharon in Court, demanding that C’s relationship with Aharon be limited to “supervised visits” – that is, C could not be alone with Aharon.  Tamar alleged that she had used tracking devices [hidden, amongst other places, in C’s diaper wipes and stuffed teddy bear] to prove that Aharon and C were outside the vicinity of her house. Aharon then filed a contempt motion alleging that Tamar had repeatedly refused to let C be with him during times they were to be together under the Order and asking that the Order be modified to remove the vicinity restriction. Aharon argued that Tamar and her family had made the Philadelphia area dangerous for Aharon and C to spend time in.  Tamar argued that the vicinity restriction should stay in place, and denied that there was any danger to Aharon or C.

On December 9, 2010, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky wrote another public letter attacking Aharon and claiming that Aharon is “mechuyav” [obligated] to give a get, and also noting with approval a public demonstration against Aharon, scheduled for December 19, 2010.  The letter was written on the letterhead of the Philadelphia yeshiva.  Rabbi Schachter added his signature to this letter.

On December 17, 2010, the Washington Vaad released a public letter: “We, the members of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington, are fully cognizant and aware of the communal concern and polarization of opinions surrounding the dissolution of the marriage of Tamar Epstein and Aharon Friedman. While we truly empathize and understand the feelings on both sides we must follow the objectivity of Torah values and halakhic principles as our guide if we are not simply to react to the powerful emotions of the moment. These emotions, though legitimate, may or may not lead us in the proper direction, while halakhah can always serve as our roadmap in times of trouble.” The letter acknowledged that “First, at this time there is no Bet Din order for Mr. Friedman to give a get. Second, there is no Bet Din statement indicating a refusal to comply with a Bet Din’s order to give a get (a siruv) that exists at this time. …” 

Later that afternoon, a group deeming itself “Concerned Members of the Greater Washington Jewish Community,” including the leaders of the Orthodox Union’s Washington D.C. office, responded to the Washington Vaad’s letter by supporting the ORA rally, and demanding that the Washington Vaad backtrack from its position and pressure Aharon to immediately give a get.

On December 22, 2010, the Baltimore Beis Din stated in the Washington Jewish Week: ”Currently, the Epstein-Friedman case remains open but dormant, as “neither party has approached” the Baltimore beit din, requesting that it reconvene, according to Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, a rabbi on the court. “Right now,” he said, “the ball is in [Epstein’s] court” because, as the party seeking the get, she is responsible for reinitiating proceedings. Since the court has yet officially to order a get, Shuchatowitz said, it’s “a bit premature” to be holding rallies and other events meant “to pressure [Friedman] because he’s not been given his day in court.” After all, “you can’t disobey something you’ve not been told to do.”

The Baltimore Beis Din made this statement based on its understanding of the case at the time.  This was even though Tamar’s to’ain Goldfein had repeatedly and successfully lied to the Baltimore Beis Din and fooled them about the circumstances under which Tamar had violated the Beis Din’s order regarding dismissing the case from civil court.  The Baltimore Beis Din would later issue a letter apologizing to Aharon regarding the Baltimore Beis Din’s misunderstanding regarding what happened in civil court.  But it is important to note that even with that misunderstanding, the Baltimore Beis Din’s position all along was that it was wrong to demonstrate against Aharon and that the ball was in Tamar’s court if she wanted a get.

On December 23, 2010, ORA responded by circulating a letter written by its posek, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, claiming that because Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky had purported to rule that Tamar was an agunah and that Aharon was obligated to give a get, the fact that no beis din had issued any such ruling was irrelevant.  Rabbi Schachter wrote that Aharon must be pressured to give a get because Rabbi Kamenetsky had said so.  Rabbi Schachter explained that the basis of his ruling to follow Rabbi Kamenetsky was “sod hashem le’ruv” and “kvar horah zaken,” essentially meaning that Rabbi Kamenetsky’s word must be treated as the word of G-d.  Rabbi Schachter wrote that Aharon's situation is the same as "a slave whose master provides for him a Canaanite maidservant, that until now it is has been permissible, and now it is forbidden" who should be beaten until death. Furthermore, Rabbi Schachter specifically wrote that any person can take the law into his own hands to beat Aharon to death. 

Rabbi Schachter's actions in the case so directly contradict his earlier statement on the halachic aspects of these matters that it almost appears as if his earlier statement was specifically intended to protest against the very actions in which Rabbi Schachter himself and ORA would later engage.

“What is important to keep in mind is that whoever is chalashing for [wants]... a get must consult with rabbonim... with respect to issues of pressuring the other to give the get. You have to go to batai dinim and everything has to be done with a legitimate beis din. Sometimes people will go to criminals. Unfortunately there are criminals in every field. There are rabbis that are criminals also. Unfortunately, the husband or the wife will go to a Beis Din that has an awful reputation, and they will recommend things that are against halacha. You have to go to a reputable Beis Din and the Beis Din should give proper advice....

The Batai Dinim have a special obligation, the role of the Beis Din b'zman haze, is to maintain law and order. That people shouldn’t skin each other alive and that people should act decently towards each other.”

This letter from Rabbi Schachter and intense intimidation from the Kamenetskys and others was successful in silencing the Baltimore Beis Din.  For many years, they were too afraid to again publicly defend Aharon even though their position was that demonstrations against him were wrong.  The Baltimore Beis Din explained that the Kamenetskys and the other rabbis attacking Aharon were in another league, and that therefore the Beis Din would not publicly contest them.

However, to their great credit the Baltimore Beis Din refused to be bullied by the Kamenetskys into issuing any ruling of any sort against Aharon that the Beis Din knew would be without any halachic basis whatsoever, such as ordering that a get be given.

As Tamar, her family, Frederic Goldfein and the Kametnetskys could not bully either the Baltimore Beis Din or the Washington Beis Din to do as they demanded, that is issue a ruling against Aharon that would have been without any basis, they shopped around for yet another beis din to intervene.  In January 2011, Tamar asked the Beis Din of America (BDA) to issue a hazmana [summons] to Aharon.  Rabbi Weissmann, the administrator of the BDA called the Baltimore BD, which told Rabbi Weissmann that the parties had signed a shtar beirurim with the Baltimore BD.  The BDA concluded that it had no right to intervene in the case and refused to issue a hazmana to Aharon.

It is not known how many other batai din Tamar, Goldfein and the Kamenetskys shopped around. 

In February 2011, Tamar’s lawyer and to’ain, Frederic Goldfein asked the criminal Rabbi Mordechai Martin Wolmark to get involved in the case – according to Goldfein’s testimony at the Mendel Epstein trial in Federal district court in Trenton.  Goldfein was forced to testify when he was given immunity.  The United States Justice Department had declared in a court affidavit that if Goldfein was not given immunity he would likely invoke his Fifth Amendment right against seld-incrimination and refuse to testify.

According to Goldfein’s testimony, Goldfein and Cheryl Epstein (Tamar’s mother) met with Wolmark in February 2011.  According to Goldfein’s testimony, Goldfein and Wolmark exchanged dozens of emails.

According to Goldfein’s testimony, in June 2011, Wolmark arranged for a criminal enterprise, known as the Agudas Harabanim,  to issue a so-called hasra’a achrona [final warning] to Aharon, ruling that Tamar was an agunah.


  1. How does the author here know who encouraged Tamar to run away with the child or do whatever other tactics she engaged in? Perhaps she decided to do so on her own or perhaps with the advice of her mother only and not the other third parties being blamed above. How is the above writer assuming the blame lies where he places it?

  2. I see that you don't accept that Shmuel Kaminetsky is a prophet speaking from heaven. Is it not obvious that if Herschel Schechter paskened that he was a prophet and heavenly that is must be true? And once you have this twisted, and refuse to accept RSK as a heavenly sent prophet in all that he says, you go ahead an attack Herschel Shachter. Actually, I can condone what you say about Herschel Schechter. He is the one who is heard on tape telling people that husbands who don't give a GET on demand may be murdered. And yet, why has he not followed his own pesak and killed the dozens and dozens of husbands who refuse a GET to their wife? Obviously, everything that he says is not to be believed, unless of course, what he says about Shmuel Kaminetsky. I am sure that even Herschel Schechter would not lie about what goes on in heaven.

  3. Why would you bring this up again?
    What are you trying to prove?

    Going to a secular court is not a 'travesty of justice" - at most it is against halacha but something probably very common in divorce cases.

    Claims of a mother kidnapping her daughter? All this shock that rabbonim are siding against a man who refuses to give a get because the mother got custody?
    All he had to do was give the get and accept that he, like most of the divorced men in the world, and in line with halacha, didn't get custody.
    One begins to understand why she wanted to divorce him. A sign of maturity is knowing when to let go.

    Time to move on.

  4. Lol, who cares, mamazer on the way, the war has to be taken to the next level to the streets

  5. It is for you to move on as well. You feel that a 'progressive' view on the halacha is OK and others feel that TE's future child from this match will be a mamzer. Done. We move on.

  6. They clearly supported her actions.

    ...אמרה לפניו (מדת הדין), רבונו של עולם, היה בידם למחות ולא מיחו, אמר לה גלוי וידוע לפני שאם מיחו בהם לא יקבלו מהם, אמרה לפניו, רבונו של עולם, אם לפניך גלוי, להם מי גלוי... מתוך שהיה לו לפנחס למחות לחפני ולא מיחה, מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו חטא. (שבת נה א וב

  7. A Jew going to non-Jewish courts most certainly is a travesty of justice.

  8. It's being brought up again because for far too long feminists backed by corrupt and/ignorant people have been distorting the Torah. We're taking a stand here to send a message to other women: don't try this when you're breaking up your home.

    "...accept that he, like most of the divorced men in the world, and in line with halacha, didn't get custody."

    Which Halacha? That the girls go to the mother? The Halacha, in its totality, is not for daughters being cut-off from their fathers, nor for settling of family matters outside the Bais Din in a non-Jewish civil court.

    Plenty of tines women lose custody to the husband. Why aren't you suggesting that all Tamar has to do is give over custody to Aharon, receive a Get, and move on? All Tamar initially had to do was stay in the DC area and she would have had a Get seven years ago.

    Would you be so cavalier as to let a violation of Halacha slide if it involved your life directly? If a restaurant supposedly under Hasgacha served you pork on your plate would you accept their explanation " most it is against halacha but something probably very common in [restaurants]."

    A prominent Posek accepted by all parties could solve this mess in a heartbeat by ruling that the Heter is false, that Tamar must return to DC, that she must petition the court to give her child more time with the father, and that she must return to the Baltimore Bais Din. Case closed

  9. Nathan, leil shishi tonight, Eifo?

  10. This should be a palatable pshoro for all parties concerned and al pi shulchan aruch. Teitse mize umize lemehadrin and not just lechumre. She than is free to move on and do even much better. Some even move on to kol mekadesh shvi'i. If there is a VLAD as well, then Houston, we've got a problem.

  11. "Time to move on." Here we see again the well worn canard of the MO feminists. However that canard is only utilized to silence men who request their halachic rights, while its never utilized to silence women demanding what they're not entitled to al pi halacha.

    The next time a woman demands anything in a divorce conflict will you also say "Time to move on."?

  12. Pheh on you. You read this version of events, and you consider how a father trying to keep a kesher with his daughter was treated for nearly a decade, and this is your response? Time to move on?

    Maybe someday, you or someone you know will be wearing this shoe. And maybe, after a conglomeration of corrupt rabbonim and their misguided rabbinical 'second tier' followers have been רודף you for long enough, you might then view the situation a bit differently.

    Oh, and you with your 'mature' outlook obviously have no kids. Parents NEVER let go of their relationship with their children. Never. Nor should they.

  13. Politically IncorrectFebruary 26, 2016 at 10:02 AM

    "All he had to was give the get......" THE get???? What 'get'?? Who warranted a get!? Is there any actual get here? More so, is there any actual warrant of a get? So why the get?

    "...and 'accept' (!) that he, like most of the divorced men in the world, and in line with halacha, didn't get custody."

    In line with halacha? Whose 'halacha'? (Perhaps as it says in Tehillim Ch. 78 , "Ruach holaich v'lo yoshuv.......)

    "One begins to understand why she wanted to divorce him. "

    The speculating yenta.

    A sign of maturity is knowing when to let go. " Or perhaps, a sign of maturity is not to judge others too quick.

    Further reflecting on that last line indicates that you never were in court..........I rest my case...

  14. How come Sod H' liyereiov didn't disclose the whole sod of how to be mafkia a Kidushin - but only partially? If it didn't work, then how about trying to pitch the ball a second time, maybe this time you get to know the whole sod how to mafkia chad vecholok? If it won't fly the second time either, then why is the Get only lechumra? You do indeed need a Full Blown Get *LEKATCHILA*, and calling it lechumra is nothing but a face saving technique of the am horatzus of not knowing the Halacha, im ken what kind of business is it mingling with things beyond their grasp. Don't they know "Mi she'eino baki betiv gittin vekidushin lo yehe esek imohem"? You are insulting our intelligence. This is another cheap coverup leksus enayim.

    Furthermore, since they discovered to their dismay that a full blown Get is called for, isn't that the reason why the shtorei beirurin both have signed for in BBD, vechi ma lochem ultsoro hazos? Why do they think they can just butt in once it is already in the hands of a BD? The same Q goes for the Heter of matir domon shel Yisrael with iskei kash voteven vechol sha'ar divrei havel. We know quite well how the flow chart follows: The order of the beatings in code language stamped three times behechsher ORA Umachshirov: -the money upfront of $60 K made out in several checks to the Grand Butcher *ME* which is further subdivided in pizza pie slices accordingly :-Masked scum of the earth goons anshei bliya'al ubnei avlo wait for the signal of 'veroav lo vekam olov' hidden in a sealed kiss: -Beat another jew on the head on Tisha Ba'av mind you right in front of his child when we are misabeil on the churban of Beis haMikdash that was destroyed for sinat chinam: Then the Declaration of Independence: TAMAR IS FREE! Free my foot.

    Was this order of kvar hoire hazoken beating nisgale along with the other soidos of Sod Hashem lireiov? Or possibly hoisif nofech mishelo umidaato? If you think that you got off the hook for song and a dance bedinei demalchusse, there is still a "VehoElokim yevakesh es hanirdaf" waiting for you in the wings. Ever heard of "VehoElokim ino leyodo"? Have you ever dreamed that ALL THE GEDOILEI POSKIM from all over the world will intervene on Aron's behalf shining the Spotlight on you, and yes, for the so called little people that you think are expendable? Think again! The floodlights of the world is upon you, and you don't have where to hide. You run to R' Dovid, 'oy vey', please help us, we were caught red handed inside the cookie jar, and we need some face savings. You can run but you cannot hide, veono miponecho evroch.

    Hashem is watching together with the Gedoilei Olam, and his Right hand watching with fatherly love over R' Aron N'Y' so that *JUSTICE SHALL BE SERVED*!!!

    Lo sachnifu es ho'oretz, and there is no nesius panim klapei Hashem. All of those participating in Rodef achar Aharon will pay dearly for every drop of Blood they spilled without exceptions. And then after that, you will beg and pray for forgiveness, M'hashem UmiYisroel.

  15. Can you please explain the connection between custody and a GET?

  16. Sure. First, please review the Rama's Seder HaGet. That is the starting point. If you still have any questions after having done even a cursory review of the Seder HaGet, we'll be glad to discuss it then.

  17. You did not answer my question, sorry.
    My question was "what's the connection between custody and a Get?
    I quote david's piece that my question related to:

    "All he had to do was give the get and accept that he, like most of the divorced men in the world, and in line with halacha, didn't get custody."

  18. Politically IncorrectMarch 1, 2016 at 2:58 AM

    Al pi halacha, he doesn't get custody??? Once get is given, the HALACHICALLY ENTITLED leverage is gone....

  19. I misunderstood your point.

  20. And what's the connection please?

  21. Moshe: The connection is the judicial beis din process. If one party to a multifaceted dispute between people violates and ignores their halachic obligation vis-a-vis beis din, the dayanim have the right to penalize that party in all manners they see fit.

    So if a party violates halacha in a custody matter, and seeks arkaos/secular court to render a decision on custody kneged halacha - rather than properly having the dispute adjudicated in beis din as halacha mandates, the beis din can say your request seeking a Get is frozen until you correct your unhalachic actions in custody matters.

    You can replace the above point regarding unhalachic action in custody with unhalachic actions in asset distribution (i.e. secular court, etc.) and have the same linage to the Get request.

  22. My point was: when people connect custody to giving or not a Get, I want to see the Halachik connection to it, so far no one has given an explanation.

  23. Are you saying that the Dayanim may also force a Get or punish the innocent CHildren from seeing a mother or Father?

  24. Whether most men don't get custody in non-Jewish courts is meaningless as far as Jews are concerned and their divorces, halacha and beis din. We Jews must go according to halacha and butei dinim not non-Jewish laws and non-Jewish courts.

  25. The Rama clearly says to give the get after custody has been properly settled. The Rama is in Seder Haget.

  26. The dayanim may force a Get in the rare circumstances where the Shulchan Aruch says (based on Chazal) that they may force it.

    Beis Din never should prevent the children from seeing their father or mother, or even limiting their time with either parent as a punishment. That would be a punishment against the children who are innocent, so should not occur. The B"D would only punish the parent who in non-compliant with beis din and halacha in a manner that doesn't affect the children.

  27. Please provide exact "Sief" in Seder Haget


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