Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tropper's Lakewood meeting with Kol Yaakov alumni

Yehoshua wrote:

I just received this letter from Kol Yaakov yeshiva. It is postmarked January 28, 2010 and the letter itself is dated January 25, 2010 on KolYaakov letterhead. I typed it out because I don't have a scanner.

As you can read below, whomever sent this letter still believes in Tropper and fund raising is still on-going.

Dear fellow alumni,

Every morning for the past 26 years,without fail, Hilchos Lashon Hara from the sefer Chofetz Chaim have been learned in the Bais Medrash of Kol Yaakov, your Bais Medrash, after shacharis. This emphasis on binding together learning and character development in a tangible way is part of what makes Kol Yaakov so special.

This past month, Kol Yaakov Torah Center has endured one of the most challenging periods of its 29 year history. Kol Yaakov has emerged whole and is forging ahead.

Just this past Sunday, Rabbi Tropper and alumni of the yeshiva from Lakewood, Passaic, and Philadelphia gathered together in Lakewood for an asifa. Everyone took time out of their busy schedules to hear Divrei Torah from Rabbi Tropper, spend time with fellow alumni, and to gain new chizuk and direction.

As alumni of Kol Yaakov, you are the most important people outside of the walls of the yeshiva to its health and continued growth. Please take the opportunity to be personally mechazek the yeshiva: taking time to learn and daven in the Bais Medrash, calling the yeshiva office to share your simchos, and donating much needed funds to help ensure our future. Even if you are not able to visit the Bais Medrash personally, please reach out and call Rabbi Tropper and the yeshiva – reconnect to Rabbi Tropper and your Makom Torah.

Together, we will continue to emerge from this nisayon not as only as strong and healthy as before but in an even better position to broaden and intensify the yeshiva’s mission of teaching Torah, helping create a new generation of Tamidei Chachomim and strengthening Jewish life.


Yonason Meadows  Binhyomin Segall  Amitai Bielinki  Yaakov Gruber


  1. Rabbi Eidenson, May I assume, that by you receiving this letter, you learned in Kol Yaakov yourself?

  2. You should have noted at the top of the post that it says Yehoshua wrote:

    No I never learned in Kol Yaakov

  3. Joshua, Former Kol Yaakov,
    There is nothing wrong in supporting Kol Yaakov, a true Mokom Torah. The Rabeim are excceptional people. Please don't place all the Bochrim and Alummni in this mess. There are plenty of us who are hurt and humiliated by all this.

  4. Josh said...

    Joshua, Former Kol Yaakov,
    There is nothing wrong in supporting Kol Yaakov, a true Mokom Torah. The Rabeim are excceptional people. Please don't place all the Bochrim and Alummni in this mess. There are plenty of us who are hurt and humiliated by all this.
    I agree you are hurt and humiliated by this but I'd like to understand your viewpoint.

    1) Do you and other Kol Yaakov students think that tropper is guilty or is a victim of a plot to destroy him?
    2) If you think he is guilty - do you think it is appropriate for him to be rosh yeshiva and why?

    3) If you think he is innocent what do you feel about the lack of support from the rabbis he used to support?

  5. This Yonasan Meadows is in charge of outreach for EJF! So we see how Tropper really is still involved.

  6. I wish I knew either way if he is guilty or not. It would bring a certain closure to me and many others. I don't know what others feel. However I do think he should not be leading the Yeshivah. There are highly competent Rabbeim on the staff who are able to lead the Yeshiva.
    In terms of a conspiracy, I wish I knew. Time will tell...
    Thank you for understanding our pain, beleive me no one is happy about this terrible Chilul shem shomaim.

  7. I personally benefited from the Yeshiva and have sent money in the past. But after this scandal with Tropper, I won't give any money until he is removed as the head. The fact the letter prominently requests my support for not just the Yeshiva, but for Tropper also, makes it clear to me a lot needs to change before the institution is straightened out and deserves my support.

  8. I found that Yonason Meadows is not only director of development for Kol Yaakov, per the letterhead, but also for Horizons and EJF as shown in his LinkedIn profile:

    The three institutions are clearly intertwined, sharing at least some of the same staff.

  9. My head is still mamish spinning from the complete lack of any response from the Charedi world.

    Rabbi Eidensohn, what is the conclusion to be drawn from all this? Is it as terrible as it seems? I don't even want to articulate what seems to come out of all this...

  10. ..."The three institutions are clearly intertwined, sharing at least some of the same staff..."
    I am not trying to 'spam' the forum but I asked the following question on another tropper topic and lost it.
    As I am getting deeper int research of the players in ropper's world, I see many questionable connections sill in place.

    My question is: How can anyne believe Tropper is not still incharge of EJF? One of his faculty menbers of his 'yeshiva' is a dayin on the Monsey Beis din which meets in the EJF building. Rabbi Dovid Jacobs who was an assigned 'converting rabbi' at EJF remains there and is on staff at Horizons. This makes me distrust the leaders even more. They are not only ignoring the problem, they are sayin, by their silence, that we are stupid. Complete control is had when the subjecs are kept in the dark and spoon fed 'truth'.

  11. If a man can be known by nothing els, then he maye bee known by his companions.
    [1591 H. Smith Preparative to Marriage 42]

    To Tropper's talmidim:
    Find another yeshiva.

    Any Rabbi who has not condemned Tropper's disgusting behavior is his companion in it.

  12. Everyone took time out of their busy schedules to hear Divrei Torah from Rabbi Tropper

    Divrei torah from the mouth which said
    "I want to sqeeze you cutie pie" and "I could role-play a rape with you but I couldn't actually rape you" ?

    It is like making gefilte fish out of Shrimp and crab meat.


  13. Rav Reuvein Feinstein's TalmidFebruary 1, 2010 at 3:48 PM

    Bemakom Chillul Hashem Ain Cholkim Kavod LaRav.

    When Torah is watered down to such a degree that a person with the title of Rav conducts himself no greater than an African-American golfer, we have a problem.

    The Torah wrote the laws of Zaken Mamrei and Navi Sheker because the Torah understood that as long as their is power and benefit to be gained through leadership, there will be some unscrupulous people trying to exploit the nation's vulnerabilities. The Torah doesn't scream Lo Sassur from fraudulent masqueraders of Judaism, such people aren't given the time of day to continue to besmirch the name of Hashem further with their antics.

    When the leaders of the generation sit back and silently refuse to lead out of appreciation for the positive attributes the masquerader has or for other reasons, they failed to lead and caused a greater Chillul Hashem. Daas Torah shouldn't be decided based upon the P.R. firm one hires, nor should it be decided based upon the reaction to an essay by an organizational spokesman, rather it must be based upon Torah principles and laws.

    Sitting back with arms folded in refusal is not Torah and has caused a Chillul Hashem to turn into a Chillul Hashem of monumental proportion. When a Chillul Hashem is being perpetrated on such a mass scale, Ain Cholkim Kavod LaRav.

    Either the American generational leaders follow the words of the Torah, or the money flow to their mosdos will be cut off completely. Tom Kaplan and Mr. Fruchthandler can't support every mossad in America by themselves. They have until February 5, 2010 to choose wisely, or seal their own fate. They must choose whether it's Kaplan's money or Hashem's Torah they are following.

    U'Bacharta BaChaim!!

  14. They have until February 5, 2010 to choose wisely...

    What happens February 5th?

  15. ..." Rav Reuvein Feinstein's Talmid said....They must choose whether it's Kaplan's money or Hashem's Torah they are following..."
    Did smenoe here just issue an ultimatum? Given Rav Feinstein's position at EJF, scratch that name off the list of leaders doing anything to correct this matter. Exactly what are the consequences for noncompliance?

  16. The sad reality is that 3 out of 4 of those who sent out this letter have no choice, because if Tropper's is passeled, then so are they as Jews. Vahamavin Yeivin. Someone should step up and assure all Tropper converts that their geirus will remain intact, despite Tropper being posul.

  17. ..."Kosher geirus said...
    The sad reality is that 3 out of 4 of those who sent out this letter have no choice, because if Tropper's is passeled, then so are they as Jews. Vahamavin Yeivin. Someone should step up and assure all Tropper converts that their geirus will remain intact, despite Tropper being posul..."
    What about any candidates for conversion who were left hanging in this mess? No mikvah after being accepted? "We arre waiting until the dust settles..." Is that suppsed to comfort the convert? No waving 'bye-bye' as the candidate walked out the door totally unaware of the breaking story. What?? Start over somewhere else? This was the second try after being blackmailed by another EJF controlled beis din. Out of money and out of trust in the whole process and running as far as posible from anything hareidi.

  18. Someone should step up and assure all Tropper converts that their geirus will remain intact, despite Tropper being posul.
    Tropper demanded from those gerim who got converted by rabbis he did not like (read Modern orthodox rabbis) to get giyur lechumra from him.

    Now it is time for Tropper’s converts to get a giyor lechumra, maybe the RCA can step in and offer giyur lechumra to EJF’s converts.

    Or even r’ Bomzer can offer giyur lechumra to those unfortunate converts.

  19. Let me just say this: I've already had one geirus l'chumrah. I'm not going to keep chasing after them for the rest of my life. I lead a respectable frum life. At this point if it's not enough for this rav or that rav, I don't really care, because I KNOW it's enough for HKBH.

  20. Dov said..."maybe the RCA can step in and offer giyur lechumra to EJF’s converts..."
    RCA wants a mimimum $1800.00 and a possible waiting/learning time f 2 years. Is this right? If a candidate was ruled acceptable by the bies din and then put on hold for a mikvah, why start over? It seems the punishment is to the wrong person (s).

  21. Yehoshua,

    What was the purpose of posting this letter you rcvd on this blog?

  22. personally benefited from the Yeshiva and have sent money in the past.


    Thank you for posting the letter, just curious, I am sure you know that Horizons/Kol Yaakov/EJF has a lot of millions in their coffers (8 millions last year, check the income tax return of HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. EIN=13-4077539)

    So why did you give them money? they do not need your money, I am sure you can find charities who REALLY need the money.

    It is like sending money to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, good cause but for sure they do not need your money

  23. What was the purpose of posting this letter you rcvd on this blog?

    I guess the purpose was to inform the klal that the Tropper machine is working in full blown mode, and that the Tropper’s zombies believe that he is innocent, and they try to convince other people that Tropper is innocent.

  24. the Monsey Tzadik,

    You wrote last week,"Incidentally , Lakewood is the place where the tape of Rabbi Bloch condemning Tropper and his vile acts ( in 2005!!!) are easily available for sale"

    Could you tell me/us which "vile" acts are spoken about on that tape?
    Where can I get a hold of this tape?

  25. careful:

    I posted the letter to inform those who need to know about the ongoing efforts of the Yeshiva to rehabilitate Tropper's image.

  26. Shannon Orand is doing her own fundraising in Houston for Chabad.

  27. Josh said...

    Joshua, Former Kol Yaakov,
    There is nothing wrong in supporting Kol Yaakov, a true Mokom Torah. The Rabeim are excceptional people. Please don't place all the Bochrim and Alummni in this mess. There are plenty of us who are hurt and humiliated by all this.

    Yes, you are a victim of the olam’s failure to police itself.

    However, there is a different viewpoint concerning the rabeim and alumni that needs to be considered.

    You may be from an earlier crop. But what is seen these days is that tropper has developed an affinity to those whose value systems are flawed. He has sought to recruit those who are ambitious, vicious and vindictive like himself and place them in positions of authority. When he finds such a candidates whose Jewishness is questionable, he does a quick giyur "l’chumrah" for each. But many believe that if a person’s Jewishness is in question, a quick giyur just-in-case is not good enough. He calls them Jews for his own political purposes. Though I am told that R’ Eidensohn may censor this fact, there is at least one gun-wielding student of his in a position of authority who fits this description, and others who use politics instead of guns to feel powerful. These tropper converts believe that they are the new Jewish elite, and are proud of their ruthlessness and amorality. Not everyone accepts them as Jews, yet they have power over Jews. Just visit EJF.

    Kol Yaakov rabeim do have reputations as sweet and adel people. But that does not mean that they are exceptional. If they have been aware of tropper’s schemes and activities (and there is no way they could have been completely unaware) yet have continued to work for him, then they are merely sweet, low-key individuals. None would be capable of the day-to-day activities involved in running a yeshiva.

    There is a certain feeling of superiority that a rebee in a baal t’shuvah yeshiva can acquire, and it comes from being idolized by those who become frum out of belief (as opposed to becoming frum for shidduchim, for new financial markets, or just because they want to fit in somewhere). That can become addictive, making it difficult to leave. If these were the first people who you met with this type of personality, it would become easy to confuse them with what is considered exceptional in a mainstream yeshiva. That is one reason some refer to tropper’s BT’s as cult members. From recent posts on this forum, we can see some proof of this from one who is obviously a recent BT there (and seems to have the personality that tropper now seeks).

    Tropper will probably win this round. He is a master debater and has much clout due to the many tens of millions of dollars that he has held over the charedi establishment. He can choose a bais din at will. He can disqualify those who have a history of opposing him. He can object to highly regarded dayanim just because they have accepted his money and cannot remain impartial. Even if it costs him five or ten million dollars of someone else’s money, he can hire an audio-video expert witness to claim that there is always the possibility of some unknown technology that could fake the tapes and videos. He knows how to pressure a bais din, and he certainly knows what makes them tick.

    Even if the tapes are declared genuine, he does not have much to fear in his own circles. Tendler and Finkel have both married off children recently, probably more easily than struggling yeshiva leit can. Tropper has tons of money, charisma, and the sprach.

    But that does not change the fact that some who value Jewish sanctity will never accept tropper or his followers. This fiasco has caused a rift in the frum community, separating those who consider Orthodox Judaism a religion from those who consider it a culture.

    Unfortunately, you are at the heart of it. Most sincere BT’s wish to leave their pasts behind them. This cataclysm will make it much harder for you to do so. I’m sorry.

  28. I predict it won't be over until someone literally drives a stake thru the vampire's heart!


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