Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Dangerous times - G-d's anger

 Netziv (Bereishis 19:26) And his wife looked back – It is astounding that the punishment is blamed on looking back. However this is an expression of a major concept.  At the time of Divine anger Demons (mazikim) are most harmful to important people. Similarly our Sages say that a talmid chochom should not go alone at night because Satan is jealous and harms him. Consequently at that time when G-d was expressing anger while Lot was traveling and Satan was dancing after him but not in front , when his wife looked back she was attacked by the demon (mazik). 

1 comment :

  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 4, 2023 at 1:59 PM

    "At the time of Divine anger Demons (mazikim) are most harmful to important people. "

    The question i have always had is whether this is simply a truism - at a time of danger, the mekatreg is active - are they not the same thing?
    Or is it that when it rains, it pours, i.e. 100 things go wrong when you might expect only 1 thing to happen?


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