Monday, August 9, 2021

Why Tucker Carlson went to Hungary

 That same sort of longing threads through conservative praise of Hungary, where immigration restriction and Hungary-first politics have been attained through pseudo-democratic authoritarian rule. But for right-wing activists in the US, who claim to be populists yet remain suspicious of democracy, that authoritarianism is a selling point rather than a flaw. As many on the right work to enact laws in the US to protect elections from voters, pack courts with partisan judges, and construct loyal propaganda outlets, they turn to Hungary as both inspiration and ally.

GOP official who mocked masks and vaccine dies from virus

Sunday, August 8, 2021

6/12/21– Shiur 326 – Lace Top Sheitels – Are They permissible?

 bottom line - if you follow Rav Moshe it is nothing new and is permitted as hair covering

In addition Rav Moshe held it is the women's mitzva and since she clearly has halachic justification- husband can't tell her no

  6/12/21– Shiur 326 – Lace Top Sheitels – Are They permissible?

June 11, 2021

What's the difference from these to other Sheitlach? Is there really a difference? Can you see the hair underneath? Is there a problem of Maaris Ayin? Is it going against the Torah's will? 

with Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz - Rosh Yeshiva Aish Hatorah – 12:05
with Rabbi Shmuel Felder - Poseik BMG Lakewood – 14:03
with Rabbi Gedaliah Oberlander - Rov, Heichal Menachem, Monsey NY – 17:24
with Hagaon Rav Reuven Feinstein - Rosh Yeshiva Staten Island – 23:48
with Rabbi Daniel Ahron Coren - Rov, Monsey NY – 29:15
with Dini Weinberg - Dinis Wigs – 53:41

Sheitel propoganda continues


Sheitel must make woman unattractive?

 There is another campaign against Sheitel apparently by a group of Breslov Baalei tshuva. This full page add appeared in the latest Bina Magazine. It claims a sheitel must lessen attraction. I have not seen such a claim before it certainly is not in Rav Moshe's discussion of sheitel.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Bowing to a tzadik

 Kedushas Levi(Shoftim)

ספר קדושת לוי - פרשת שופטים

לא תקים לך מצבה. נראה לפרש על פי שאמרו רבותינו ז"ל (אבות ד,כא) התקן עצמך בפרוזדור כדי שתכנס לטרקלין, כי העולם הזה הוא הכנה לעולם הבא ומה שאדם אוכל ושותה הוא כדי להיות בריא וחזק לעבודת השם יתברך ולא להנאת עצמו חס ושלום. והנה מה שאדם אוכל ומתהנה בעולם הזה נקרא לך כמאמר חכמינו ז"ל (פסחים סח ע"ב) חציו לכם. וזהו הרמז לא תקים לך, פירוש תענוגי עולם הזה הנקרא לך. מצבה, פירוש מעמד ומצבה לקיום רק הכנה לעולם הבא:

לשמש או לירח אשר לא צויתי. עיין רש"י אשר לא צויתי לעבדם. וכן שינו הע"ב זקנים לתלמי המלך בהעתיקם התורה לו. והנראה, כי מצינו בתורה שהשתחוו לצדיק כגון עובדיה לאליהו, כי הצדיקים יש להם תורת ה' ומצינו שקרא הקדוש ברוך הוא ליעקב אבינו אל (מגילה יח.) רוצה לומר מחמת שקיים כל התורה היה בבחינת אל כמו כן כל הצדיקים מחמת ציווי התורה יש להם בחינה זו ומותר להשתחוות להם. אבל השמש והירח אשר אין להם ציווי תורתו הקדושה אסור להשתחוות להם. וזהו לשמש או לירח אשר לא צויתי, כלומר שאין להם הציווי שלי, היינו התורה שניתנה לישראל:

Anger over synagogue exemptions as cabinet OKs new Green Pass virus restrictions

 Ministers gave the final go-ahead Thursday night to a plan that will significantly expand restrictions on gatherings under the Green Pass system meant to tamp down runaway coronavirus case numbers, despite misgivings over an 11th-hour decision to exempt places of worship.

Starting Sunday, gatherings of any size, indoors and out, will be limited to those who have been vaccinated, recovered from the virus, or who present a negative COVID test, under the Green Pass system, which will also extend to hotels, restaurants and gyms.

While the plan originally included synagogues and other houses of worship, the plan presented to ministers for a vote Thursday night exempted prayer services with fewer than 50 participants, drawing furious criticism from some cabinet members.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

You shouldn't miss this massive bombshell in Trump's ongoing election fraud lie 

 Unless you have been living on another planet for the past six months, you know by now that Donald Trump leaned on state and national officials in the final days of his presidency to force investigations into made-up claims of widespread election fraud in the 2020 race.

 But the story keeps getting worse -- as we learn more and more about the extremes that Trump-loyal officials were willing to go to in an attempt to overturn the election, with zero proof or evidence to do so.

The latest bombshell came Wednesday with the revelation that Jeffrey Clark, a top official at the Justice Department, composed a draft letter -- which he urged acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and acting deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue to sign onto -- that said the DOJ had "significant concerns that may have impacted of the outcome of the election in multiple States, including the State of Georgia."

Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned violent protests in the last three months

 Tens of thousands of social media users are posting memes that claim that Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has been silent for over three months on the issues of rioting and violence and has only just denounced them because of a dip in the polls. This claim is false: Joe Biden has denounced riots since protests after the death, just over three months ago, of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck.

Trump Begs Federal Judge Not to Turn Over His Tax Returns to Congressional Investigators 

 While the continued legal battle means Congress is unlikely to see Trump’s tax returns anytime soon, if ever, history, at the moment, is not on his side. Earlier this year, a Supreme Court ruling paved the way for Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. to obtain his tax returns, a turn of events Trump responded to by screaming at whatever poor soul had to dictate his words: “These are attacks by Democrats willing to do anything to stop the almost 75 million people (the most votes, by far, ever gotten by a sitting president) who voted for me in the election—an election which many people, and experts, feel that I won.… In the meantime, murders and violent crime are up in New York City by record numbers, and nothing is done about it. Our elected officials don’t care. All they focus on is the persecution of President Donald J. Trump.”

A Trump bombshell quietly dropped last week. And it should shock us all

We’ve become so inured to Donald Trump’s proto-fascism that we barely blink an eye when we learn that he tried to manipulate the 2020 election. Yet the most recent revelation should frighten every American to their core.

On Friday, the House oversight committee released notes of a 27 December telephone call from Trump to then acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, in which Trump told Rosen: “Just say the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R congressmen.” The notes were taken by Richard Donoghue, Rosen’s deputy, who was also on the call.

 For the first time in the history of the United States we did not have a peaceful transition of power. For the first time in American history, a president refused – still refuses – to concede, and continues to claim, with no basis in fact, that the election was “stolen” from him. For the first time in history, a president actively plotted a coup.

‘This Is Some Insane Stuff’: Trump Loyalist Reportedly Pressured DOJ On Election

Black Lives Matter protesters make Palestinian struggle their own

 Black Lives Matter, the US-based movement, recently came out in support of Palestinians’ fight for liberation.