Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Gra criticized Rambam regarding the supernatural

 Gra (Commentary to Shulchan Aruch YD 179:13): Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 179) Uttering an incantation on the wound from a scorpion is permitted even on Shabbos even though this type of remedy is ineffective since the person is in mortal danger. This ruling of the Shulchan Aruch is view of the Rambam (Mishna Torah Avoda Zara 11:11). The Rambam expressed this view also in his comments on the Mishna (Avoda Zara 4:7) However, every rabbinic authority after the Rambam disagreed with him. This is because there are many gemoras describing use of Divine names and witchcraft. The Rambam had such a view because he was influenced by philosophy. Therefore he writes that witchcraft, use of Divine names, incantations, demons, and charms are all false. His view is completely erroneous since we see many descriptions in the gemora of these things. Even the Torah itself gives examples such as Moshe’s staff turning into a snake. The Zohar also describes these things. And there are too many cases to enumerate dealing with incantations. Philosophy has warped his understanding so that he describes all these gemoras as meaningless or interprets them not according to their plain meaning. I don’t accept the philosophers or their approach. To the contrary, all of these stories are to be taken literally. While they in fact have a deeper concealed meaning it is not the understanding of the philosophers which is merely a superficial understanding but rather that of the kabbalists. 


  1. Did the SA disagree with the rambam and still pasken like him?

  2. so the long list of authorities here
    who say there is no requirement to accept aggadot as literally true, yet the Gra claims only Rambam says this and only he was wrong!!


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