Monday, July 3, 2023

Varieties of hashgocha protis

 Netziv (Shemos 34:10): There are four varieties of hashgocha protis which are derived from two basic modes. There are two types mediated by an angel. 1) The angel is given the job of providing protection while on another mission… However this low level is not common for the Jewish people. 2) A particular angel is given the job to provide protection … In these two cases it is possible to make a request of the angel who was entrusted with the job - as we see happened with Lot. There are also two types involving G-d  directly. Concerning livelihood, G-d  is directly in control just as a father gives to his son. In contrast concerning protection and war - even though G-d  is involved - the actual deeds are carried out by an angel. In cases where G-d  Himself is involved, it is prohibited to make a request of Him. Nevertheless the two issues of livelihood and protection are independent of each other. This split has been from the days of Yehoshua - with livelihood arranged by G-d  and protection provided by an angel… It is also important to know that when an angel is in charge by himself, he has no power to alter nature - unless was part of his mission. On the other hand when G-d  Himself is involved, it can be either in a natural way e.g., the livelihood of Jews in Israel or it can be in a miraculous manner. Also the Jews were promised when they formed a covenant with G-d  that they would not be completely exterminated by another nation…


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 3, 2023 at 1:42 PM

    Better title - varieties of pantheism and demigods

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 3, 2023 at 3:18 PM

    So you can make a request of the angels (avodah Zarah), but prohibited from making a request from God almighty.

    I sometimes wonder if the entire orthodox leadership was corrupted by kabbalah / avodah Zarah....


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